It has been a brutal year for the AAA video game industry as mass layoffs continue. In early 2024, Blizzard’s parent company Microsoft who recently purchased Activision-Blizzard wasted no time in firing 1800 employees. The inevitable cost-cutting measures have resulted from an entire video game industry ravaged by low sales.
With no money to spend on frivolity, surely the people in charge at Microsoft and Blizzard would not want to waste any more money by promoting divisive, narcissistic PRIDE month faggotry that celebrates the sexual deviancy of LGBTQ humanoids. Alas, cooler heads did not prevail and the perpetually woke Blizz is up to their old tricks and is promoting PRIDE clothing on their X AKA Twitter and Instagram pages.
Their X listing got ratioed so hard that they turned off all comments. The existing comments are hilarious. After X users destroyed Blizzard, fearing more backlash, they shut off the ability to reply on the Instagram page. Here’s the link to their X listing, Instagram listing, and LinkedIn listings respectively:

Matthew Shephard and the Controversial Trevor Project
Proceeds for the sale of Blizzards PRIDE gear go to the embattled Trevor Project which is allegedly an LGBTQ youth suicide hotline. In years the Trevor Project has been involved in various controversies. They recently laid off 6% of their staff and last year laid off 12% of other staff.
According to Glassdoor only 6% of current and former employees would recommend the CEO Peggy Rajski. The Trevor Project has an abysmal 2.4-star rating and only 25% would recommend the charity to a friend.

The Trevor Project is also involved in the promotion of the LGBTQ lifestyle. They flat out lied on Instagram when they said Mathew Shepherd was killed because he was gay as Shepherd’s mother was being awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Biden. Gay author exposed this lie with his book: The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths about the Murder of Matthew Shephard. Reason Magazine also reported on this lie as well.

Other powerful organizations like the Human Rights Council continue to lie about Matthew Matthew Shephard and use his death to fundraise, promote LGBTQ depravity, and use it as a cudgel to bash Americans who hold constitutionally protected beliefs such as freedom of speech and freedom of worship.
By supporting the Trevor Project Blizzard is indirectly participating in the politicization of Shephard’s death.
Meet Brandy Stiles LGBTQ+ Woke Commisar at Blizzard
Here’s the pleasant humanoid responsible for the Blizzard LGBTQ+ Employee Network. Most of her resume lists her pro-alphabet advocacy at Blizzard.
The Truth about Transgender Suicide
Transgender people have a much higher suicide rate than non-transgenders. Those who identify as transgender and have a “gender-affirming” surgery have a 12 X suicide rate. Jordan Peterson mentioned this in a recent Tweet:
If Microsoft, Blizzard, and the Trevor Project cared about preventing suicide they would do all they can do discourage transgenderism AKA gender dysphoria. Instead, the HRC and Blizzard promote it constantly.
Watching a once great video game company get completely captured by a bizarre sexual ideology that can’t seem to stop talking about the sexual proclivities of its workers is like watching a fire consume a building. It’s terrifying and entertaining at the same time. What is even scarier is that it’s all self-inflicted.
Much of the blame for Blizzard’s woes lies on the shoulders of Mike and Amy Morhaime. After Mike married Amy, he started caring more about woke virtue signaling than he did making amazing games. Mike changed the trajectory of Blizzard I believe in large part because Amy influenced him. Happy wife, happy life? Behind every woke man, is an even woker woman. Amy and Mike have their own ultra-woke studio now. I am currently working on an in-depth article about this.
The cultural rot at Blizzard can not be repaired. Blizzard needs to fail and die in the most spectacular fashion possible. Besides, the entire studio lacks any kind of artistic and cultural cohesion that unites their video games. If you watch recent BlizzCons you see that WoW gamers have nothing in common with Overwatch gamers. The best thing Microsoft could do would be to break up Blizzard and sell each IP to a different studio.
With all the old guard gone at Blizzard, what remains is a gaggle of incompetent, inexperienced, pink-haired, non-binary imposters.
One might reasonably ask how Blizzard can continue to support the extravagance of spending precious money on a tiny group of sexually depraved people while continuing to lay off employees and failing to produce the very best video games? Blizzard has lost its way. Blizzard was not formed to celebrate sodomy and other sexual perversions; Blizzard was formed to produce great video games.
The American public is increasingly becoming opposed to DEI propaganda in games and its presence in corporations. The return on investment in supporting pride extremism is negligible and costs Microsoft the goodwill and loyalty of its customers.
Why is tone-deaf Microsoft Gaming President Phil Spencer allowing this madness to continue?

I got the impression the new ownership even doubled down on DEI. Faries became president after Microsoft bought Activision-Blizzard, after all.
They know a major part of their player base isn’t into this pride stuff or even offended by it. Doesn’t matter to them.
See Ubisoft. Assassin’s Creed finally goes to Japan, but for the that fans wished for that, the awakening was brutal when they got a typical BLACK samurai and a female shinobi.
The Japanese were especially taken aback, they wanted to have a Japanese guy to be the main char in Japan. I find it interesting how the previous Mirage had a typical arab guy with lots of omissions, religion was largely left out, culture also idealized. I expect the white invaders to be very bad guys in AC Shadows and be responsible for everything.
So basically, take a dump on whites, western culture, Christianity, don’t give a damn about Japanese culture and sensibilities and promote Africans and particularly Arabs and Islam.
Wokeness undermined by devious islam comes to my mind for Ubisoft. Blizzard rather focuses on defeminization and pride promotion.
They still have too many players and sales of their games and the evil seed is taking root. Just the right games for kids who are not even sure if they are man or woman anymore… oh my.
Years ago, my brother came up with a pretty good analogy that he referred to as the Treehouse Syndrome. Two brothers are playing with their toy soldiers in a treehouse when a little girl comes to the ladder and says she wants to come up and play. The boys tell her no. She begs and they refuse. So she goes and tells on the boys to their dad. He comes out and says “You have to let her come up and play.” She proudly climbs the ladder, sits herself down next to the boys, sees what they’re doing and says “I don’t like this game. Let’s play something else.”
That’s the video game industry today and nobody is worse than Activision/Blizzard. Blizzard went from being a group of dudes, mostly friends, who made cool games. Now it’s filled with Tumblr bloggers with blue hair and a mile long list of grievances. People complain about Bobby Kotick or Alex Afrasiabi and I’m not saying they were good guys. But the rot in these companies goes all the way to the low level employees. There is no fixing it without a 100% total rebuild.
And it’s not just big companies that are subject to the Treehouse Syndrome. Also you can easily come up with a variant where the boys are older and one of them, infatuated, invites the girl up himself. And the complaint isn’t about all womem. It’s about the ones who use the power of authority to worm their way in and then tear the operation down from within.
That Treehouse analogy is very spot on.
But it makes me wonder what else would have Blizzard done back in the day with that fame? Because I think part of why they went downhill and can’t even be referred to as Blizzard anymore, but Microsoft-Activision instead, is because of how big and famous they became. For a while their brand was a stamp of very high quality.
I don’t know how the wokeness came to be part of them.
Did they sell out?
Were they forced to embrace it by some larger and more powerful entity?
I’m trying to put myself in their shoes – if I had a gaming studio and it made several GOTY games that are daily played by millions of people around the world, what happens at some point? Do people approach you and tell you “You must accept and implement woke BS into your games or we shut you down” or I somehow get blinded by greed, sell the studio to be ran by someone else and then they implement the wokeness on their own?
Is a gaming studio really safe from the woke virus if it’s big enough or it gets targeted eventually and it has to choose between accepting the woke or shut its doors?
Recently released a demo version of Hades 2, the first game was a big success, I never played it, but I hear everyone praised it, then I see the second one became woke – gender swapping the Greek deities and so forth, changing them to make them more woke and lame, probably even attaching to them some woke personality where they are attracted to same gender or whatnot.
At this point I’m not even surprised anymore this keeps happening, but I always get a little curious in a dreadful way, how much deeper can they sink with this degeneracy?
The treeshouse analagy is good!
Also familiarize yourself with O’Sullivan’s law:
Every corporation, organization, and hobby needs gatekeepers to prevent interlopers and from coming in to usurp the culture.
Once women come into any organization the sexual tension that results is unavoidable. I once ran a WoW guild about 15 years ago and a woman joined my guild and started sucking up to one of the male officers. Within a few weeks the guild was utterly destroyed because the officer was besotten by the attention this woman gave him and favoritism resulted.
The video game industry is notorious for being full of weak men who are flattered by the attention of women. Once women establish a beachhead, they use sexual harassment laws as a cudgel to instill a sense of fear into men. Eventually, they end up running everything and start forming female committees and the the company has an LGBTQ advisory committee which is the case at Blizzard.
Even studios like CD Projekt Red have become woke too.
Every AAA studio has been infected by the woke mind virus. The latest scandal concerning that black man in Assasin’s Creed is the result of the fever dreams of a woke Canadian female game designer.
The video game industry needs to be burned to the ground the same way a farmer’s field needs to be burned of it’s old stubble to produce nutrients for a fresh crop.
I’m going to throw out a lot of ideas here. No polish. Just stream of consciousness
Great question. I know that Jason Schrierer has a book coming out about the rise and fall of Blizzard later this year. However, I highly doubt he has the courage to confront wokeness as a possible reason for their decline. He will skirt around it.
The takeover of the industry has been in the works for a while. I think it started when Facebook social games were released and suddenly women were playing games and erroneously counted in the gamer cohort. Of course WoW is completely different from Farmville. Queer, lesbian and women’s studies academics and intellectuals were behind this scheme as well.
Blizzard got caught off guard. Rob Pardo was ambushed by a worthless fat faggot at at MIT who then wrote an article at Kotaku. Starcunning wrote a letter to Mike Morhaime. Others started writing letters to Kaplan and com planned about “not seeing themselves” in Blizzard games. It came to a head and Mike Morhaime was weak and capitulated. He was married to his wife Amy who was some mid-level employee at Blizz before they got married.
The press was completely behind this takeover of video games.
Then you have the culture shift in America thanks to 8 years of Obama. He polarized and divided the country with his Marxist oppression/victimhood strategy.
The problem now is that video games are not customer-centric; they are agenda-centric. There is no way anyone can justify a black samurai in Assasin’s Creed. That’s insulting Japanese people and in direct opposition to the hero fantasy of playing a Japanese samurai.
We are living in a world where everything has become politicized. The simple joy of playing a video game is gone because now when I play a game, I’m constantly looking over my shoulder at some woke trope that the designers have added. This really detracts from my “flow” and immersion.
The meta game is now, find the wokeness, just like find Waldo.
We simply have to burn down the industry and create a new one. Woke women are the vector point for wokeness. California is the epicenter of wokeness and most of the video game studios are there. We need to move the industry to a country like Hungary where DEI shenanigans are not tolerated.
The entertainment industry is on a path to burn itself down eventually, one way or another. The question is how long will it take.
Recently I was thinking about GTA6 and how up until now RockStar used the game as a platform to mock every current trend, similar to South Park. But now I think with GTA6, they might not do that and include woke into the game. The scary thing is people will still buy it anyways.
This is a video I save off Telegram that is really on point for everything that’s going on right now:
All very well said and thanks for bringing up O’Sullivan’s law. I had heard of it before but for some reason it never stuck with me. It’s amazingly accurate. And I very much agree that the industry needs to crash and be built up from nothing again, though I’m guessing we won’t see that in our lifetimes. But gaming really needs to go back to being a niche hobby so the attention seekers won’t see it as worth while and the satanists won’t see it as a vast fertile ground for their harvest.
‘Woke’ is a tool of Neo-colonialism. It is used to indoctrinate children to cut them off from their own history, spirituality, religion, strength, responsibility, and ultimately self. It is a fascist ideology masquerading as a civil rights movement. It creates cognitive dissonance in its adherents who, no longer able to rely on their own sense of right and wrong, go along with whatever their tribe decides is right or wrong. One day they are told to love this group, the next they are told to hate that group. This explains how Anti-Racism morphed into an Anti-Semite movement. For the last decade or so, millions of gullible white people have been told that they should hate themselves for the sin of being ‘white’. Then October 7th happened and at last! All that internalized guilt and hatred could now conveniently be transferred to history’s eternal scapegoat.