God fearing Americans are sickened by the wickedness, violence, mayhem, and arson that has consumed American cities. Normal Americans are appalled at the cult-like virtue signaling by politicians, corporations, celebrities, and radical left protesters. Normal Americans are tired of being saddled with the blood libel and false accusations of white supremacy and white privilege. Normal Americans are outraged at the insane calls for defunding and abolishing the police. Normal Americans are disgusted by the selective outrage of the left.
While the prideful moral exhibitionists are elevated, humble Americans are denied a voice. While the mentally ill are celebrated, rational Americans are censored and marginalized by the elites and scolds who run social media. While the wicked reject God’s commandments and forbid attendance at churches, we the faithful trust and obey God.
Peter Skurkiss from The American Thinker reveals these unspoken truths in his brilliant article The building cold anger throughout America.
These ongoing demonstrations mixed with riots are an offense against decency and the rule of law. This has countless Americans seething. This includes independent voters and even many of run-of-the-mill Democrats, not all of whom are hard-core leftists. This anger is not a ‘hot anger’ which leads to lashing out in aggressive and violent behavior. Rather it is a cold anger that simmers until the opportune time for action comes.
We are the silent majority. We are a collective sleeping giant. We are biding our time. Woe to those who stand against us.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. We will not tolerate our God being mocked. We will not tolerate our way of life being denigrated. God willing, we will unleash our righteous anger and exact overwhelming retribution on election day in November 2020.
Please pray for our nation. Please pray for our president.
Civis Romanus Sum
The same could be said for America and Americans. It’s great to be a Roman/American. Prosperity and wealth, the sublime beauty of America’s nature, a new chance to live in freedom and start a new, better life. The American Dream.
The struggle for freedom is forgotten these days. People got used to live in welfare. Coming to America is seen as a guarantee to live in welfare, not as a chance to work hard and only maybe have a chance for a better life, never a guarantee.
America overcame slavery, helped Europe liberate itself in two World Wars. The moon landing. MMOs. OK. Enough about my preferences. 😉
It has become a sport and favorite pastime of Americans and non-Americans alike to hate America. Why? Of course does America have issues. But there is a reason why people are trying to become Americans and don’t bolt for another nation. Though if you are after welfare for just showing up on the shore, Europe is arguably a better place today.
Good and decent people still make up the majority. The noise and zealous drive of people who grew up benefiting from what previous generations achieved is immense. They didn’t experience the difficulties and for them “Freedom” is just a word, they are used to it, they never lacked it.
And so did I. I am not an American, but I was never poor, never needy, lived a wonderful live so far. And I am not very grateful for that, as I should, I am too much used to it.
I often wonder if voting is enough. But it seems to be against the DNA of reasonable people to be angry, noisy zealots. Many might lack some pioneer spirit these days or the will to stand up against mischief. Americans still have it more in general than Europeans do, in my experience.
It’s a cultural war. What a sick and perverted ideology that riots, loots, destroys, hates and censors. They don’t promote diversity or fight racism, in fact what happens is the opposite.
It’s social networks that make us believe its hundreds of likes for destruction of monuments related to slavery (Churchill, Columbus and Lincoln… I would like to tell them and see their faces…), looting of stores, killing police officers, one black on top of that, to fight racism … one cannot imagine the sheer stupidity. And then you have only a handful of people showing the angry emote and even fewer speaking up against that.
Don’t let the mob rule. I would like to encourage people to oppose the current madness. I have serious doubts if being a silent majority will be enough and such persons shouldn’t be allowed to undo the progress made in many decades and centuries.
Nowadays the USA must not be afraid so much of the Russians or Chinese but of their own citizens. As the Roman Empire didn’t fall mostly due to climate change as it is so popular to claim these days, let me be more specific: A great nation is build by even greater citizens and only fails when its citizens fail. Be it by decadence or weird ideologies.
Very well said! Thanks for posting this.