It was only a matter of time before ultra woke Blizzard Entertainment would start normalizing the terrible mental illness of gender dysphoria by promoting transgender ideology in their World of …
Open Letter to the Nobles of Stormwind, Forgive me for this bold intrusion but what I am about to say is of the utmost importance. You may know me, for …
As expected, Darkpaw Games is continuing to disseminate LGBT PRIDE propaganda in both EverQuest and EverQuest 2 MMORPGs. This month they offered 3 new PRIDE themed pet bunnies to complement …
The cancellation of the ambitious EverQuest Next MMORPG in 2016 was a dagger in the heart for many loyal EverQuest fans. While the voxel technology didn’t pan out, there was …
The golden era of free speech in America is effectively over. Speaking truth to power will no longer be tolerated as the rich and powerful cultural Marxists have taken over …
Every civilized person with a brain who has witnessed the horrors of the last month now knows the undeniable truth — we have barbarians among us. We who consider ourselves …
Noted Catholic scholar and thinker Dr Taylor Marshall is promoting a plausible theory about Joe Biden. If Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election, he will most certainly resign his …
I just watched this remarkable video from a courageous 37 year old man named Krist who runs a gaming and streaming channel on YouTube. Like many gamers, he’s horrified by …
This week an unknown courageous black man confronted a group of medical workers who support Black Lives Matter. This man exposed these virtue signaling frauds with one question: Black man: …
Are you fed up with the robotic Black Lives Matter sloganeering by virtue signaling politicians, vapid celebrities, and supine corporations? Are you alarmed by the dangerous moral panic that has …
Luke Sigmund hit the jackpot and won the video game career lottery. With no fanfare or maudlin farewell letter, he quietly left Daybreak Games and is now employed by the …
Not only did Brad McQuaid help to create the genre defining EverQuest MMORPG, he had an extensive interest in comic books and amassed a vast collection. He loved comic books …