I just watched this remarkable video from a courageous 37 year old man named Krist who runs a gaming and streaming channel on YouTube. Like many gamers, he’s horrified by the virtue signaling gaming studios that openly support/fund anti-white Marxist BLM and ANFIFA terrorists who’ve been rioting, looting, and agitating for the past few weeks in America and around the world.
It looks Marxists busybodies have been trying to ratio his YouTube video with no success. Undeterred, he replies about the value of truth.
The tide is turning.
The destruction and savagery we witnessed in the last few weeks has woken most people up. More people are becoming red pilled to the lies of Marxist and post-modernist propaganda.
I found an amazing YouTuber called Dr. Karlyn Borysenko who is also exposing the social justice cult. Here she is interviewing an ex-SJW Keri Smith:
We need to support more brave men and women like Kris and Karlyn. We are on the side of right. We are standing up for Western civilization.

Of course you’ll have enemies. But every person that disagrees with you because you speak the truth, you’ll gain 10 new friends that are emboldened by your courage. Even better, when you tell the truth, you are on the side of God and the angels. You will gain treasure in Heaven.
I have a Trump bumper sticker and I live in the Seattle area — the most Marxist part of the USA. I get people coming up to me all the time wanting to shake my hand for supporting Trump but they are too afraid to publicly state this.
There are far more of us than there are of them.
Stop being a simp, a coward, a beta male, a well-behaved timid child. Man up, woman up, stand up and tell the truth. If we don’t act now, things will get only get worse.
The reality is that at least 50% of the population support right-wing politics. The simple proof is that a majority of American and European countries, from USA to Germany, from England to Greece, from Brasil to Poland had, have and will have right-wing governments.
But gaming studios and Hollywood medias not only act as if 90% of the population were liberals, but also as if not being ultra-woke was something so shameful that you should be canceled immediately!
They are literally surrounded by people who don’t think like them but instead of acknowledge this fact, and deal with it in a civil and democratic way, they push everyone to feel ashamed for their political opinions.
And I’m not even talking about opposing real fascists and neo-nazis. No: if you don’t fully support Biden, the LGBTQI+ crowd and the BLM movement, you’re worst than the antichrist.
It’s madness. You can’t built a society if you hate your neighbor for having a slightly different opinion than you.
You are spot on!
There is no real racism in America against blacks, so the left has to invent racism in order to virtue signal. This is a modern day witch hunt. The left is obsessed with the emancipation of victims. Don’t have any victims? They’ll invent them and add another letter to the LGBTQ community.
The video game industry is largely located in the state of California just like the pornography industry. Most of the developers are leftists and atheists who hate America and what it stands for. Most have never met a Christian, a conservative or a Republican.
It’s hard to create things, but it’s easy to destroy them. These clowns have no idea what they are doing. They are wallowing in their self-righteousness. Protesting is not an achievement. Tweeting a BLM hashtag is not an accomplishment.