In the digital age, where the battleground of ideas often takes the form of tweets and viral posts, Andrew Torba, the founder of Gab, has once again thrown down the gauntlet with a message that cuts straight through the veil of political correctness.
In the aftermath of Elon Musk’s petulant tantrum regarding H-1B visas, Torba’s latest X post tackles the contentious topic of “racism,” but not in the way you might expect.
Torba argues that the term has been weaponized, stripped of its original meaning to serve as a cudgel against whites, while other ethnic groups engage in the same behavior—labeled in-group preference—without the same societal condemnation.
Torba’s critique is not just a lament; it’s a call to arms for those he believes are ensnared in what he calls the “liberal mind prison.” He points out the hypocrisy in how in-group preference is perceived and practiced across different racial lines. For Torba, the issue isn’t about promoting division or fostering animosity but about recognizing a basic human instinct for self-preservation and community cohesion. He challenges the narrative that in-group preference among whites is inherently malicious, contrasting it with the acceptance of such preferences in other communities.
The crux of Torba’s message is a stark choice: embrace what society labels as “racism” in the form of in-group preference, or face replacement. He frames this not as an endorsement of hatred but as a fundamental survival strategy. In a world where cultural debates can dictate the future of nations, Torba’s words are a provocative reminder of the ongoing dialogue about identity, race, and the right to self-determination.
What follows is the full text of Andrew Torba’s Tweet on X:
“Some of you still don’t get it and are locked in the liberal mind prison where their magic spell words continue to paralyze you from thinking clearly. Allow me to break it down for you simply:
“The term “racism” has been weaponized against White people, stripping it of its original meaning. In its contemporary usage, “racism” is essentially synonymous with in-group preference.
“Every other race and ethnic group on the planet engages in in-group preference, favoring their own kind in various aspects of life such as employment, neighborhoods, social circles, mate selection, and yes—even the church they attend.
“And there is nothing wrong with this, I have no problem with other races having an in-group preference. This was the norm for every racial group for all of human history until about five minutes ago when Whites decided to embrace suicidal levels of altruism and atomized individualism.
“My problem is with the double standard.
“When Whites exhibit the same in-group preference, they are labeled as “racists” or “White supremacists.” This distortion of the term “racism” is deeply deceptive. It implies that Whites having in-group preference is inherently malicious and irrational, driven solely by a hatred of other races.
“This is a gross mischaracterization. In-group preference does not necessitate a venomous animosity towards other races simply because of their ancestry. It is a natural human tendency that has served to maintain the integrity and cohesion of various communities throughout time.
“The true significance of in-group preference lies in its role as a mechanism for survival and prosperity. When Whites fail to prioritize their own group interests, they leave themselves vulnerable to displacement, replacement, and eventual destruction at the hands of other groups that have no qualms about pursuing their own self-interests.
“It is essential for Whites to recognize and understand the importance of in-group preference, not to foster hate or animosity towards other races, but to ensure the continued survival and flourishing of our people and nations.
“We can, should, and have every right to embrace and advocate for our own interests while coexisting peacefully with other groups. This is not a call for hatred or division, but rather a plea for the recognition of the basic human right to self-preservation and the pursuit of a prosperous future for one’s own people.
“So make the choice, and it is absolutely a binary choice—you can be “racist” or you can be replaced by those who are.”

The inherent sense of community and self-preservation seems to have died with common sense quite a while ago, it got replaced by virtue signaling how non-racist, inclusive etc. people are.
Particularly in Europe. I once told on this very blog how a successful small to medium company in Germany got more and more professional and modern and… decided to give the HR department to a Turkish woman born in Germany.
She was even “integrated” / germanized, whatever one wants to call it, but still believed in Islam and its culture and hired people based on merit.
Forget the last part, she partly by herself, partly by pressure from family and clan, provided good jobs to Turkish workers. Now most top jobs were still mostly white males, there are not that many Turkish physicists in Germany, over time some still got in, were terrible and not up to their job, and there were conflicts and, in the end, the old guard that started the success story got replaced, fired or went away on their own.
Similar things happened to Blizzard, and not only to them. I am thinking of a lot of super woke game studios that recently alienated customers and thankfully got the only answer served their understand, low sales on top of a lot of criticism. The low sales are the much more important thing, though.
White Christians must take care of White Christians. I am thinking of the whole WESTERN WORLD, Europe, USA, Australia, while we are still different in language and culture, White Christians can adapt to live in this or that other country. They integrate flawlessly and without major problems. Try that with Arabs and anyone else of the Islamic faith.
Chinese and Black African Christians usually can integrate, but they are difficult to integrate, and I say it bluntly, they must not rise to highest offices. This is a totally naturally thing in Japan for instance, even a fully, perfectly integrated foreigner married happily to a Japanese woman, having kids and no matter his achievements, he will still not be a Japanese ever. Heck, not just Japan, anywhere, except in the Woke West.
Musk is arguing from the top, and I have an excellent counterpoint to his argument. The 0.1% of the super ultra top mega talents come from all over the world, but still mostly from the western world. This needed elite group of engineers Musk cited in tweets following this statement. In that he is right, and I also agree that America must take them, they are a boon.
The dark side he didn’t mention is that these visas aren’t for these people. They are rather ways to import friends and family, and they are not handed to an elite, they are providing thousands of jobs that could be filled by local or at least people from America, often jobs that at the maximum require medium education and usually none. Cheap labor, that’s what farmers are often all about. They couldn’t hire Americans for so little money.
I have another local example. I have to be unspecific with the industry, but a lot of people for packaging and doing menial work at machines are required. The whole office and higher echelons except for one foreign language interpreter that is the daughter of a muslim father in the worker council are White Christians, the whole workforce is now basically an Turkish-Arabic clan with similar methods to get their will. So the boss now sings their song, is pro-migration and… funnily founded a private kindergarten for the kid of his daughter, sorry for workers at the company, where almost exclusively White Christian kids are raised, the exception being the privileged kid of the worker council guy. No others are present, these clog the local kindergarten and gave it such a bad rep and sad state of repair, that everyone else here has to bring the kids elsewhere or pay for the private kindergarten that is also open to people paying.
The Chinese have due to tradition, Confucianism or whatever, a responsibility of the individual towards family, clan, state, and also vice versa. Western entrepreneurs usually don’t feel that way, unfortunately.
Add leftist teachers and society teaching our kids to be lambs, while the much more numerous foreign kids are encouraged to be wolves, there you have it, the recipe for disaster.
Musk is facing a similar problem in Germany: Germans don’t work that hard and even less so for not so much money. On the other hand, Tesla is automated enough that he needs a bit higher standard than Amazon for delivery services.
Andrew Torba raises awareness, but will it be enough to combat the re-education of young Americans into sheep? They are taught self-destructive values.
Musk and high-tech must be monitored, they all just love cheap labor too much. Though I think Musk is very much aware of this problem and won’t flood America with illegals. He is from South Africa and very much aware of the White genocide happening there. He won’t go back there. He is in Team America and interested in its success.
Have no worry about Kash Patel and Vivek. They are outstanding personalities, loyal to Trump or in case Vivek at least the idea of America, more so even than some Americans these days.
It is the flood of migrants that is endangering America, not the top talent. The crux of the matter is that far too many manage to get in through this VISA. Citizenship must again become a privilege, not handed out like candy as in Europe.
Excellent analysis! Thank you.
I believe it’s time for all immigration to stop in the USA. In the last century, America had a 40-year moratorium on immigration until the Trojan Horse of the Hart-Cellar Act which promoted a diversity lottery system. That bill was a product of Jewish interests. They prefer a racially diluted USA to a white USA due to their insecurities and they used WW2 as an excuse.
The USA managed to win WW2 during that moratorium period. We can always make exceptions for super-talented people as was done with Operation Paperclip
(importation of German scientists to the USA) and during the Manhattan Project.
Immigration is not only about economics. Immigration is being used as a bio-weapon to invade and conquer nations. Of course they are always Christian nations, the ones that built Western civilizations.
Immigration of non-compatible peoples radically transforms nations. Indians are being used as this bio-weapon right now in every single Western country without exception. There are 1.45 billion Indians in the world. Even 200 million Indians settling in the West will be a ticking demographic time bomb with devastating consequences.
The left that made all of this happen and orchestrated all of this love to talk about the environment. Let’s use terminology they understand. Immigrants are an invasive species wherever they go. They bring their entire families with them young and old. They create standalone cultural enclaves. They take jobs from Americans. They drain the social safety net dry. They don’t belong here. They are not compatible with our way of life. They are fraudsters, hucksters, and criminals.
I urge everyone to read this article by an Indian who knows both cultures well. Prepare to have your mind blown:
Thank you, a lot of food for thought.
You will have to educate me on US immigration bills of the last century and how Jewish interests influenced them, that’s something I know nothing about. Some places where I could read up would be appreciated.
About India, I am shocked indeed. I knew from reports of various people and know a quite westernized Indian, very much like the one who wrote that article, who told me a little about the situation, corruption and moral in India. But he was likely ashamed or didn’t want to tell it as bluntly as the author of the article above.
My mother once landed in India on the way to Bali and wanted to use the airport toilet… yeah, bad idea. She saw the hateful, malicious faces of the poor at the fence of the airport. My mother had good instincts. She literally told me, they would have raped, robbed and murdered her the very moment they could get their fingers on her. My father thankfully also quickly returned to the airplane and asked her if she used the toilet, of course not, she went back to the plane immediately and my father said the toilet was so utterly dirty that the guys before him told him not to even bother, and it smelt already in the hall. At this point my mum was about to turn back and afraid of Bali but told me once it was an entirely different world. People were genuinely kind and friendly there, even more so than anywhere else she had ever been. A night and day difference. She also talked about totally different culture in Malaysia and Indonesia.
The west has a problem, we were set up with several things that prevent even the discussion of such things:
Racism got turned into a taboo. In school already kids get bombarded with don’t be racist, all religions are equal, all cultures are equal, everyone is equal. And this works, because who would not agree that bullying people just because they have a different color of skin is a very bad thing?
But here is the catch: In this very moment people are no longer allowed to remotely touch anything that gets labeled racist. The other catch is that people are not equal. We are born in different circumstances, different cultures, in different places of the world, born to incredible wealthy or poor and everything in between parents.
Peter Scholl-Latour, a German-French journalist, reporter and author, was a man who talked with the VietCong, Khomeini, Arabs, Indians… he was basically what a journalist was supposed to be. He went for reporting and understanding, without becoming an activist for this or that cause. Now that’s something you don’t find anymore.
He made a famous quotation, which of course is not shown on his Wikipedia page. I dunno if it is known in the USA.
“If you take half of Kalkutta in your country, you don’t help Kalkutta, you become Kalkutta” often also changed to if you import the Third World, you become the Third World.
He was spot on. The same is true for the so-called refugees. They will bring their beliefs, wars and deficiencies of moral values, culture and society to the nations taking them in. Yes, they will bring also their strengths, as the left is eager to point out. But diversity is not our strength if one tries to integrate the Indians you just mentioned. You also wouldn’t believe what a butt kisser and sycophant the head of the workers council is. But his boss and employer started to take advantage or even love this kind of dog-like loyalty. Apologies to dogs, they do it out of pure pack instinct, loyalty and love, unlike this guy. The worker council is now basically partly owned by the employer as its head is deep in his rear end. For as long as the two keep up their unhealthy relationship like that, control over the workers is complete, the mostly Turkish guys follow the authority of their guy, even if they know what kind of guy he is.
Yes, there are many people who should never be allowed into America or anywhere in the West. But see how small to medium to big capital profit from worker slaves and how much they love it. They don’t make politics for the people and are unfortunately seemingly blind or ignorant or even willfully accelerating the decline of society, even if I really have trouble understanding such people, but they are numerous and dangerous.
Germany has trouble with free speech. You wouldn’t believe how much even normal Germans are freaking out about Musk criticizing politics and economics. He has no right to influence German elections… while Germans apparently can tell everyone all around the world in every matter how it is done. Peak arrogance and ignorance. Freedom of speech is endangering freedom of speech. We are already halfway the next German Democratic Republic with a socialist uniparty.
They love labeling the AfD voters Nazis, that’s what Conservatives and Christians are nowadays. There are a few radical elements in the AfD, but it is all bull. The politics of the party are beyond criticism, even if they are economically as successful as socialism always was, a total disaster. And don’t get me started on the import of Islamic invaders. The Turkish guest workers guys from decades past still haven’t managed to fully integrate or integrate at all. Not only Germany, all of Europe and Britain is in danger of falling to Islam. One still cannot publicly state that Islam is a massive problem.
I might add some more thoughts later, but I am writing this just before lunch, I just had to get it out. I agree to the migration stop, but how to sell it to the masses. They are still entangled in a web of lies and belief everyone is a nice, wealthy, lovely and genuinely kind person.
I have relatives who live in USA and while they say they live a good life, from what I’ve seen in videos for Philadelphia (most notably Kensington Avenue) and when I lived briefly in Massachusetts for several months on a Work & Travel program from my school, I encountered mostly what the videos for Kensington Avenue were showing). My American coworkers were addicted to different things, I shared a room with an American who was an addict.
While this may look like it’s beside the point, I think is exactly on point – after I’ve seen what I have, I don’t have a desire to immigrate to the USA, I’d rather forge my own path in my home country instead.
What I don’t understand is why are these relatives of mine saying they live a good life, I think they live an average life and are lying a little both to us in the Home Country and to themselves. I could also be wrong and biased, and they could indeed be living better, but I just can’t see it anymore.
USA was touted to everyone not from USA as “the country of opportunity – where you go and through hard work you can achieve a good life worthy of envy”, same with Western Europe, but to a lesser extent. I have a friend of mine, rather close, who lives in UK right now, has been for the past 10-11 years and now wants to come back, because as he says “it sucks there now”.
And in that notion, I think the so-called “American Dream” has kind of faded and a lot of immigrants come to the realization that it’s no longer “the land of endless opportunities”, it may have been in 1902, but not now. And they have to get by by exploiting the system – living on benefits, enter a life of crime, etc. So essentially doing the same things they did in their home country, but now in English.
So I don’t see why so many immigrants are still flocking to the USA, there must be a reason and I think this is my main point here.
Either they are blinded by old propaganda, or someone in the USA is making it easy and possible for them to enter. And another thing that baffles me – if we presume that I want to enter as a LEGAL immigrant, it will be more difficult for me to achieve compared to if I were to enter as an ILLEGAL immigrant. This is absolutely crazy to me. Of course, as I stated, I have no desire either way.
And for them to be “invited” by someone in USA to come in, there must be an agenda or a reason behind this. And I think it’s the same with immigrants in Western Europe – it’s done to destroy the white people as a group. Right now Western women don’t want to date, only want a career and money, especially are less interested in dating white men, even more those from their own country and are more likely to hook up with a foreigner instead and if they have a kid, the kid will be mixed and in 50-100 years, there will be very few white people in those countries – a real minority. And I think the same might happen in USA if uncontrolled illegal immigration is not stopped.
We have a saying in my native language: “The stone weighs the most in its original place.” Meaning that if you are in your home country, you have the most value, if you go to another country, you will always have less value and be treated as a second hand person by the locals.
In a way I believe most of immigrants are deluded and are up for a rude awakening and I support the idea that most immigrants should not be allowed and be deported unless they are some practitioners of some high degree skill.