The last few months have been very difficult here in the U.S.A. After four years of meticulous planning by George Soros and his minions, one of the greatest swindles of history has just been perpetrated. The U.S. presidential election was stolen with voter fraud on a massive scale in every swing state. Seventy four million Americans just found out that democracy is a quaint illusion.
There is perhaps a silver lining, America can never again lecture the world about freedom and democracy with a straight face.
Then there was the Chinese Wuhan virus. How do you like your life now sheeple?
America is a nation in decline. Too many Americans are weak, stupid, selfish, and cowardly. We’ve got far too many bad people and precious few good people. We’ve hit a tipping point. If you don’t see it, you’re lying to yourself.
Everything that you heard that was good and noble about America is no longer true. The once upon a time notion of greatness of America is now a story of yesteryear told to children by the campfire. Don’t come to America, stay away!
Free speech — the lifeblood of Western civilization — has all but evaporated. You are free to agree with popular opinion. You are not free to disagree lest you be fired, shamed, depersoned, cancelled, and imprisoned.
If you are white, they accuse of you of white privilege and being a white supremacist. Any disagreement with the status quo and you are labeled a bigot, a racist and a neo-Nazi. If you voted for Donald Trump, they want to declare you a domestic terrorist, round you up, and put you in re-education camps. I am not joking.
Since the fiasco in Charlottesville to the false flag Capitol Building protest, freedom of assembly is another illusion for fools, unless of course you are a member of ANTIFA and BLM who can burn, loot and destroy American cities with impunity. Stay at home, do as your told, keep your opinions to yourself, keep your mouth shut, be a good little serf and pay your taxes on time. This is America now.
This is their America now.

America is a nation with two systems of justice: one for those true believers that have the correct opinions, and another one for those heretics with incorrect opinions. Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.
Is this the progressive utopia that they promised us?
The long march through the institutions is almost complete. Saul Alinsky is smiling in hell. His strategy worked because the progressives now control America. The radicals cut their hair and put on suits. They fooled everyone.
Now every institution from academia, education, entertainment, sports, video games, corporations, banks, politicians, judges, and the military has been infiltrated and corrupted by the mild-mannered neo-Marxists with polite beta male smiles. Even the cubicle dwelling snivel servants that slither in the bowels of the deep state, dutifully rise to obey their corporate masters.
America is now a progressive theocracy run by an oligarchy of corporations from sea to shining sea. There is no difference between left and right. America is run by a uniparty of corrupt politicians who are stooges for corporate America. The spineless Republicans are just as complicit as the fanatical Democrats. To hell with both parties.
Most everything on approved media sources is a lie. Truth is optional.
Goodness, decency, and wholesomeness are shunned in popular culture while outright evil, perversion, and degeneracy are exalted. If TV was considered a wasteland in the 1960’s, it has most certainly become a hellish pit of wickedness and banality in 2021.
Not only is every form of sin and debauchery tolerated and promoted, everything in our culture has become politicized beyond belief. Even the food we eat has been politicized.
There is no escape from the constant drumbeat of corporate virtue signaling. There is no TV show, TV commercial, or newly released film or video game that is free from political indoctrination and the stench of diversity and inclusion platitudes coming from Hollywood.
Instead of pictures of Stalin and Mao plastered on billboards, Americans are subjected to diversity, inclusion. and representation theology in the mainstream media and entertainment. You can’t go shopping without running into a cashier with badly dyed pink hair wearing a PRIDE and BLM button. The dystopia that Orwell predicted in his classic 1984 is here.
Even David Bowie somehow predicted the soft totalitarianism of 2020-2021 in his classic song of the same name:
Someday they won’t let you, now you must agree
The times they are a-telling, and the changing isn’t free
You’ve read it in the tea leaves, and the tracks are on TV
Beware the savage lure
Of 1984
They’ll split your pretty cranium and fill it full of air
And tell that you’re 80, but, brother, you won’t care
You’ll be shooting up on anything, tomorrow’s never there
Beware the savage lure
Of 1984
There is no escape, except for one place.
Me and my family have decided to retreat to the castle of our home and the monastery of the mind. It was the monks and hermits that retreated to the wilderness that copied the manuscripts and saved the knowledge that would one day help rebuild Western civilization.
Despite the best effort of Amazon and Google to put devices in our home to make our lives better, our minds, imaginations and souls, are the one thing that the oligarchs do not yet control. But I’m sure they are working on it.
In 2017, Victor Davis Hanson penned an article Monasteries of the Mind:
When everything is politicized, people retreat into mental mountaintops — dreams of the past and fantasies of the future.
Modern culture has become hostile to normal people who hold traditional values of faith and family. We are strangers in a strange land. The only recourse people have is to retreat to the oasis of the mind and imagination.
So we’ve decided to take action. We’ve become modern monastics.
We have cut traditional cable TV. We no longer watch FoxNews and any network television. Instead we have purchased a ROKU streaming device and only watch a select few channels that we can trust such as InfoWars, and OAN. It’s available on ROKU via KlowdTV.
We no longer read magazines and newspapers. Every major news website has been infected with wokeness and political correctness. We no longer watch anything to do with politics.
Social media is a cancer and a distraction. Some of worst people in the world live there and will make you lose your faith in humanity if you are not careful. We cancelled our Twitter and Facebook account years ago. YouTube is completely corrupt as well.
I’m having a crisis of faith. These days, the words of priests and scripture seem to ring hollow in these evil times. Millions of people prayed for this nation in the past year but it seems that Christ and His saints were sleeping while our nation burned and while democracy died. When God sends us false prophets like Pope Francis and when our prayers are not answered, I start to feel that God has abandoned us. Maybe He is just returning the favor because we abandoned Him first.
I’ve immersed myself totally in my work. Making my non-woke video game brings me great happiness. It’s a middle finger to Blizzard, EA and every shitty woke studio out there. It’s my own piece of sanity in an insane world.
While I enjoy writing articles here, I don’t really have the time or the will to write as much as I once did. Writing articles for free is not much of an incentive. Due to the fact that I have spoken my mind about various issues, Google is also suppressing my search engine rankings.
The world has become an ugly place full of disappointment and misery. I find myself relishing the brief moments of blissful escape when I play video games. I feel safer and more at ease in fantasy virtual worlds than I do in the real world. I’m dead serious. That is the reason that I get so damned angry at video game studios that needlessly inject real-world politics into our escapist worlds.
I don’t have much hope left but I do have some advice. Life is short and passing us all by. Stop worrying about politics and start living. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
All you have in this world is yourself and the people that love you. Stay close to them and love them back with all your energy. Everything else is bullshit.
Dear Wolfshead,
I don’t blame you one bit for wanting to unplug. Do what you’ve gotta to do protect your family from all the lies. Drink deep from the well of everything good, true, and beautiful.
Whether you ever write another article or not I want to say thank you for all that you’ve done and written in the past. I have thoroughly enjoyed your commentary on the MMO industry and your ideas on the genre.
I am saddened that you’re going through a faith crisis, but I appreciate you sharing that publicly so that I know to pray for you now! I will pray for you and your family and will offer my participation at Mass this weekend for the special intention of your encouragement. Don’t retreat only to the Monastery of the Mind; flee also to the Sacraments brother! Nothing the bishops say or do can negate the Lord Jesus’ promise to be with His people.
As hard as it may be to believe, I converted to Catholicism this past year. The lockdowns hit right as I was finishing RCIA and due to the lockdowns I was unable to be Confirmed on Easter Vigil as normal, but was received into the Church on June 13 2020. My middle name is Joseph so I chose St. Joseph as my patron. This Christmas I completed a 33-day Consecration to St. Joseph program and I consider it providential that Pope Francis declared this new year the Year of St. Joseph.
American Civilization may be collapsing, it’s a real possibility, but the Church has survived civilizational collapse before. The Church is the true Noah’s Ark, and now that I’m on board I will never leave. My prayer is that my still-Protestant family will follow me one day and not be swept away by the rising tide of Modernism that has already destroyed the Methodist Church, the religion I was raised in.
Please, anyone who may read this, pray for the conversion of American Protestants, particularly those in Modernist and Theologically-Liberal communities.
Anyway, I hope you may find it encouraging to hear that, despite all that is currently wrong in the Church, particularly the error of it’s shepherds, the Holy Spirit is still leading souls into the arms of Holy Mother Church, even here in the U.S., even at this late hour.
God Bless you and keep you Wolfshead.
Thanks Seth for a really thoughtful post. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
I re-read my post and as some have noted, it’s sad and depressing. I’m guilty as charged. I allowed the chaos and nonsense of the world to get me down. At least I am taking concrete steps to protect myself and my wife from it all.
I’m very glad you’ve become a Roman Catholic. That is wonderful news and your conversion is inspiring to me! Thanks for your prayers too, that really means a lot!! Prayer is vitally important and yes, so are the sacraments. We must never lose our connection with God and the church despite the lukewarm shepherds that exist.
St. Joseph is the most powerful of saints who are at the throne of the Holy Trinity St. Theresa once remarked:
“I know by experience that the glorious St. Joseph assists us generally in all necessities. I never asked him for anything which he did not obtain for me.”
You chose well Seth! I am devoted to St. Joseph as well.
Another amazing saint is St. Philomena. We have one of her sacramentals in our home. Sacramentals such as candles blessed in the old rite and all of the images of Our Lord and Our Lady are all blessed by a Catholic priest. Make sure to get St. Benedict medals blessed in the old rite and have them in all parts of your home for protection. There is a lot of literature on the tremendous efficacy of St. Benedict medals as protection against evil.
Also, since you say the Holy Rosary every day, you should also enroll in the Brown Scapular as well. I do both as well.
Thanks for this kind and generous missive Seth. This has really brightened up my day. I am in awe that my writings have been appreciated by good people such as yourself. 🙂
God bless you!
“George Soros and his minions”
I agree with a lot of what you wrote, but when you start your piece out with a reference to an absurd anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, it’s kind of hard to take the rest of your piece seriously.
Thanks for the comments. I respectfully disagree. I really don’t care about Soro’s ethnicity, I care about his actions. You should be able to criticize a Jew or Muslim or whomever without having the charge of “anti-semitism!” or “Islamophobia!” leveled at you. This is a common tactic of deflection. It’s cheap and it’s lazy.
The “conspiracy theory” charge that people that many people use is really getting old and tired. Everything the left disagrees with these days is labeled as a conspiracy theory. Yet, it is quite obvious that there are people who are conspiring to destabilize America, Western civilization, and Christendom. This has been going on since the American Revolution to the rise of the USSR which attempted to weaken and destroy America and to various Islamist groups and globalist elites.
The USA is a free country. People should be allowed to propose theories. In the marketplace of ideas good ideas will take hold and bad ideas will fade. At one point in time, the theory that the world is not flat but round was considered a “conspiracy theory” by the establishment.
I try my best to make my articles as factual as possible and provide the reader with cogent articles. I suppose I could have spent a few paragraphs outlining Soro’s and his Open Society’s evil and meddlesome deeds but I did not. This is largely an opinion website, so I don’t feel I have to prove everything I say. I’ve spent years building up trust with my readers. I don’t say things lightly.
George Soros sponsors “color revolutions” all over the world. This is fact:
Just for the record I will include some more links to Soro’s nefarious deeds:
Soros also funds the radical left
Yes, George Soros Sent Money to Fund the Riots—and So Did Taxpayers
Tucker Carlson: George Soros, George Gascón and the fall of Los Angeles