The Power of Eucharistic Adoration Over Satan

Eucharistic Adoration is a devotional practice within the Catholic Church where the faithful come to worship and meditate in the presence of the Eucharist, which is believed to be the real presence of Jesus Christ. This practice involves the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, typically placed in a monstrance or ciborium on the altar, where it is visible for adoration.

The Eucharist, considered the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ, is adored in recognition of this profound presence. The act of adoration can take many forms, including silent prayer, singing hymns, reading scripture, or simply being in the presence of the Lord. It’s seen as an extension of the worship offered during the Mass, providing an opportunity for personal and communal spiritual growth, thanksgiving, reparation, and intercession.

The knowledge of the power of Eucharist devotion for the salvation of souls comes from a very unlikely place: exorcists.

Over his long career, Father Gabriele Amorth, the famed exorcist of Rome, managed to coax some chilling confessions from the demons he faced. In his countless exorcisms, he noted that these malevolent entities expressed a profound aversion to Eucharistic Adoration.

According to Amorth’s accounts, the demons would scream in agony when confronted with the power of the Blessed Sacrament, revealing that the act of adoring Christ in the Eucharist is one of the greatest spiritual weapons against them. They admitted that the sanctity and the love poured out in adoration significantly weaken their influence, making it a formidable shield against their dark machinations.

These revelations, as documented by Father Amorth, emphasize the potency of Eucharistic Adoration in spiritual warfare. Demons have confessed that the prayers and presence of the faithful in adoration are like a purifying fire, burning away their capacity to corrupt and mislead.

Amorth’s insights suggest that when the faithful gather in adoration, they are not only drawing closer to Christ but also inadvertently engaging in a profound act of exorcism, pushing back the forces of darkness through the sheer power of their devotion and faith. This has led to a renewed emphasis by many in the Catholic Church on the practice of Eucharistic Adoration as an essential component of spiritual defense and personal sanctification.

For Catholics who wish to grown in holiness, I heartly recommend regular visits to Eucharistic Adoration. Jesus has said to many privileged souls over the years that even a few minutes of our time spent in adoration can bring untold graces to our souls.

During the end of Ritualae Romanum where priests are ready to expel the demon, they directly command demons to tell the truth they do so in the name of God and Jesus Christ, they are unable to lie.

What follows is a list of the many things that demons have said about the power of Eucharistic Devotion. This is taken directly from a recent excellent X post.

The exorcist priest of the diocese of Rome, Father Gabriele Amorth, managed to obtain in his countless exorcisms some disturbing phrases related to the Eucharistic Adoration. These words, torn from demons, reveal the extraordinary power of being in the presence of the Holy Sacrament.

Here are these phrases:

• “Here it is, hidden in that white bread! But he is not hidden from us; we see him and his light burns us. It’s like a fire we can’t put out!”

• “That piece of bread isn’t just bread. It’s He, the same one who threw us out of heaven! “We hate it, but we can’t get close! ”

• “If human beings knew who really exists, the whole world would kneel and we would be defeated forever!”

• “Every minute spent in front of Him takes away our strength. He forces us to flee like cowards!”

• “The place where they worship Him is full of angels. We can’t get in there even with our traps!”

• “When you worship Him, He strengthens your souls and destroys everything that we have done in your lives.”

• “An hour in front of Him takes away the souls we had trapped for years. It’s like a big war against us, and we always lose it!”

• “The Holy Hour fills your homes and families with light. “We can’t stand that light, it blinds us!”

• “When Holy Hour is made for sinners, they receive His mercy and our chains are broken. It’s a condemnation for us!”

• “Those hours of silence in front of Him are like a hammer that hits our heads. We can’t resist you!”

• “When they look at him, they don’t say anything, but He acts in their hearts. This is destroying us from the inside!”

• “Silence in front of Him is more powerful than a thousand words. He fills them with grace and makes them invincible!”

• “Every moment of adoration offered by the souls of purgatory sets them free. Those deeds are like swords that cut our chains!”

• “The souls that He frees take ground and we can’t take it back! ”

• “When they offer their adoration for the dead, we lose and they gain His light. This is unbearable!”

• “Stop these repair cults! Every act in front of Him destroys what we have built with so much labor”.

• “When they make amends for swearing and sacrileges, they weaken us more than they can imagine”.

• “Restorative worship is poison for us. It’s like they destroy everything we do in their souls!”

• “Those who spend time in His presence are protected! It’s like they built a fire barrier around them. We can’t reach them easily!”

• “Every time one of you looks at him with faith, we receive a punishment that hurts us more than a thousand chains”.

• “When someone adores him with all his heart, he takes away what is ours. Humbles us every time!”

• “Those prayers in front of the Blessed Sacrament for sinners are our ruin. They receive His mercy and repent, and it destroys our traps!”

• “When you pray for the lost before Him, He shows you His love and breaks our chains. It’s a disaster for us!”

• “Worship for sinners leaves us powerless over them. He covers them in his blood and we can’t touch them anymore!”

• “It burns us, it burns us! “That light that radiates from the Blessed Sacrament is like a fire that never goes out”.

• “He’s alive there and we can’t stand it. Her looks destroy us”.

• “Every consecrated bar is a torment for us. It’s here and we can’t get close to it!”

• “Souls that consecrate themselves to Adoration are like swords that pierce us. Can’t beat him!”

• “Those small groups that worship Him are more powerful than our entire armies”

• “An hour with Him is worth more than thousands of prayers that do not include His presence”.

• “The adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is like the rain that extinguishes the fires we have lit in the world.”

• “Those acts of worship bring peace on earth.

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