If you’ve ever wondered why millionaire World of Warcraft streamer Asmongold is missing in action on many culture war issues, I may have a partial answer. His company ATK revealed on their LinkedIn page they raised $13,305 dollars for the Trevor Project. Of all the charities they could have picked to support, why are they supporting this controversial LGBTQ charity?

Some Truth about the Shady Trevor Project
While they claim they are helping LGBTQ people, the Trevor Project is more of a propaganda outlet than a charity. It’s also a favored charity in the gaming celebrity world. As well as promoting sexual degeneracy, their website is chock full of subversive intersectional and neo-Marxist propaganda.
Of course, we should be getting help to suicidal teens but it should be offered equally with no regard for sex, skin color, or any other immutable characteristic.
It doesn’t get better, it gets worse. Recently the 700-employee-strong, $54 million dollar-funded Trevor Project has been severely criticized by their own LGBTQ community for failing to help suicidal trans teens as reported by The Washington Blade.

Here’s a woman on TikTok calling out the Trever Project for their incompetence:
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
As someone who has watched some of Asmongold’s videos over the years and appreciated a lot of his insights and analysis, I can tell you without hesitation that he conveniently avoids talking about controversial gender and LGBTQ issues. During one of his New World MMORPG character creation videos, he skipped over the “body type” part of the process. He did the same thing when Blizzard removed male and female sex designations in World of Warcraft.
If he really cared about gamers he would be sounding the alarm on this important issue. Male and female sex designations have been a part of the RPG world since the advent of Dungeons & Dragons in 1974. I have no respect for anyone who willfully denies biological reality and promotes sexual perversion.
Why is the most famous streamer in the world refusing to talk about this?
He’s not doing his followers any favors by failing to call out this widespread change to biology in video games. Most gamers never wanted this. If they are allowed to get away with this, what’s stopping them from implementing more insanity like beastiality?
Oh, wait, Baldur’s Gate 3 has in-game beastiality. If streamers had pushed back on LGBTQ propaganda, the depravity of bestiality would never have been put into BG3. You get the video games you deserve folks.
The Erasure of Reality
Erasing males and females from video game worlds is absolute madness. Denying biological reality by removing biological sex in video names, is a blatant attempt to pander to the transgender community. It’s an example of the ideological intrusion of intersectionality and allyship in our culture.
So-called transgender people suffering from the mental illness of gender dysphoria are perhaps some of the most unhinged and violent people in America today. It’s worth noting that domestic terror groups like ANTIFA have disproportionally high numbers of trans people.
OTK Supported Ukraine in the War
Asmongold and OTK are now involved in international politics and have raised $500,000 for relief to Ukraine in the Ukraine-Russian war. There are various relief efforts for wars and conflicts all over the world that OTK could have supported. Why would they only decide to support this one?

Answer: This is performative corporate posturing. It’s obvious, they are riding the bandwagon of what the current thing happens to be. Asmongold and his merry band of degenerate streamers are doing the bidding of their globohomo overlords. I hope the 30 pieces of silver are worth it Zack.
Asmongold is Not Your Friend
He’s no Jordan Peterson but for some reason, thousands of male gamers look up to Asmongold. He’s like a father figure to them. They look to him to give them unvarnished takes on video games and the industry that makes them.
But, if he’s going to fail to defend the reality of biological sex, what other realities is he going to avoid to keep the shekels coming in?
The depraved LGBTQ agenda has completely infiltrated WoW. Asmongold seems to be okay with it. Avid WoW player Alexensual exposed a lot of this a while back in this killer must-watch video:
Note: he’s back playing WoW again so for some reason he made the video private. Here’s the mirror I have on my Rumble channel.
Alexensual is a legend in the WoW community. I urge people to support him and his channel.
Here’s Amongold letting off some steam in his downtime. I bet his parents are real proud of how their son turned out.

Is this really the smartest guy in the video game world?
The Scourge of Streaming Culture
As an old-school gamer, I detest streamers. Streaming culture is a blight upon our society. It’s digital panhandling that’s one rung up the ladder from those insufferable reaction videos that pollute YouTube and for female streamers, it’s one rung below OnlyFans.
From what I’ve seen, streaming is nothing more than an online carnival freakshow of gamers, cosplayers, and grifters who entertain lonely, atomized, low-self-esteem people. Gamers who watch streamers instead of playing video games are like cucks who pay male prostitutes to have sex with their wives while they watch. I will never understand how gamers would rather watch other people playing games than play them for themselves.
Asmongold is not as stupid as he looks. He’s a genius for turning his slacker hobby into a multimillion-dollar career. Every streamer wants to be him, so don’t expect any eruptions of courage from any of them.
Let’s not kid ourselves, Asmongold is the real power at OTK because he’s the financial muscle behind it all. Being the inspirational profile in courage that he is, he’s not going to rock the woke boat by saying that there are only two genders. If he did, he’d be thrown off of Twitch and YouTube and promptly canceled. Then he’d have to find a real job.
However, the bucks stop with Asmongold. He must be green-lighting all the wokeness at OTK. His company would fold like a bad hand of poker cards if Zack was not there.
I’m not naive. Looking to Asmongold for moral rectitude is like expecting a chimpanzee to recite a sonnet from Shakespeare. It ain’t gonna happen. So expect more woke shenanigans from OTK in the future. Asmongold is to Zack Rawr as Alice Cooper is to Vincent Furnier. Asmongold is a vaudeville character with a goofy aw-shucks grin, a top hat, a cane, and tap shoes. Anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt.

Before I talk about Asmongold and streaming unculture, I want to add some thoughts why Ukraine vs Russia is a thing right now, with Ukraine getting the support and Russia the blame.
First things first, Asmongold didn’t think much about it, he just does what currently is the right thing to do according to the concept of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitgeist – and that is currently an aggressive LGBT etc. etc. push threatening Christianity and the fundamentals of civilization.
Now I don’t want to go back to the Maidan unrest and all that. In the end one can say, Russia is the attacker, Ukraine the defender. Even if that is terribly simplified. Little surprise that support is rather with Ukraine, but there is more, also as it is official government stance all over the West.
Ukraine is getting torn apart between West and East/Russia. Western values entered and brought tolerance and things like… great tolerance and acceptance of perversions of all kinds. Russia, for all its many problems, is still a very Christian country. The muslims of Chechnya have islamic values and in this regard are united with the rest of Russia when it comes to their hate for LGBT etc. stuff. There is also an ongoing campaign to portray all Russians as evil. It happens in wars.
The Christian thing is to help the victims of this war. Wounded soldiers and civilians. On both sides. This is not taking sides, it is what doctors and nurses do, treating patients regardless of what they think of them and what they did.
Describing streamers as vaudevillian characters is correct, but also by far too kind.
Twitch has become the gateway to Onlyfans. The other competitor, Kick, is an online casino. Now there are a few people who make content for this or that kind of video game. I still wonder that this works. This is over 90-99% blabla and waste of time for extremely little information. Still these people have regular viewers. Lots of them.
I have known people who stream how they play this or that game. Felt obliged to watch and comment live. But I could not keep this up. Such a waste of time, I could do so much else, like playing myself or doing anything else. I really wondered wtf did I just do when I used a script to move my mouse and type something random in Twitch to become eligible to get a “you have watched eligible streams for 4 hours” item for a game I liked.
I thought about what I did. I let my PC run for this, for four hours, while I was not even nearby. Now I am not an environmentalist, but what a waste of resources, bandwidth… and so many other people did this.
Streamers themselves go crazy when streaming their nonsense regularly and develop even worse psychological issues than many already had before starting to stream. I remember how people and myself worried about MMO addiction and stuff like that. I played extremely much and that was silly, could have done something else, but it didn’t cause me major harm. But streaming and streaming platforms are much, much worse IMO when it comes to serious problems they might cause, but they are very rarely criticized and called out for that.
Streaming created millionaires with massive mental health issues and disorders, and possibly millions of people without any money that develop unhealthy habits and I see a danger of kids and adults getting very weird by watching streams overly much. Garbage in, garbage out, basically.
The weirdest part is, the more sane a stream or streamer is, the less interesting it seems to be to most. The most popular streamers are … oh well.
I met people, made acquiantances, gained friends playing MMOs. It was a community experiences, even for people who aren’t super social and rather a bit of a loner. People from all over the world and different backgrounds could meet.
They managed to remove the community aspect of MMOs completely. That already happened over 10 years ago or longer. Just do a dungeon run in Wow. Random or not, you might as well play with bots. You wrote about this.
Streaming culture is idolizing perversion and persons, it is not truly a community/communal experience. It is leading into guided groupthink, with people no longer thinking, but following.
The devil is clever. Being inclusive, welcoming, diverse has been turned into the opposite, something restrictive and evil. Core values are now under attack, the tools of spreading this evil are the poor persons turned millionaire we were just talking about.
Outstanding analysis as usual!
Regarding Baldur’s Gate 3, I didn’t bother buying. Even before that bestiality thing was out.
I know Larian and their Divinity games. The writing is always off, they sound so promising but in the end, the whole combat system is restrictive and hopefully Baldur’s Gate 3 is better. I saw so much promise in Divinity Original Sin 2, but it got worse from location to location.
Let me rather recommend Pathfinder games by OWLCAT games. They had lots of bugs, but by now Kingmaker and Path of the Righteous are fine. The writing has some flaws, but it is still miles better.
It’s a Russian studio, they understand and honor D&D better than Larian does. Baldur’s Gate 3 might be good, but it isn’t like Baldur’s Gate 1 or 2.
It is Divinity Original Sin 3.
I am looking forward to their Warhammer Rogue Trader RPG.
From what I hear, Baldur’s Gate 3 has a lot of woke and LGHDTV+ cult propaganda in it.
It has bestiality, sodomy and other degenerate ideas in it. I hear every character is a horny sex-obsessed degenerate who is trying to hit on your main character and constantly need to talk dirty and add sexual references every chance they have. A lot, if not all, of the leaders or bosses of establishments are women and men are just some incompetent peons with no purpose other than to women to use them for procreation.
They have drag queens and other freaks as characters and voice actors too.
I have played BG1 and 2, which I appreciate as good games, but I only played them about a year ago so they have no nostalgic value for me, I just wanted to complete them ASAP so I can know that I’ve played them, but I can’t say I enjoyed them much, mostly due to the combat, a lot of reading and the top-down perspective. So I can’t say how good BG3 is compared to 1 and 2, but I doubt even if all the woke LGHDTV+ cult propaganda is magically gone, that the game is actually THAT good or amazing.
I’ve played the first 2-3 acts of Divinity Original Sin 1 and the game is boring and overrated. The writing is is boring and the gameplay too. I stopped playing when I reached a puzzle I did not know how to solve and did not have the patience or mental fortitude to bother with it, I tried to find a solution online, but couldn’t so I gave up and uninstalled the game.
So I doubt BG3 is that good, maybe the only good thing about it is that it isn’t a live service game. Other than that, due to being a D&D game and a BG sequel, it’s overhyped and given too much credit.
Personally, due to the woke garbage in that game, I wouldn’t even bother pirating it. I don’t want to plague and taint my mind with woke LGHDTV+ propaganda.
I remember a few months ago there was a video on Asmongold’s YouTube channel called Asmongold TV, which is just excerpts from his streams on different topics. There was one where he was watching and reacting to a video about other streamers like him, some of which were his friends/affiliates/acquaintances and the video was depicting them as two-faced hypocrites and in the beginning of the video, before the creator started talking about them, Asmongold was on board and agreeing with everything, but when the topic shifted to the people he knew, Asmongold started defending them and downplaying the situation, like it’s not so bad.
I noticed in the comments a lot of the people were calling him out on also being a two-faced hypocrite who would lie to defend his friends/colleagues only because they are in this together and if he would agree with the video, it would cause him problems and most likely lose money.
I found it surprising that the people who watch him would say this about him, but if they are saying it, then it speaks volumes.
I’ve also noticed how he loves hearing himself talk and everyone else to be either listening in silence or agreeing with him. He really hates people questioning him or challenging his claims, he just quickly tries to prove them wrong in a fit of anger and frustration and then bans them permanently and his cult follower chat praises him for the “genius” that he is.
A friend of mine and I were discussing him and he told me that Asmongold most likely has read Athene’s book about how to create a cult following and this is what he is currently doing. My friend told me he was on Twitch, logged into his account and watching Asmongold’s stream and he commented in chat how “Asmongold is creating a cult following, how he is playing off of people’s emotions and feelings to appear more real and down-to-earth, like one of them” and then he got almost instantly permanently banned from the chat.
And this for me sealed the deal even more – someone who doesn’t like to be criticized and bans everyone willing to fight what he is saying shows how fragile his ego is.
When he said he was raising money for Ukraine, I lost a lot of respect for him, because it means two things:
1. He is doing what is popular to gain popularity.
2. He is absolutely uneducated to know that supporting Ukraine is a mistake, they are part of the reason this war exists and funding them is a borderline war crime, fanning the flames of war.
On that notion, everyone in the Western media propaganda machine is trying to indoctrinate the ignorant, illiterate westerners who never even knew Ukraine existed before 2022 that Ukraine is some very, very innocent country full of brave people, who are being oppressed by Russia and they want to become another vassal state of the West, NATO and USA and the evil Russia is trying to stop them. I especially like the part how they try to explain that one day in February 2022, Russia out of the blue, for absolutely no reason started a war with them.
And the scariest and saddest thing is people are actually ignorant, illiterate and stupid enough to believe it.
Wise words. Asmongold does indeed have a cult following. Most YouTubers seem to have an entourage of people that circle the wagons — ready to pounce on anyone who questions their dear leader.
I think Asmongold has created a cult of personality around himself. Whenever he shares terrible news about his family or life, the people in the comments become like North Koreans crying on the streets when one of their dictators dies.
His “I’m just one of you” act is really precious as well. He’s a multi-millionaire but every now and then he tries to show how normal he is by doing some mundane thing like making toast.
I’m sure the attic hovel that he “lives” in, is probably in an industrial park where he films the show. He’s about as genuine as the Wizard of Oz.
P.S. His reaction videos are lame as hell. He barely creates any new content. Kinda pathetic if you ask me.
I understand what you mean. It was unfortunate what happened to his family, but like they like to say “it is what it is”. I wouldn’t want to dig deeper into it, but it is true that whenever he mentions it, it’s like some resident “reactors” get activated out of stasis start posting purple hearts. It feels so strange and a bit uncanny.
Recently I’ve been noticing the videos on his YouTube channel are indeed lazy attempts at making content, but then again he already has the cult following so it’s not very difficult for him to do that. I’ve been noticing under videos about Baldur’s Gate 3 people commenting how amazing he is for not having played the game and yet “farming hours of content” out of it.
I used to watch him and another YouTuber called SomeOrdinaryGamers and stopped around the spring/early summer of this year, when both started to act very conceited, especially in their takes and opinions. Since then I haven’t watched either, but I still keep the habit of browsing their channels to see if I’m missing anything interesting, so far I have been proving to myself for over 2 months that I haven’t missed anything and it’s time I stopped doing even that.
When I think about it, years ago, I would watch so many of these YouTube channels, but nowadays, I barely watch any of them anymore. Either I changed and don’t care anymore, or their content changed and doesn’t fit my taste anymore, which I find a welcome change, because this means less distractions for me, and less time on YouTube as it truly is turning into a horrible dictatorial platform where if you don’t follow the current agenda, you get silenced. I watched on Vimeo one video about the genocide against the white people, and was thinking the other day, if that video was uploaded on YouTube, it won’t last 10 minutes before YouTube takes it down.