As the Sweet Baby Inc. AKA Gamergate 2.0 scandal is still in progress, various woke legacy video game media outlets have slithered out of the woodwork and are now dutifully publishing articles defending the shoehorning of the mind virus of DEI propaganda into video games.
All of the usual suspects such as Kotaku, PC Gamer, and the Guardian have entered the fray doing what they do best — running interference for fellow communist travelers who have been embedded in the video game industry.
Now that the battle call has gone out, it was only a matter of time before the crypto Marxists at Wikipedia would weigh in on the controversy. Naturally, they have already dubbed it “harassment” just like they blatantly lied about GamerGate 1.0 thanks to radical progressive Wikipedia activist Molly White and her minions.
Their current entry on Gamergate (like most pages on Wikipedia) is a fetid cesspool of propaganda that consists of falsehoods and fabrications that are meant to deceive normies who have no idea what Gamergate is. This is made possible by the fact that search engines like Google, Bing, and others give Wikipedia a preferred ranking spot at the top of their search results.
Go to Google and type “gamergate” into the search bar and Wikipedia’s entry is the first to come up:

You can be reasonably sure that anything related to gender politics and gaming on Wikipedia will have a guaranteed progressive slant to it.
Here’s a screencap of their current entry on the recent controversy:

This entry is typical of Wikipedia which has a long history of left-of-center bias.
It is full-blown gaslighting that portrays SBI as innocent victims who just want to make the world a better place but are being viciously attacked by knuckle-dragging gamers. It also fails to present a balanced perspective on what has been happening with Sweet Baby Inc. and its pernicious influence on the video industry.
Wikipedia takes all of the double talk from SBI at face value and uses quotes from their allies in the establishment games media to paint gamers who are concerned about having unwanted DEI propaganda shoehorned in their video games as liars, dog whistlers, conspiracy theorists, and doxxers.
There are no quotes in the entry from notable figures — that include white, black, Asian, and trans people — who are critical of Sweet Baby Inc., such as Mark Kern, black comic artist Rippaverse, Will Jordan (Critical Drinker), Endymion, or other high-profile YouTube content creators. The tone of this section of the Wikipedia article is dismissive and reeks of an elitist view that the enlightened woke press know better than gamers.
Here are some omissions that would have added some balance and neutrality to the entry:
- There’s no mention that video game studios that paid SBI to concoct woke DEI narratives have lost millions of dollars and are despised by the players
- There’s no mention of the LGBTQ black employee Chris Kindred started an actual online harassment campaign to cancel the Steam Sweet Baby Inc. Detected group to get them shut down
- There is no mention that X just suspended Kindred’s account
- No mention of Chris Kindred attacking the legendary Japanese game designer Akita Toriyama right after he passed away
- There’s no mention that notorious journalist Nathan Grayson of Gamergate 1.0 infamy, accused gamers of “antisemitism” in his quoted article but provides zero poof
- There is no mention of Kotaku’s Allyssa Mercante admitting to infiltrating the Steam SBI Detected group and trying to get members to reveal their names so she could dox them
- There is no mention of Mercante making the specious claim that “you can’t be racist against white people”
- There’s no mention that Mercante once called actress Gina Carano a “transphobe” and celebrated the fact she was fired from the Mandalorian
- There’s no mention that SBI operatives have joined the SBID Discord and posted hardcore porn and other violations against the Discord terms of service, then logged on with other sockpuppet accounts to report those offending accounts to get the group canceled
- They provided no evidence that proves that the Steam group harassed or doxed SBI employees
- There’s no mention of SBI employee @legobutts AKA Maya Kramer now Felix Kramer once admitted to doxing a charity group and is connected to Anita Sarkeesian and Gamergate
- There is no mention that Steam cleared the SBID pro-gamer group of all wrongdoing who made the list on Steam
- There’s no mention of SBI co-founder Kim Belair advocating in a GDC speech that woke developers should attempt to “terrify” their marketing people to get studios to inject wokeness in their games
- There’s no mention that Belair stated that white gamers should be treated like “picky babies”
- There’s no mention of how this scandal has evolved beyond gaming as film critics The Critical Drinker and Chris Gore, Lauren Chen, and others are discussing it
- There’s no mention that #SweetBabyInc has been consistently trending on X for the last week and the response has overwhelming negative toward the company
In the days, weeks, and months ahead there is no doubt that the far-left intelligentsia will try to morph the Sweet Baby Inc. scandal into something that portrays gamers in a bad light with the usual labels of harassers, racists, bigots, homophobes, and misogynists. Expect false death threats as well.
However, this time they won’t get away with it. As Mark Kern has noted, they are using the same playbook they used during Gamergate 1.0 to demonize the entire gamer community that doesn’t capitulate to their ideological madness. But this time, the media is not trusted by the public and gamers are a powerful force with hundreds of YouTube gaming channels that are looking out for them.
This woke madness is unsustainable and unprofitable. Gamers don’t want to buy games with ugly transgenderified women, they don’t want to be bombarded with LGBTQ propaganda. ESG policies created by Larry Fink from Blackrock created an artificial need for DEI that has been exposed and companies/investors are losing millions of dollars as a result.
We are fighting a war against evil, both in the spiritual realm and in the corporeal realm. These ghouls want to destroy everything right and good about Western civilization. They want to take away everything you hold dear. They want to take away your joy in life. They want to fundamentally transform all of your hobbies. They want you emaculated and weak. Wikipedia is one of their many propaganda tools to do this.
Larry Sanger who co-founded Wikipedia says that Wikipedia is now propaganda for the left-leaning establishment and that nobody should trust Wikipedia.
While Wikipedia may have started with noble intentions, over the years it has been hijacked by dishonest power-hungry activists who — with Google and Bing’s help — have figured out how to game the system. Wikipedia is a good example of O’Sullivan’s Law at work.
Wikipedia is run and staffed by despicable lunatics who use every opportunity to promote neo-Marxist, post-modernism, and Queer theory At the very best, one should exercise extreme skepticism when you read their articles. At the worst, it should be avoided at all costs.

I know it better by now, it still never ceases to amaze and frighten me how ridiculously biased and without any restraint or ever questioning their own extremely vile methods these people work. Unfortunately, it is their job and they can do it all day. They even created job positions for such useless people where they further their destructive agenda.
Do you want to see a blue-haired poster child of that type? Just google …
Marylin Marx – Lead Community Management
Society suffers through such people. They contribute nothing but propagating their evil woke socialism, they literally do nothing else and never ever did anything else.
Wikipedia is a major problem, as it is a central and rather unique place for information. People nowadays were born with Wikipedia and finding other sources is a rare thing for them to even bother trying.
Society still has not woken up, how much more must things go down the drain till people put wokesters into therapy. Right now Judith Butler is still a professor of her own gender studies and poisoned academia all over the world.
I know it better by now, it still never ceases to amaze and frighten me how ridiculously biased and without any restraint or ever questioning their own extremely vile methods these people work. Unfortunately, it is their job and they can do it all day. They even created job positions for such useless people where they further their destructive agenda.
Do you want to see a blue-haired poster child of that type? Just google …
Marylin Marx – Lead Community Management
Society suffers through such people. They contribute nothing but propagating their evil woke socialism, they literally do nothing else and never ever did anything else.
Wikipedia is a major problem, as it is a central and rather unique place for information. People nowadays were born with Wikipedia and finding other sources is a rare thing for them to even bother trying.
Society still has not woken up, how much more must things go down the drain till people put wokesters into therapy. Right now Judith Butler is still a professor of her own gender studies and poisoned academia all over the world.
I apologize for the tardiness in approving new comments. I am trying out a new anti-spam plugin to ensure that trusted and loyal commenters will get their replies to my articles immediately approved.
Thanks for your patience!
This is going more and more out of hand. On a bit of a slightly less related topic, I found this game Potions a Curious Tale, this is the game’s description:
“Potions: A Curious Tale is an adventure & crafting game where wit is your greatest weapon and combat is not always the answer. Play as Luna, a young witch who overcomes obstacles with the potions she brews, as she gathers items from enchanted lands and conquers devious puzzles on her quest.”
The developer was involved in a drama who was created by the same developer by complaining and being angry and outraged that some old games like Command & Conquer released on Steam and overshadowed this game.
This is the post I wrote on the game’s forum that got me permanently banned:
“As the title says, this game promotes witchcraft – making witches and dabbling with spells and dark magic look cool. Everyone knows what happens to those who deal with magic – they pay the price hundredfold after.
Everyone who doesn’t notice this or thinks it’s just harmless little fun colorful game, just look around – there is propaganda everywhere about degenerate sexual orientations, witchcraft and whatnot. It’s all about eroding people’s morality. This is probably played by children who don’t know any better and they end up considering stuff like this to be normal.
Older games were just about pure enjoyment – Diablo 2, Deus Ex, Half Life, Morrowind, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Age of Empires 2. Now everything is a political statement and subtle (or blatant) propaganda.
What’s interesting is who’s sponsoring these developers to create so much brain rot? I’m not attacking the developer, but the same developer could have used said talent/creativity to create something really harmless, educational and constructive, rather than a game promoting how cool witchcraft is.”
Ban reason:
Wokesters are going into damage control mode.
Someone translated the Chinese wikipedia entry and it’s striking how normal it sounds compared to English article (and most likely other Western languages). Just legit fact reporting in Chinese, no buzzwords, no “demonized labels” like sexist, bigot, harassment campaign etc. With all sides of the story presented, like it should be. Funny how legit wiki reporting comes from a language usually associated with no freedoms… pretty ironic, no?
That’s because the CCP wants IdPol to be their weapon against the West and the rest of the World
They already have to deal with an increase of their own MGTOW, NEET/Hikkikomori, increasing suicide rate, people deciding to “Let It Rot” and choose to use things like videogames to destress rather than work, make families and study with no real success in sight
They want their guys to be pumping out babies, working 6-9 jobs, being soldiers etc
But since as it turns out, their not immune to the West’s own culturally slow death, they want to avoid having to deal with things like Feminism in their own territory as it would accelerate things faster towards the end….plus it would also involve being ashamed of having a civilizational state
The Chinese have their own censorship, it’s just that they’re not as comparatively nihlistic and suicidal as the West, because it’d destroy their ambitions to take over the world