The wholesale cultural vandalization of the West is in full swing. Beloved franchises like the Lord of the Rings, Dr. Who, Star Wars, Marvel, DC Comics, and of course, Star Trek have been infected by the woke mind virus of identity politics, representation, and DEI agenda. The ivory towers of Hollywood are one of the biggest distributors of neo-Marxist idealogy because they understand that culture is upstream of politics.
So-called Star Trek Day is a Paramount promotional event that happens every September 8th. It is an occasion to celebrate the legacy of Star Trek. Recently the official Star Trek X account published a compositie promotional mural for Star Trek Day. Noticeably absent was the character of Captain James T. Kirk and the actor that made him famous: William Shatner.
The indefatigable Shatner made some remarks bout this willful omission on his X account:

The Shatner version of Captain Kirk should be in the middle of the image, instead, they put the black female character named Michael Burnham. Played by a talentless woke actress named Sonequa Martin-Green. The Burnam character — probably the worst character ever conceived for Star Trek — is an extremely annoying and unwatchable black Mary Sue.
The Star Trek Discovery series is thankfully canceled. It was a preposterous, amateurish, shallow, contorted, cringeworthy kaleidoscopic mess of woke tropes and gratuitous LGBTQ pandering. If he were alive, Gene Roddenberry would be outraged if he knew what the ghouls at Paramount have done to his legendarium.
A fan named fixed the graphic and posted it on X:

Bounding into Comics has reported on continual memory holing of Captain Kirk as well.
Behold the nasty little man who is currently in charge of the whited sepulcher of the Star Trek franchise:

Without William Shatner’s interpretation of Captain Kirk, the Star Trek franchise would have never gotten off the ground. Erasing Captain Kirk and William Shatner from their legacy is a move right out of the Stalinist playbook from the Soviet Union; this desecration is culturally equivalent to the statues that were torn down across America during and after the George Floyld BLM/ANTIFA riots.
They are doing this because the Captain Kirk character is a strong, swashbuckling, charismatic, confident, manly straight white man. The idea of Captain Kirk who is a man’s man is offensive to the very core of their intersectionalist worldview. They believe that the archetype of Kirk exemplifies toxic masculinity and white privilege. Therefore, he must be marginalized, canceled, and memory-holed for the greater good.
By doing this, they are purposely depriving males of having masculine role models. Without masculine role models to inspire future generations of men to grow up and be actual men, you will have no men enlisting in the military and no men to lead society. This is exactly what they want as they proceed to destroy and reimagine Western civilization.

So shameful! You named it in your conclusion. A similar fate has befallen James Bond, who was made more compatible with the woke era, but not entirely unmanned yet.
They killed Bond in the last movie, rumors of a female Bond came up, but whatever, I fear they might even manage to top that.
Bond was a topic in one of my English courses, and that was already a while ago. How macho and off and sexist his remarks are, the awful names of the bond girls and their role and so on. Honor Blackman’s role had a name that would trigger Akismet and woke people. This was stewing for a long time at universites already.
The white male and related stereotypes are under attack for ages already. Despite men respecting women more than ever before, even giving in way too much.
The usual ways of Men change, women change, times and stereotypes change. But this is not what this is about. This is not about change but about turning things upside down forcefully. It is part of the ongoing marxist crusade against Western Civilization, Christianity and the core family with man, woman and children.
Star Trek managed to top Star Wars in being bad, which was quite an achievement after the last Star Wars trilogy. The current head of all things Star Trek, Kurtzman, is a former collaborator of J.J. Abrams, he got his contract extended from 2023 to 2026… oh my.
Strange New Worlds gave me and likely some others again a little bit of hope, but season 2 destroyed it already. Wokeness was already present in season 1, season 2 was not so much woke as just bad.
We already talked about this; they are lesser men walking in the footstep of giants, they can only ape them, they don’t have the life experience and creative power to truly create something new. Add this hideous ideology and it gets terrible.
I recently started reading books by Griff Hosker.
“I am the writer of Historical fiction (…) I use characters who would behave not as a twenty first century man but as a soldier of the period.”
They are strong leaders of men, with moral values, fighting for God, their families, justice and revenge. It’s entertaining and uplifting to read in an age of madness.
Meanwhile in Europe a lot of woke people experience now firsthand that they cannot turn islam into something woke. Governments are about to fall, but it is still an uphill battle. Things have to get even worse till people really stand up against the attack on Christianity and Western Civilization.
Insightful analysis as usual. Thank you!
It’s all about the Message now. If you don’t like it you’re a racist bigot. Funnily enough South Park neatly captured the phenomenon you so aptly described:
I’ve been a fan of TNG since the beginning. Still am. Keep searching for the blu ray collection of all 7 seasons but haven’t justified the $ yet, so while a big fan, a frugal one. Also enjoyed original ST and the follow on films, especially ST VI. Undiscovered Country. I do realize there are politics in each and all of the franchise series, of course…but even TNG, while edgy toward utopian vision, still left enough creativity and objectivity in the depiction that it was not fully repulsive or easily rejected. As a hardened anti-communist, I still enjoyed that series’ entertainment value. Began to watch some of the DS9 series, but fell of the wagon during the run. Just too modern in the political sphere even for the late 90s. The rest of the series, I can not speak to. No idea. I don’t even recognize that they exist. I actually don’t recognize the characters in the line up image. LOVE the remanufactured Kirk above them all. The BONES one liners are about as classic as the Chuck Norris one liners. Pure admiration for great acting and character development. Every new show today is the same. Some guy, or half naked woman, clutching a pistol, with flashy smoke and blurred drama in the background. It’s all been done…
Somewhat related: An upcoming Star Wars film with the oh-not-so-beloved angry Rey as main protagonist called NEW JEDI ORDER.
One cannot make this name up with their woke context in mind…! Even stranger, Steven Knight is reportely working with them and apparently still working with them.
Knight made stuff like Peaky Blinders and Spartacus, as un-woke as it can get. Director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is known for two episodes of Ms. Marvel. Or not, guess nobody knows her.
They might make “Solo” look very good in comparison…!
At this point, I don’t even have the energy to feel angry, frustrated or outraged anymore.
I just disregard the things they produce and ignore them. I still remember when it was 2015 and the new movie was into cinemas, I went to see it without even watching the trailer, I thought to myself “it will either be the best Star Wars movie yet or the worst, there will be no middle ground”, and it ended up being the worst.
Around that time, I wasted a lot of time and effort being angry and outraged about it, but then I found that, we, the people who dislike these agendas taking place into franchises we like and ruining them, we can’t really do anything about it. There’s no point in being angry or sad or anything, just stop watching it and move on. And I did and it feels so much better.
At this point when I see news like this, I actually kind of feel joy and find it hilarious – because I actually look forward to seeing how much they can ruin and destroy the franchise. Because at some point it will stop making them money, because even the stupidest and wokest people have a limit to how much trash they can consume.
I’m with your 100%. I find myself rooting for the self-immolation of all of these woke corporations and studios. The lesson of the marketplace is the only one that they will understand
Sports Illustrated is going out of business because they embraced DEI and wokeness.
I can’t wait to see more video game studios fail. I feel schadenfreude now when I see of video game studio layoff and all the non-binary female grifters.
As I’ve mentioned before, I am posting these articles to chronicle their downfall. I take no joy in writing them but somebody has do to it because the mainstream video game media refuses to.