Mark Kern’s Call to Action: The Fight Against Woke Ideology in Video Games and Beyond

After the attempted assassination of former U.S. President Donald Trump, reluctant culture warriors like myself and others are sounding the alarm. Shit just got very real. We still do not know who is really behind this attempt but given the past behavior of the current regime and the Deep State, anything is possible.

Andrew Brietbart once said that culture is upstream from politics. The left understands this but the right does not. However in recent years as the undeniable assault on Western civilization progresses, many of us have been waking up and doing all we humanly can to stand against the forces of wokeness and globalism.

The fight to preserve Western civilization extends from video games, board games, card games, TV, film, and beyond into the fabric of our everyday lives. DEI is now replacing white heterosexual men in all workplaces. Planes are falling out of the sky and people are dying because corporations are hiring people based on DEI instead of merit.

It gets worse. They want us to live like serfs and wholly dependent on the state while they flood our nations with low-IQ third-world savages. All of it is related. The forces of wokeness i.e. neo-Marxism want to erase everything — our history, our culture, biological sex, and us as well. This is not hyperbole.

Even if you don’t care about politics, the decline in the quality of video games and entertainment is staggering. Most video games coming out today are trash. Most TV shows and films are trash too. My wife and I can’t find anything worth watching anymore. We’ve cut the cable. We don’t subscribe to streaming services and instead watch old movies and read books. We’ve retreated into the monastery of the mind.

Basic competency has been replaced by propaganda. The radical left is bent on inserting DEI themes into everything. These wokesters have no real skills at all. They don’t even have the skill to formulate stories, plans, and narratives. They are empty husks.

If we don’t act and reclaim our industry, we will get more of the same and it will only get worse.

There’s an old saying:

You get the government you deserve.

If we don’t wake up and get involved, we most certainly will get the video games we deserve that are full of propaganda with trans-approved ugly women, blacks, minorities, and a carnival show of alpahabet people.


The continued persecution of Donald Trump is an attack not only on him but on the people who elected him. He is just in the way. If they can destroy Trump, do not kid yourself, they can destroy any one of us. This is not a joke or an exaggeration.

Like Trump, former Blizzard developer Mark Kern has been relentlessly attacked by the left for being one of the few brave souls in the video game industry to stand up against their hegemonic tyranny. He recently posted a long message on X and I invite everyone to read it. If we band together we can save our civilization. If we sit back, do nothing, and expect someone else to do it, we are doomed.

We need to rally around heroes like Mark Kern, Kabrutus from SBI Detected, and other culture warriors in the center and on the right before it’s too late. Shakespeare says it best in his play Julius Caesar:

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

Nobody is coming to save us. Wake up.


Yesterday changed everything.

Even if you try to avoid politics, historical-level politics will come to you (and for you). I got involved in fighting against the woke virus in games because I saw my friends persecuted inside studios, and gamers getting accused of horrible things and gaslit and lectured to by what is supposed to be entertainment.

But I’ve said from the beginning that there is MORE at stake to this than just games. Wokeness is an existential threat to humanity to all levels. That is why I decided to speak up. It is an ideology of hate that preaches the destruction of all who just wish to co-exist, let alone oppose them. it is an ideology that denies fact, and forces humanity to make self-destructive decisions to protect The Message.

I picked games because this is my area, and were I can make the most difference. Culture is also CORE to the battle, and ignored by most conservatives.

You can tell that wokies know culture is important because of the level of hate and threats I and others have received for talking about simple things like how characters are censored in video games. They want you silenced, and they want you dead. It seems an oversized reaction to us, but to them, they see it as necessary because whoever controls the culture, controls the politics of our times.

And they want power, and they will not use it wisely or justly. They will use it to hunt everyone down. Yesterday showed us the stakes. They will do anything, and cheer anything on, to get their way, no matter what innocents get hurt.

I saw this coming, and I knew that morally, I had to take a stand and fight to win back our culture. And I knew the price was high.

I make games, and I’m fighting the gaming establishment. There would be no Tencent deals for me, no console publishing, no ESG investment. I knew from Gamergate 1.0 that they would come after me, come after my business, and come after my family (and they have done all three).

But I understand what is at stake. It’s more than games, and I could not sit by and watch the world crumble.

Normally, I keep politics out of my feed. But the battle has widened. Yesterday cannot be ignored. We see the true faces of so many gaming personalities being revealed for who they really are and why they are really doing this.

So you’re going to be seeing some more politics from me, but as gaming-focused as I can make it. But the matter is too important not to discuss openly now. The stakes are too high to just stand by. History calls, and we all must answer.

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