Category: Culture
America is now firmly under the yoke of woke supremacy. Almost overnight, every institution and major American corporation has adopted identity politics ideology that is rooted in Marxism and postmodernism. …
While reading the forums, I happened upon an infographic about Twitter that reveals some sobering truths about this contemptible social media platform. Nobody likes being around angry, loud Karen’s …
Free American citizens are starting to rise up and reclaim their God-given rights. Groups of free-thinking non-compliant people are shopping without wearing the sign of global servitude: the face mask. …
There’s a growing movement of people going off the grid and leaving the modern world behind and retreating to the simplicity and serenity of the wilderness. In the old days …
We here at Wolfshead Online would like to do our part to help celebrate the most important month of the year in America: Black History Month. Most people do not …
The last few months have been very difficult here in the U.S.A. After four years of meticulous planning by George Soros and his minions, one of the greatest swindles of …
Ever since the tragic death of George Floyd this past summer, American corporations have spared no expense to virtue signal their “white guilt” over slavery and the perennially wretched state …
A dangerous madness is currently gripping our culture. The meteoric rise of identity politics and in particular the strange proliferation of transgenderism and everything LGBTQ has clogged the arteries of …
The human dominoes keep falling. It is with great sadness that I must report that yet another prolific name in the video game industry — a hero of mine — …
For over two decades, fantasy virtual worlds have been the most inclusive and welcoming participatory entertainment experience ever created in the history of mankind. Instead of passively watching a TV …
After 30 years of bullying people by shouting childish slogans, it seems the LGBTQ activist vanguard has adopted a new tactic. Now when they see any sign of opposition to …
Transgenderism is a sick and twisted ideology that that preys about the most vulnerable in our society: children and teens. This demonic ideology is sweeping throughout the United States, Canada …