The scourge of identity politics is killing entertainment culture one franchise at time. Every now and then someone drops a truth bomb of epic proportions to make sense of the …
The self-induced contagion of identity politics is spreading at alarming rates within the woke halls of Blizzard Entertainment. As I reported earlier this year, Blizzard announced at BlizzCon 2019 that …
Given the news that former EverQuest executive producer has just revealed she is now working for Blizzard, I’m now going to indulge in some speculation as to why she left …
The mystery has been solved. According to Holly Longdale’s LinkedIn page, she’s landed a principal game producer gig at Blizzard Entertainment. What is really interesting is that the former EverQuest …
The intolerant LGBTQ bullies and their busybody allies are at it again. This time they have forced the venerable Japanese video game Nintendo to remove gender from the American version …
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. I am not a healthcare professional. This is my own anecdotal experience. Please consult your physician for medical advice. In recent years as people …
While viewing a Reddit thread about the recent news that leftist billionaire and puppetmaster George Soros is now investing in Activision/Blizzard, I came upon some information about an author named …
In an act of shocking indifference and betrayal to all black gamers, Darkpaw Games a subsidiary of Daybreak Games failed to honor Black History Month within their long-running MMORPGs EverQuest …
I just got back from shopping at Costco in Woodinville, WA. Washington state is one of the main areas affected by the Chinese Coronavirus. I went there to stock up …
You know the left has gone completely mad when gays and lesbians have had enough and are leaving. Who can blame them? For decades, the left has been a natural …
All journeys come to an end. I have uncovered some additional information regarding the future of EverQuest and if you love MMORPGs, it’s not good. In three previous articles where …
Fox Sports has refused to run a 30 second TV spot during today’s 2020 Super Bowl by an organization called Faces of Choice. This organization pleads for the most vulnerable …