Category: Technology
In February of 2023, the formation of Avalon Corp was announced to the world. Avalon proposes to create a platform that gives creatively-minded people tools to revolutionize how games and …
If you’ve ever wondered why millionaire World of Warcraft streamer Asmongold is missing in action on many culture war issues, I may have a partial answer. His company ATK revealed …
The transgender movement has all but captured American life. Wide-eyed activist teachers now use classrooms to promote genital mutilation. While trans influencers wield enormous influence with billions of social media …
When I landed my first job in the video game industry in the mid-2000s, I soon realized that there was a caste system in place in the various game dev …
If you are a real Tolkien fan and not a Tolkien tourist, it’s impossible not to notice the recent widespread vandalization of the professor’s masterpiece of sub-creation: Middle-earth. Main characters …
Blizzard Entertainment never ceases to amaze me with its cowardice and depravity. Last summer, they removed the option for players to choose male or female characters in both World of …
By now most American gamers have seen the black ESRB warning labels on the covers of video game software boxes. The Entertainment Software Rating Board is a private organization run …
Every traditional culture warrior needs to keep abreast of the latest terms in order to do battle. One of the newest terms is queer. Once upon a time, the term …
Nerd culture — comics, board games, and video games — has been hijacked by a coalition of woke interlopers. The war against nerd culture (which is predominantly white and male) …
Imagine what would happen if your favorite restaurant changed out their staff every few years? It would be hard to believe that the quality of the food would still remain …
Despite never having lifted a finger to create a video game, journalist Jason Schreier knows what’s best for the video game industry. The self-appointed diversity consultant is very concerned about …
We here at Wolfshead Online would like to do our part to help celebrate the most important month of the year in America: Black History Month. Most people do not …