Tag: Blizzard
I thought I’d have a bit of fun making a meme that shows Blizzard’s target audience in 2004 versus their target audience in 2020. See if you can spot the …
Open Letter to the Nobles of Stormwind, Forgive me for this bold intrusion but what I am about to say is of the utmost importance. You may know me, for …
Luke Sigmund hit the jackpot and won the video game career lottery. With no fanfare or maudlin farewell letter, he quietly left Daybreak Games and is now employed by the …
After years of speculation, we finally have the official smoking gun as to why World of Warcraft was dumbed down with the release of the Cataclysm expansion. They did this …
Given the news that former EverQuest executive producer has just revealed she is now working for Blizzard, I’m now going to indulge in some speculation as to why she left …
BlizzCon 2019 has come and gone but the stench of corporate hypocrisy still lingers in the vast halls of the Anaheim Convention Center. If you thought that given all of …
The recent passing of EverQuest co-founder and MMORPG visionary Brad McQuaid has caused me to pause and take stock of the fantasy virtual world genre that was born 20 years …
For the 1.2 billion Roman Catholics around the world, the title “Blessed Mother” refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. For 2,000 years, this title has …
This week Blizzard Entertainment put profits before human rights and capitulated to the authoritarian regime of communist China. They banned a Hearthstone player name Ng “blitzchung” Wai Chung, took all …
May 26, 2016 will go down in video game history as the date that the MMORPG genre was saved from oblivion. That was the fateful day that former Blizzard World …
Almost every corporation in America has abandoned the wisdom of ideological neutrality and converted to the pseudo-religion of progressivism. The cynical marketeers in the business world call it values marketing. …
Here are 5 things that Blizzard has engaged in that have distracted them from making great PC video games.