Author John A. Douglas visited a Target store a few days ago and took a photo of the fantasy bookshelf. What he found was enlightening: row upon row of Romantasy …
With EverQuest’s 25th anniversary having just passed, I am not only a veteran player, but a person who lived and breathed Norrath from its earliest origins. I have walked its …
The France-based Ubisoft, once a titan of the gaming world, now teeters on the brink of ruin, its reputation battered by self-inflicted wounds and a desperate grasp for relevance. The …
Lets start with insider information you need to know to help your finances. The insider information is: why Warren Buffet Panic sold Apple in Q4 2024. Why? Most people don’t …
During World War 2, Americans helped to liberate the nations that Germany had subjugated. Much of Europe was destroyed and a reduced to pile of smoking rubble. The Allied nations …
American society has become increasingly suspicious of Indian culture in recent years due to scandals involving Indian companies abusing the H-1B visa system. I came across a post today that …
Eucharistic Adoration is a devotional practice within the Catholic Church where the faithful come to worship and meditate in the presence of the Eucharist, which is believed to be the …
Loyal EverQuest fans, brace yourselves for another dose of bitter disappointment. For over 18 months, Daybreak Game Company has dangled a Creative Director job for Darkpaw Games like a carrot …
Role-playing games (RPGs) have long been a bastion of fantasy escapism, providing players with immersive worlds built on medieval European traditions. These games offered heroic adventures, grand quests, and clearly …
The year 2024 A.D. was an important milestone in MMORPG History. EverQuest, the brainchild of Brad McQuaid and John Smedley had somehow survived for a quarter of a century. Over …
If Amazon Games plays their cards right, they could see their upcoming Lord of the Rings MMORPG dethrone Blizzard’s aging giant, World of Warcraft. WoW is showing its age, not …
For almost 20 years, I have been writing articles about MMORPG design. There is one particular intellectual property that I’m very much interested in: EverQuest. Released in 1999, EQ was …