Category: MMORPGs
After years of speculation, we finally have the official smoking gun as to why World of Warcraft was dumbed down with the release of the Cataclysm expansion. They did this …
The self-induced contagion of identity politics is spreading at alarming rates within the woke halls of Blizzard Entertainment. As I reported earlier this year, Blizzard announced at BlizzCon 2019 that …
Given the news that former EverQuest executive producer has just revealed she is now working for Blizzard, I’m now going to indulge in some speculation as to why she left …
The mystery has been solved. According to Holly Longdale’s LinkedIn page, she’s landed a principal game producer gig at Blizzard Entertainment. What is really interesting is that the former EverQuest …
The intolerant LGBTQ bullies and their busybody allies are at it again. This time they have forced the venerable Japanese video game Nintendo to remove gender from the American version …
While viewing a Reddit thread about the recent news that leftist billionaire and puppetmaster George Soros is now investing in Activision/Blizzard, I came upon some information about an author named …
In an act of shocking indifference and betrayal to all black gamers, Darkpaw Games a subsidiary of Daybreak Games failed to honor Black History Month within their long-running MMORPGs EverQuest …
All journeys come to an end. I have uncovered some additional information regarding the future of EverQuest and if you love MMORPGs, it’s not good. In three previous articles where …
After months of rumors of imminent studio changes, last week, Daybreak Games finally announced it was splitting into 3 studios. One of their new studios named Darkpaw Games is solely …
BlizzCon 2019 has come and gone but the stench of corporate hypocrisy still lingers in the vast halls of the Anaheim Convention Center. If you thought that given all of …
Rumors started abounding on various forums that a permanent memorial to Aradune Mithara was placed in a small secluded hamlet in Norrath’s the Plains of Eastern Karana. Today I logged …
The recent passing of EverQuest co-founder and MMORPG visionary Brad McQuaid has caused me to pause and take stock of the fantasy virtual world genre that was born 20 years …