Day One of BlizzCon 2021 is over and a figure familiar to EverQuest veterans has shown up. It is none other than ex-EverQuest Lead Producer Holly Longdale. Regular readers of …
Executive Vice President of Game Design Rob Pardo resigned from Blizzard Entertainment in July 3, 2014. Over two years later in September of 2016, he resurfaced and announced the formation …
The hemorrhaging of talent at Darkpaw Games continues. As I suspected, Jonathan “Prathun” Caraker a designer with 18 years experience working on EverQuest, is now working as a game designer …
We can all breathe a sigh of relief. America got lucky this year. Thanks to the China Wuhan virus and a month of riots, looting, arson, murder, mayhem, and desecration …
Open Letter to the Nobles of Stormwind, Forgive me for this bold intrusion but what I am about to say is of the utmost importance. You may know me, for …
As expected, Darkpaw Games is continuing to disseminate LGBT PRIDE propaganda in both EverQuest and EverQuest 2 MMORPGs. This month they offered 3 new PRIDE themed pet bunnies to complement …
The cancellation of the ambitious EverQuest Next MMORPG in 2016 was a dagger in the heart for many loyal EverQuest fans. While the voxel technology didn’t pan out, there was …
Luke Sigmund hit the jackpot and won the video game career lottery. With no fanfare or maudlin farewell letter, he quietly left Daybreak Games and is now employed by the …
Want to know a dirty little secret about the video game industry? Many top executives and even some developers don’t even play their own games. It seems crazy but it’s …
After years of speculation, we finally have the official smoking gun as to why World of Warcraft was dumbed down with the release of the Cataclysm expansion. They did this …
Given the news that former EverQuest executive producer has just revealed she is now working for Blizzard, I’m now going to indulge in some speculation as to why she left …
The mystery has been solved. According to Holly Longdale’s LinkedIn page, she’s landed a principal game producer gig at Blizzard Entertainment. What is really interesting is that the former EverQuest …