My wife used to love leafing through the pages of Real Simple magazine. Back then, it was all about the innocent joys of domestic life that could be found in an American household like crafts, products, food, and home decor. At the time, Real Simple was a breath of fresh air in a magazine market that was saturated with celebrities and female empowerment tropes.
Real Simple capitalized on an underrepresented niche and appealed to a segment of the public that was hungering for authenticity and non-political content in an increasingly divided world. The magazine was not directed toward women exclusively but was meant to be enjoyed by everyone.
A few months ago, Real Simple changed. For the first time, they decided to put a celebrity on the cover. They gave the honor to Actress Kristen Bell who was featured on the March 2023 issue. They did it again for the September 2023 issue by placing Jennifer Hudson on the cover.
Real Simple 1.0 died when this issue was published and Real Simple 2.0 was born.

Kristen Bell does not represent the average American woman. She’s a wealthy ultra-woke B-list actress who represents the microscopic strata of elite privileged women in America. Bell recently posted a photo on Instagram of a table full of starving celebrities at an upscale lodge in Idaho that went viral. Nothing about that gathering of American royalty looked real simple. As these aristocrats dine on foie gras and Wagyu beef, most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

Not only did the publishers kill the old Real Simple with celebritization, but they also used that issue to start proselytizing the female empowerment agenda and intersectionality to their readers.

To be expected, Real Simple has a full page on their website devoted to diversity and inclusion propaganda as does DotDash Meredith — the Manhattan-based conglomerate that publishes the magazine, and scores of others like People and Martha Stewart Living. As you might expect, the information is boilerplate DEI and anti-racist virtue signaling that all began after 2020. Saint George Floyd is the gift that keeps on giving.
Since only a handful of publishers control the magazine industry, most of them are promoting the DEI agenda to their readers, presumably to ensure their ESG rating gets high marks. This is the reason why white faces have vanished from TV and magazines in the past few years.
What is happening to Real Simple and post-Christian western culture at large, is a march through the institutions of the tentacled monster of cultural Marxism. The cultish narrative is being relentlessly promoted day and night. Celebrities have become evangelists for this new religion. They are also objects of distraction and idolatry for many lost souls as this totalitarian creed is being foisted upon our civilization.
Real Simple has lost its way and no longer bothers to attempt to relate to real women. It’s quickly becoming indistinguishable from the scores of bland women’s magazines in the market. Open any issue and you see much the same woke content and the same predictable advertisements. How intelligent women can allow themselves to be brainwashed by this worthless nonsense is a mystery for the ages.
Entertainment Weekly which I used to enjoy while Hollywood was still capable of creating watchable films, radically changed years ago and today represents woke Manhattan and Hollywood values. The venerable People magazine which once used to feature a wide range of interesting “people” like Led Zeppelin on a 1976 cover, changed even earlier and is now nothing more than a vapid celebrity tabloid rag.
After the Kristen Bell issue, we canceled the subscription, but we still have some issues left coming our way. When I brought the September 2023 issue of Real Simple into the house from the mailbox, my wife looked at it and scowled. She picked up the magazine and promptly threw it into the blue recycle bin. Through the modern miracle of recycling, we fervently hope that this magazine will be reborn and re-enter our household in the form of toilet paper.

Seems Real Simple hired a div… erm business consultant to improve their reach, subscribers etc.. This person must have been a Wokie, not to be confused with Wookie.
We live in terrible times. SciFi writers, particularly in Britain, seem to get encouraged by their agents to include a bit of diversity/LGBT into their novels.
It never seems to increase or improve anything, quite the opposite.
Wokeism is the most dangerous cult ever invented. Within a few years, it has wormed its way into every company and every walk of life. Nobody voted for this. Nobody wanted this. It’s all been imposed on us from the top on down.
This is the proverbial hill to die on folks. If we don’t stop this now, social credit scores will be next and every aspect of our lives will be regulated.
This is not going away. It has to be dealt with. I suggest everyone cloak themselves in the armor of God. This is a supernatural war.
Love what you’re doing here bro, I’m all in now that I found it.