In the wake of the AIDS tragedy in the 1980s, gays turned into a political force to be reckoned with. On one hand, you had militant groups like Act UP and Queer Nation. On the other hand, you had a group of intellectuals taking a subtle and long-term approach to incremental change via indoctrination. The best example is Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen who unleashed a Machiavellian blueprint for the normalization of homosexuality in Western civilization. Their book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ’90s was a masterful psychological program on par with sinister organizations like the KGB and the CIA.
Within a few years, the American public became increasingly desensitized to homosexuality and gays/lesbians started appearing in TV shows and films. After Bill Clinton became president of the U.S.A. in 1992, gays and lesbians got their own inaugural ball in Washington, D.C. The Democrat establishment embraced the alphabet agenda and eventually same-sex marriage became the law of the land despite DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) and many state referendums where the American voters expressed overwhelming opposition to the concept.
Today, gays and lesbians have full rights in America and even special rights being a protected class. Seeing their reason for existence gone, powerful groups like the Human Rights Campaign cynically latched on to transgenderism to keep the victimhood grift going, so it is no accident that transenderism has dominated the public discourse in the last 10 years. Leftists needed a new class of victims to emancipate (trans people) and malefactors to point the finger (American Christians).
So here we are in 2024, with DEI being promoted relentlessly throughout society thanks to Kirk and Madsen’s mass persuasion techniques. Not only are we faced with transgenderism being ubiquitous, but we also have to deal with queer theory and other forms of sexual deviancy such as gender theory, non-binary, pansexuals, and polyamorous people. In addition, there is a growing movement that is supporting pedophilia which euphemistically is called minor attracted persons or MAPs.
Recently intellectual Auron Macintyre challenged the validity of the term: virtue signaling. He says it’s a form of worship where people make outward gestures to become high-value people in the new intersectional caste system.
Maybe the phrase virtue signaling is not the right phrase we should be using.
Virtue signaling is not an authentic virtue because it requires no effort. True virtue does not advertise itself. Video game studios are the worst offenders. Larian Studios the creator of the acclaimed Baldur’s Gate 3, recently virtue signaled on LinkedIn how pleased they are they have been nominated for 5 awards from an obscure, pro-LGBTQ site called Gayming.

Thanks to the LGBTQ, bestiality, and gratuitous sexual content in Baldur’s Gate 3, I’ve never played this game nor do I ever intend to play it. I don’t care how “good” your video game is. If you promote evil by filling a video game with sexual depravity, I will never play it. As a Roman Catholic, I care more about my immortal soul than the fleeting prurient pleasure I can derive from a video game.
The problem here is not Gaymingmag which is run by a predictable cadre of grifters, perverts, and freaks. The problem is the video studios that enable them.
For the past 10 years, there have been pro-LGBTQ gaming websites and conferences that have the specific mission of promoting alphabet representation in all games. They are desperate for attention and as a result, they getting grants from big companies like EA, Playstation, and Blizzard. Other gay rights groups like HRC and GLAAD have the same mission and use the same tactics.
The real problem is that certain video game studios care about what special interest websites like Gaymingmag think. If they care what they think and broadcast it, there is a good chance that they will ensure that LGBTQ content continues to be artificially inserted into their video games so that the website will continue to show them with praise.
High-level World of Warcraft developers from Blizzard like Holly Longdale and Steve Danuser have done the same and gone on X to proudly talk about World of Warcraft and Overwatch being nominated by LGBTQ pressure groups like GLAAD.
In 2020, I wrote an entire article about how the existence of video game awards incentivizes studios that are addicted to the opiate of virtual signaling. In 2023, I wrote a piece about Holly Longdale promoting WoW’s GLAAD award on X.
A few weeks ago, up-and-coming YouTube culture warrior Endymiom talked about Larian’s capitulation to the alphabet mafia in this video:
I wrote most of this article before the current Sweet Baby Inc. scandal. My subsequent article on that topic is striking similar to this one with many of the same themes of infiltration by various woke agendas showing up and the same cast of characters. Now we know the rabbit hole goes even deeper and to some very ugly places: a hatred of heterosexual white men, Western civilization, and God.
DEI narratives make for terrible games that nobody wants to play. Studios that routinely make terrible games eventually go out of business. The massive layoffs are a prelude to bankruptcy (or are purchased by vultures like Embracers Group and Enad Global 7) if they don’t smarten up. But, that’s not a guarantee that the video game industry is even salvageable.
The problem is that the video game industry has not only forgotten how to make great games, but they have forgotten the reason why they should be making great games: to create a high-quality experience that their customers will find fun. In addition to this, they refuse to acknowledge that straight white male gamers are their bread and butter.
The BUD Lite catastrophe where an inexperienced woke female marketing executive figured that their target demographic (conservative men) should be replaced by a younger more progressive audience that doesn’t drink beer is a perfect illustration of how DEI, ESG mandates, and wokeness is a deadly mind virus that can destroy your brain and your company if you let it.
Many game designers are getting old and retiring. Soon all we will have left are younger game developers who have no clue on how to make a good game. Without older more experienced white men to do all the heavy lifting behind the scenes, these younger woke and diverse developers will be exposed for the talentless, soulless frauds that they are.
If the video game industry can’t find the courage to pivot back to making its customers happy, then it needs to go extinct.
I’ve played a bit of BG3, I’m towards the end of act 1 so far, and I don’t understand where their acclaim and financial success come from. Probably partly due to graphics and how well their cutscenes look like, plus – no doubt – the BG trademark did most of the heavy lifting for them. Sometimes the objective quality doesn’t matter at all, even amongst gamers, but as long as it is a well-recognizable title with good enough graphical appeal it is going to sell.
All the virtue signaling aside, there are many strange issues with this game that I found. Without external modes, camera is too restricted, which almost made it unplayable for me at the beginning, yet the game and its exploration/loot system lend itself so much better in third person mode. Once I unlocked the third person camera I realized why they restricted it so artificially – it works fine in most situations but skies are off, like they haven’t finished the skybox properly, so rather than one giant beautiful skybox it looks like a series of skyboxes on repeat in a grid, with black lines visible. They had the time for all the cheesy LGBT+ references and background noises but couldn’t finish the skybox, so they restrict camera and – awkwardly – you are unable to look up at the beautiful scenery in the third person mode? Freaking hilarious and very telling.
Overall, gameplay and story wise it’s not too bad, I would call it serviceable, but it’s not as brilliant as most people seem to believe. It’s also a bit chaotic for worldbuilding, like it’s made for people who already know D&D and BG lore, and lore pages you find are piss-poor, like their target player base are averse to reading, even if it’s optional. Compared to Pathfinder or Pillars of Eternity crpgs, I find BG3 inferior in many of these aspects. In Pillars and Pathfinder, even characters were more likeable/intriguing and even LGBT content of these games – which wasn’t really much of a focus, rightfully – felt more in-depth, like romances. You had companions with specific sexual orientations, which in turn provided depth for their characters and unique feel for the romantic subplots. I’m not into gay stuff but I found myself totally drawn to the gay romance with Daeran in Wrath of the Rightous because it was so well written. BG3? It’s an orgy where everyone can be with everyone, because they’re all bisexual or worse essentially, so it doesn’t matter who they are and who your created hero is. A few questlines into the game and everyone in my camp wanted to go to bed with me, and I barely did anything to romance them. And the focus on romances and sexual encounters… in a plot where you’re infected by a literal ugly parasite attached to your brain, looking for a way to get rid of it or even cultivating it for yourself and also for your companions, if you choose so… It just feels kinda wrong, like bleh. Like, sometimes characters have bigger shit to deal with, so focusing on sex and love right from the get-go seems kinda… contradictory?
But I guess BG3 – especially the fact not many people even realized games like Pathfinder and Pillars existed – is exactly where Western market of CRPGs is heading towards, sadly, because I’m sure some other developers will now try to replicate Larian in their own games. There is less and less on the market that’s actually truly immersive and can be played in peace. I got addicted to Genshin Impact lately and it’s truly a difference between night and day. The focus is entirely on engaging lore, worldbuilding and interestingly written characters, also nice cultural inspiration or references, but no virtue signaling and no BS. The problem with Asian products though is that they’re totally different, especially fantasy, usually wilder combat and less grounded esthetics (total opposite of what I like). While Genshin managed to create something both graphically pleasing and in its own unique style that isn’t as ‘wild’ while scratching some of the high fantasy/fairly tale itch. Genshin became my open world baby, so I don’t have to deal with Western products constantly getting fucked 10 times over by stupid irrational dev priorities, even though they start off good. In Genshin I can live in peace now and it feels good! Many people who haven’t even tried it complain about the gatcha but honestly, it’s completely playable for free… I only find myself paying because I’m fairly satisfied, not because I feel pressured into it. On the other hand, I have no idea whether there are “more grounded” “classic” Asian CRPGs though, akin to BG3. Maybe something to look into. I guess maybe the new Dragon’s Dogma will turn out nicely? But that’s probably more Witcher-like open-world than CRPG
Your take on the game is valuable, because I will not play the game on the grounds of being woke. I actually did play little bit (maybe 20 minutes) of a very early version of it, way before I knew it was woke and way before I was on the lookout for woke garbage propaganda in media.
I would have pirated the game, but it being woke means I won’t even pirate it. The irony in this is creating woke trash games, as well as live service, means they can protect themselves from pirates.
My knowledge of BG3 is only from articles and things that became too loud for me not to hear, like that bestiality moment where you have sex with a druid in bear form or, like you mentioned – everyone wanting to have sex with you. Another thing I dislike that I heard is that all the leaders of settlements are powerful women and men are again – incompetent idiots who can’t put on their own pants without the guidance of an independent, resolute and strong woman.
What I’m noticing about old RPGs and games in general is that politics were never a goal in those games. They were just games telling a story. Nobody, not the developers, nor the players, cared who is the main character, what gender is he/she, who are the enemies, what is their gender, who is the bad guy what is his/her gender. I’m talking about classics, like:
– Deus Ex
– Half-Life
– Diablo 2
– Morrowind
– Jedi Knight/Outcast/Academy
– BG1/2
– Serious Sam 1/2
– Max Payne 1/2
But now it’s impossible to not notice this in games. I think for anyone to say about current games that they aren’t noticing the politic propaganda inserted in them is not true – they are lying. The only way to maybe not notice is if you are a 10 year old kid with a young mind who doesn’t know any better and your mind is molded on this garbage and then you expect to see this everywhere.
As for Genshin Impact, yes, the game is Chinese and Chinese people don’t take too kindly to poofter crap, they are currently a very strong nation and their citizens have very strong national sense, a sense of community and are currently leading in almost everything – economy, demographics, quality of life, military power and more. So they don’t tolerate degenerate garbage like what the west is infected with and is trying to propagate to its peasants (us). I tried playing Genshin Impact, but I can’t get into it because it doesn’t allow you to create your own character – pick appearance, gender, class, etc. and also forces you to cycle between 3 different character based on circumstances. I don’t like this, but from the little I’ve seen – the graphics, the music in the game are great.
I’ve said this before, but I’m more or less done with new games, the only ones I’m curious to see how they will turn out are:
– TES6 (it will probably be 120% woke with no gender option upon character creation and poofter degenerates everywhere, but I still want to see how much they will dumb it down compared to TES5, which was a garbage in its own right)
– GTA6 (I still have hopes it won’t be woke and will actually make fun of woke trash, but I could be wrong)
– Avowed (pretty confident it will be woke, but I want to see it nevertheless)
– The Wayward Realms (it’s from Daggerfall developers and will have a certain amount of procedural generation and I have hopes it won’t be woke, but only time will tell)
I’m sticking to old games, old movies, old TV series, still watching animes and am more calm and relaxed not caring about woke garbage propaganda. It’s still a breath of fresh air knowing I still live in a country with some normal people left who aren’t afraid of saying “puto maricon” (of course in my native language) like it doesn’t mean anything and nobody bats an eye, of course we have a small minority of woke retards who voluntarily brainwash themselves on woke western propaganda, recently I had the misfortune of being a guest in the home of one such woke and when the topic of discussion changed to how some motorcycle club had a pole for pole dancing inside, this wokester said “oh that’s just a display of toxic masculinity”. I felt like something inside me died, if I wasn’t his guest in his home, I would have laughed my ass off and ridiculed him. Never have I thought in my own country, in my native language, would I hear those cursed words “toxic masculinity”.
Maybe it’s just my wishful thinking, but if there is a chance Avowed turns out like Pillars did (which didn’t strike me as much with wokeness), then I’m pretty excited for this one. I guess it’s the matter of overall quality and creativity for me and the worst thing that full-on wokeness does to games is that it completely destroys any depth behind them, whereas “woke” things, in moderation, might actually provide depth too, but all of these woke products fail to do that, most of the time, because they’re shallow. There is a large portion of people who scream woke as soon as the fantasy game isn’t the exact carbon-copy of real life medieval patriarchy but I kinda like the fact a fantasy world full of different races, monsters and whatnot might be a bit more inclusive. I don’t find this a problem if it’s not in your face/overdone and there is actual narrative quality behind it. Again, I might be a bit native about Avowed, but then again, in Deadfire they didn’t shy away from portraying a racial group of black people/nation who were actually the colonists/exploiters… and of course they’ve been called racist for it by the mob crowd, but I guess this proves, as a company, they weren’t really super infected yet, at that time. So who knows how Avowed turns out
Interesting about Divinity 2… I knew about this game but whenever I looked it up, there was always something that said ‘nope’ so I didn’t try it. Like romances felt weird and on the cheap side whenever a video on YT popped up etc so it smelled foul. I tried BG3 because of the hype and also because it’s better graphics (…at least on the surface). But yeah, you can feel all these things while playing it and most of all, the plot feels kinda disjointed to me – like, why do I care? why my character even cares? You keep asking yourself these questions and then it gets even worse if talking to major characters and you can’t pick the most sensible dialogue option, like “why” “tell me detail or I don’t trust you” Instead, the game is like “nope, too early for answers” and the character just goes along with it for no reason. Also, hearing what you said about Mindflayers sounds… curious. LOL. But maybe I’ll just watch the rest of that weird plot on YouTube because the game truly becomes annoying and I haven’t even reached the actual meat of the “woke content”
I guess my problem with gaming is that I don’t like the need to fall back to very old games, visually less pleasing, simply because there are no better options. I hate it, in fact, and visuals matter to me a lot. But it is what it is, until things start changing in the Western market.
PS: Sorry for multiple posts, they can be removed. It truly felt like the site was bugged or something which is why I tried to submit multiple times
Hello Wolfshead, hello T, I already thought about posting this before your comment appeared, and I can shed some light on the strange popularity of an actually not that great game.
Larian made Divinity Original Sin and Divinity Original Sin 2 before BG3, which is basically the previous two games with a D&D background and a big name to exploit.
Me and many others often try to express WHY the game doesn’t work for them and wonder why it is so extremely popular and successful, there is a discrepancy between our own perception and the visible success of said games.
EndymionTV stated in several videos the high production value of BG3, and the D&D setting, that made it more successful than the already successful previous two games, but let’s analyze Divinity 2, I am still not through, I found some DISTURBING and cleverly hidden woke agenda woven into the story.
Divinity 1 and 2 are based on the “Source”, in Divinity 2 you are ENSLAVED and sent to a PRISON ISLAND because Sourcerors are capable of wrecking havoc and killing people.
Now let’s look at some companions and races. Lizards, Men, Elves, Dwarves are intermixed and Elves are discriminated against. They are not very Tolkien, they eat human flesh and then can access the memories of the persons they ate.
They are cannibals, they are the ORCS of Tolkien in that way! First twist.
And the next twist: The prisoners are called Magisters, they are a priest/clerical order with a bit Templars mixed in, the “pope” is called Alexander and you will kill him even twice over the course of the game. They are portrayed as villains.
Their victims are often crucified, instead of Jesus poor oppressed minorities/aka sourcerors are put on the cross, which acts as some kind of lethal barrier that must be dispelled or avoided gameplay wise.
Dwarves are criminals. Elves cannibals. They are stripped of all nobility they possess in Tolkiens work. Dogs and animals can even be talked to in Divinity, but lo behold: dogs are often whimsically stupid or commandeered, not loyal companions of man. Cats are worshipped in this game in a way that makes me as cat afficionado uneasy, it reminds me of the sick love commies and lefties harbor for their pets. Just like that Missouri woman shagging with her dog at home and before the Baptist church, making videos and trying out other dogs, but none pound her as good as her own best doggo, oh my… green, purple, hair color change and bestiality. Reminds me of that one leftist whore who thought having some copies of the communist manifesto makes her anything else when she does her “job”. Also green, pink and purple hair for her, frighteningly similar exterior and habits.
The characters in BG3 have similar twists like many unlikable characters in DOS2. Lohse has a demon inside and does horrible things, this is the “Dark Urge” demon character of BG3. A demonkind becomes the love affair of a honest man and they happily fight on together in hell at the end of the game. The evil Illithids/Mindflayers of BG3 become “victims of society” in a way, yeah, no kidding.
You all probably heard about the bear sex thing… in DOS2 there is a dominant female character with a male guy who might be a BEAR shifted into MAN form, who is quite a foolish simp for her.
The numerous “romances”, be it man, woman, thing, animal, evil or psychotic are also an integral part of BG3 to an extent that isn’t there in DOS2 yet.
EndymionTV pointed it out, BG3 has all that cleverly woven into a serviceable game. The media push it and push it… they are promoted by Sweet Baby like companies.
One has to look closely and go into detail… but let me give just one more example.
There is an angel/god like statue with wings on the intro screen of Divinity Original Sin 2. It cradles in one arm a demonic/devil like baby.
The hatred of heterosexual white men, Western civilization, and God is there, for all to see. And games journalists and these companies work on promoting it as the best game ever.
I still haven’t and won’t ever play BG3, but Divinity Original Sin 2 also got highest ratings and it is extremely overrated. Many players just join in the chorus, analyzing achievements show that many never made it past Act 1 of 4. The later acts 3 and 4 are quite weak, a similar design reportedly also visible for BG3 where the last act was and still is bugged and quite underdeveloped.