With no warning or justification, Daybreak Games and Darkpaw Games are engaging in the odious practice of race-swapping with the fictional world of Norrath. In EverQuest, elves have always looked like fair-skinned archetypal Tolkien elves as there are high elves, wood elves, and half elves.
With the release of EQ’s 30th expansion Laurion’s Song, we now have key art that displays an African elf with negroid features. This is not to be mistaken for the non-Tolkien EverQuest dark elves which have blue skin and white hair that obviously are based on the Forgotten Realms drow elves. Since EverQuest already has an all-black, African-looking race called the Erudite, this is perplexing why Darkpaw Games felt the need to blackwash their white elves.

The dark-skinned negroid featured Erudite race in Norrath do not have pointed ears. Interestingly enough, the Erudites were essentially Marvel’s Wakanda before Marvel brought to the pseudo-African city to life for their Black Panther films. Given the druid and nature vibe coming from this character — the Erudite have no druids or rangers — it is very clear that he is an elf.

The artist who created this key art is a talented Turkish freelance artist named Kerem Beyit. I don’t believe that he just threw this in there haphazardly. I think that Jen Chan and the Daybreak Games management forced him to do this because I don’t see anything else in his portfolio on Artstation that would lead me to believe he’s into race-swapping and blackwashing.

Take a look at the awful amateurish trailer for Laurion’s Song and you don’t see any black elves:
The narration sounds like it’s been done by a demented drunk English woman from Manchester. No wonder they buried her voice in the mix. Read the hilarious comments in the video for shits and giggles.
I checked the official EverQuest forums and noticed that there are no threads that are talking about this. Since EQ forums are strictly moderated, any posts that complain about LGBTQ propaganda or issues of race would most likely be deleted and the users banned for life. The chilling effect is very real on most official MMO discussion boards.
The weird thing is that players can’t make black elves in EverQuest as playable characters. Also, players have never clamored for this feature either.
You can be sure that the woke quislings at MMORPG.com and MassivelyOverPowered will not be reporting on this. If they do, they will be cheering it on.
Race swapping and blackwashing has been going on at Standing Stone Games’s Lord of the Rings Online for over a year. They have been importing black-skinned player avatars for no legitimate reasons other than to slavishly bow down to their woke overlords who care more about “representation” and ESG scores than providing their players with the very best possible entertainment experience that is faithful to Tolkien. Naturally, all of these new black and Asian characters are prominently featured in their key and promotional art.
I’ve gotten reports that a community manager named Jerry Snook AKA Cordovan has suspended and banned loyal LOTRO players who are faithful Tolkien devotees for complaining about the shameful race swapping in their MMO. To this day, the cowards at Standing Stone Games (located in the woke Boston metro area) have never explained their decision to vandalize Tolkien’s lore their loyal players.
This latest gratuitous stunt by Darkpaw Games which is notorious for promoting divisive LGBTQ causes me great concern that any future “reimagined” version of EverQuest will be as woke as hell and unappealing. The reprehensible developers at Darkpaw and the sleazy management at Daybreak Games are well-known in the industry for having utter contempt for their players.
At this point, the only future for a new EverQuest is that they are sold to a serious studio instead of the rudderless ship of fools that is Darkpaw Games. Everyone knows that Enad Global 7 is the Grim Reaper of the video game industry and where good video games go to die and their players are mercilessly milked before expiring.
Similar thing happened in LOTRO earlier this year. I am no longer surprised. And I stopped playing the game altogether.
This summer I had the urge to complete SWTOR’s base story for once just so I can leave this game behind me and I found out I had 3 years worth of cartel points because I had forgotten a 2FA enabled and it granted me passive points every month. So I used them to buy the Chiss race and complete the Imperial Agent storyline, which players unanimously agree to the most interesting and fleshed out in the game. In my personal experience it felt below mediocre and it got me questioning how worse the others are if the best one is this generic and boring.
When I created my SWTOR character, I noticed that female characters could now also have beards, which disgusted me and caused me to shudder for real, but since I planned to rush through the story in 1-2 weeks, I didn’t get hanged up on it.
Now it seems every game is doing this. Another prevalent trend I’m seeing in most new games that release and support character customization is that they come without genders. Instead they have “body types”. New World is like this. WoW got changed like this. Palia, the “cozy game” (cozy is just synonym for “woke”, because all “cozy” games I’ve looked into are the same woke trash). A new MMORPG Pax Dei is like this. A new Online FPS The Finals released a few days ago – the starting character you start with is some genderless hermaphrodite and you can combine male heads with female bodies and vice-versa, it’s a new level of disgusting, depraved and degenerate. The list goes on.
This has become my new criteria for what games I avoid playing, since I pirate a lot of games, these are actually a win for their developers, because it means I will never pirate their woke trash to even taint my computer’s storage units with it.
It’s good that you are bringing to light such happenings, people can’t really do much besides vote with their wallets and stop playing the game. Ironically, recently I was thinking about playing EQ1 and EQ2, but then I started researching if the games have become woke and when I found that they have put some fat chick that looks like a dude in charge of the decisions in both EQ games, I decided to pass on both games.
It’s really in tragic times that we live in. I think this is all satanic propaganda from the freemasons that rule the world. It’s in the music industry, Hollywood, gaming industry, everywhere. And it will only get worse from here on out.
As the last normal people, we can’t do much as I said besides voting with our wallets and trying to open the eyes of others, but I’ve found out how hard is it to try and open the eyes of those who simply don’t want to see and don’t want to listen. They get annoyed, call you a conspiracy nut or something and want you to stop bothering them so they can get back to their mindless short-term self-indulgence. What’s concerning is all the people who are OK with the woke degeneracy cult propaganda are also either non-religious, or atheists or opposed to Christianity. I’ve seen a few strange cases of homosexuals or other LGHDTV+ cultists pretending to be Christian, but they pick and choose what part of the Bible they believe in and act like it doesn’t say anywhere in the Bible that being homosexual is a sin and if you begin to give them examples, they get all rowdy, interrupt you and try tell you how your version of the Bible is wrong.
Sad times we live in. Sad and frightening. And it will only get worse. I think it will even come a time where we will have to lay down our lives for Christ pretty soon.