If you haven’t heard by now, Heel vs Babyface is a fearless mega-chad in the video game world. Unlike other cowardly streamers like Asmongold who have capitulated to wokeness, he is one of the few streamers/influencers who has refused to bend the knee to the limp-wristed neo-Marxist cultists that control the video game industry.
Heel has done a lot of heavy lifting defending the side of sanity in the current culture wars. I love his common sense, common man, balls-to-the-wall approach to issues. Heel has also been a frequent guest on Nerdrotics’s show which I highly recommend.
Heel just made an epic rant against Bethesda for forcing players to choose pronouns in the upcoming Starfield video game. He went on to excoriate the industry for the constant proselytizing that ruins the immersion and the escapism. This rant is so epic that it’s gone viral.
Here’s the tweet by Dan Vasc that started it all:
Of course, he’s absolutely right. The video game industry has gone down the toilet in recent years with obsessive identity politics pandering. The latest trend is body types instead of sex choice and now forced pronouns. Not to mention most females in video games look like horse-faced flat-chested trannies.
Here’s the full transcript for posterity:
Heals vs. Babyface: I want to say a little something to you Bethesda. Bethesda, there is nothing I love more than to sit down comfy chair turn on the PC, fire up a brand new RPG, lose myself and think oh my God just think of this world, just think of all the planets I can visit. All the immersive things that I can get involved in, with all the fights, all the relationships all the people I meet, all the places I go, I’m so excited to go there. And you know, I love nothing more than with all of that laid out in front of me. I love nothing more than to be dragged out at every fucking conceivable opportunity so you can fucking current day!
Sorry, did you want to get immersed in our world yeah well guess what? Fucking pronouns! Fucking gender ambiguity! Fucking current-day Californian shit, cause that’s all we fucking know. I know cause we’re boring, we’re so fucking boring!
We can’t see past our own fucking reflection; that’s the level of our narcissism here. Bethesda, Western game company. Fuck your immersion, fuck you having a good time, fuck you falling into a world and just getting lost. No no no current fucking day.
Fuck off! You’re boring. You have nothing to say. You are one hive mind twat waffle. That’s all you fucking are. And you wonder why people are getting so sick and tired? You take everything we love, all our immersions, all our fantasies all our escapism and you just can’t help shovel your dog shit fucking crap ideology into everything!! Every single solitary fucking thing!
The Aftermath
Predictably, the very same people who called for boycotts of Hogwarts Legacy because of J.K. Rowling’s courageous pushback against transgender psychopaths are up in arms that someone would have the temerity to be outraged at all the gratuitous wokeness that has been shoved down gamers’ throats in recent years.
People opposed to Heel are mocking him for having the courage to speak out. I have not seen one valid rebuttal yet.
The main argument of those opposed to him is that this is a trivial thing to ask of someone playing the game and that we should not be concerned about it. If it’s so trivial, then why was it included in the game in the first place?
What if a video game company included a small one-sentence statement that you must agree with before you can proceed and that only comes up once in the game:
I confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
Please press “I ACCEPT” to continue to play the game.
Everyone would go bonkers on Twitter.
Compelled speech is not free speech. It’s wrong.
Heel wasn’t ranting just about the pronouns requirement, he was complaining about the ubiquity of gender idealogy and wokness in video games. The video game is doing this because they are trying to normalize degeneracy. The problem is that people can see it now and they are fighting back.
One person in particular, named Taliesin, chimed in with the following adolescent insult:

Taliesin is an effeminate British leftist who hides behind his wife’s skirt and her avatar in their shared X profile. Blizzard Entertainment flew him and his wife out to BlizzCon in 2019 to be hosts. So you know he’s never going to rock the woke apple cart and bite the hand that feeds.
Another huge disappointment is a YouTuber who calls himself The Act Man who mocked Heel. The truth is that he needed to get woke in a hurry so he could get remonetized on YouTube. I would not doubt that he’s probably auditioning for a job at Asmongold’s OTK Media company as well:
On the other hand, many people have come to his defense like Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of Akkad who eloquently defends Heel vs Babyface:
Today Heels released a video that addresses the controversy:
A pseudo-religious cult of deranged Marxist fanatics has taken over the media entertainment industrial complex. Heel vs Babyface, speaks for me and millions of voiceless, forgotten gamers who simply want to enjoy a few minutes of escapism without being indoctrinated by a bunch of ideological bullies.
we’ve all had enough of the woke video game industry imposing its degenerate culture on the public. Until the video game industry is purged of these wretched parasites, nothing will change. The best we can do that is to boycott these companies and vote with our feet.
I stand firmly with Heel vs Babyface.

The ADL is going for X/Twitter, HvB is getting cancelled, or at least they try to… just terrible.
About Starfield. This thread exists, but it no longer shows as hot…^^ despite 13.4k upvotes.
Mods are Bethesda-close, some are even Bethesda CMs, … a similar pattern also emerged in subreddits of other companies and their games. For this subreddit they don’t bother displaying this proudly.
Gamers get fed ever more crap these days, influencers bow to the rainbow and promote this shit. Amazon held not back trying to save their Rings of Wokeness from the vote of the people. So will Bethesda, game is a week out and today the censorship on Metacritic will happen.
The best they can do is still way less than they could do before the woke infection hit them. Such a silly oppressive climate just doesn’t allow for great games.
The ADL is the single greatest threat to freedom of speech on the planet. They literally invented cancel culture. They tried to get Tucker Carlson taken off the air by organizing a boycott of his advertisers. They tried to cancel LibsofTikTock and she’s an orthodox Jew! You can’t make this stuff up folks. The ADL promotes every kind of woke degeneracy out there.
Here’s an article by Rabbi Michael Barclay calling out the ADL for their evil:
God Bless Elon Musk for Calling Out the Anti-Semitic ADL
Thank God Elon Musk purchased Twitter. I suspect after Elon finishes suing them, there will be a class action lawsuit lodged against them for the thousands of people they have canceled and destroyed. The ADL are racketeers.
I’m proud of Heel vs Babyface. It really needed to be said. We’re going to take back our video game industry from these identity politics cultists.
Aside from the woke cult propaganda in this game (I skipped Fallout 4… and all other Fallout games, because I don’t find the post-apocalyptical genre immersive, therefore I don’t know the level of woke in Fallout 4), I always knew that after Oblivion, every other TES game will be more and more stupid and dumbed-down.
I always love showing this image that compares the skills and how they devolved between Morrowind, Oblivion and Skysh*t.
While searching for the one above, I found this one too, which seems like a good depiction of the same thing in a different manner:
I think everything else also became dumbed-down since then.
Another example is gear slots – with every version the became less and less. Morrowind had left/right bracer, left/right shoulder pad, left/right glove. There were pants, boots, by the time of Skysh*t, the armor piece accounts for left/right shoulders, pants, chest.
Another example is the UI – with each version it became more and more imbecilic. Morrowind had UI that looked very mouse & keyboard-oriented, in a way Oblivion’s also felt similar, but it was already transition to console-friendly. Skysh*t’s is so bad you need complete UI mod overhauls and yet they still look like they were made for console. And all in all, with each version, the freedom of using UI to serve you is more limited.
And the way quests feel too is also dumbed-down. Before side-quests felt like separate main quests, but now the main quest feels really lackluster while the side-quests barely fit the profile of what a quest stands for and don’t feel like you want to bother completing them at all.
Their latest games feel like they are built on top of this very simplistic template for an RPG/Adventure game which pretty much every game in the last 10 years follows word for word. The story is very simplistic and predictable, the characters are one-dimensional, the environment looks boring and uninspiring. And if you have played one of those games, every other game, regardless of setting (sci-fi/fantasy/modern day) or developer, feels the same, and you’ve played one – you’ve played all of those games.
Right now, the only thing I’m interested in TES 6 will be, which province will the story take place in. Judging by the vague and boring video they shared a few years ago, I think it will feature some very boring province featuring humans, like the last two games did and 90% of the terrain will look like a generic forest and everyone will be homosexual. And if your character isn’t you will suffer penalties and will have a bad time.
Unfortunately, we will never see another Miranda from Mass Effect in future games. She existed in a gravity well or something because she defied physics. RIP.
@Wolfshead: I remember when left wingers praised Elon to heaven. How quickly that changed, they now hate him with a passion. J.K. Rowling also suffered a similar fate. From hero to zero.
Also, another reminder how reasonable, calm, tolerant and open the woke-minded are, cough, cough. ^^
What frightens me is the power of this ADL and similar organizations. And how fascist and nazi their methods are, a shame for the Jewish people and holocaust survivors. This reminds me of Antifa, being supposedly antifascist but acting like fascists themselves, nevertheless. They are evil organizations and groups!
@Allwynd: I did not play that much The Elder Scrolls, but Fallout a lot. Fallout 1+2 were not 3D, isometric with a turn-based combat. They were cool and fantastic games though, even the world was much more interesting than one would think of a supposedly barren and boring apocalyptic wasteland.
Fallout 3 then switched to 3D and real time combat, it was different, but I still liked it a lot.
I never bought Fallout 4 (or maybe I did, just never installed it. The whole tone changed, it felt like Fallout 3 but lesser. I only watched it on videos, though). It already had some base building stuff, later came Fallout 76: At this point they had already lost their mojo. Notice “ROMANCES” like they became standard for Bioware entered with Fallout 4… I notice a similar trend with Bioware and Dragon Age. In Dragon Age 1, you could seduce every companion and more. The warning signs were already there. Dragon Age 2 and 3 were terrible, woke to no end and also gameplay wise issues. I played and loved DA1, but skipped all others. I could install them but have no motivation to play them.
Same for Elder Scrolls Online. Somehow it felt like a chore, follow the quests, they felt like work, I didn’t connect to the world. Combat wasn’t exciting either. I regularly think about TESO though, this should be a game I love, but I skipped it when it released and several attempts to return to it, there were regular play for free offers and then it went free anyways… didn’t work out.
I liked and played Skyrim the most of all TES games, there, I said it! 😊 I liked Morrowind, the world felt alien and interesting, but hated the skill system. It regularly interfered how I wanted to build my character. Swimming for instance, leveled up STR or was it DEX, whatever, it was not wanted. Ugh. I liked Skyrim’s world and story, but yeah, inventory and UI were very a joke. Too much console focused indeed.
Many studios degenerated. I say it again, I think I was blessed to be a gamer in times when it was really good.
Creative Assembly: Total War series. Peaked with Medieval 2 and the first Rome around 2004/06, after that they made a comeback with Warhammer, but failed to innovate and regurgitated the formula. Three Warhammer games in a row that were an exercise in milking money. The good stuff was already there in Warhammer I. They never managed to make a story campaign that wasn’t a bit shite in either of the three Warhammers.
Bioware: Baldur’s Gate 1+2. Knights of the Old Republic. People also liked Mass Effect, but that always eluded me somehow, still haven’t played it beyond the beginnings. They went to “have sex with every companion” in each of their games. Then they made a Star Wars MMO that kinda underwhelmed and after that it went downward quickly. Andromeda and Anthem flopped.
Blizzard: Well, no need to tell you two more how their studio went woke and downhill over the years.
See what is hyped these days. Larian Studios with BG3 has little to do with D&D or Baldur’s Gate anymore, it is basically Divinity Original Sin 3. DOS 2 was hyped to no end, I still haven’t finished. I left the starter island/Fort Joy and the quest writing became ever more silly. The combat became rather long winded than interesting, at this point my chars were already equipped to play as Larian wanted. You have to specialize the whole party to be physical or magical damage oriented, the whole system is rather limiting than creative.
In the end it was not bad, but far from great. Mediocre, simply put. If this is “95%” and similar ratings, it’s just overhyped. Baldur’s Gate 3 is likely to be just like that. And not like the old BG1+2 or Icewind Dale. Or D&D.
I read this on Metacritic and very much agree to this assessment: “Just like the original, I just didn’t feel the game. I love RPGs but I don’t understand the critical acclaim of these games. They play like a B title, story and characters are subpar and its gameplay is nothing new.”
What I noticed is that influencers and marketing are way better than back in the days. Wolcen and Wartales are both games from French companies, both had comet like sales on steam. Wolcen is bad, Wartales is still rated highly, but it is actually just second rate at best. It is a game that many seem want, that can easily be marketed and sold as the bees knees. It isn’t.
I like Jagged Alliance 3, which has flaws and design issues from a over 20 years old game series, it is not that good, but it is still one of the best games I had lately…!
Now I might be jaded and nostalgic, I just can’t help but wonder if an EverQuest 3 or The Elder Scrolls 6 could be any good in this… let’s call it the woke era.
I mean after watching what Amazon does to Tolkien and the Wheel of Time, I really want to turn back time. The world and gaming has gone to the crapper!
It is really depressing, I like trailrunning in these dark times, guess what happens, they chop down all the trees around here, because of the… no, seriously, one cannot make this up… “climate change”, the “bark beetle threat”… and actually it is because here in Stupidland there are plans to forbid pellet heating, which was highly recommended by the state before. Wood prices are high, so everything gets chopped. Wild animals like foxes and deer now live in the gardens at the corners of the forests and harvester machines drive them out. And my runs are now plagued by sunshine without shadow, dusty or muddy torn up forest trails. Also, solar panels and wind turbines get installed. Wild animals and people love them… not.
The world has gone mad. Gaming wise, it is up to indy studios to deliver worthwhile games. Big studios seem gone, but also the audience these days is terrible. Gamers used to be smart, nowadays they get hyped up for a steady diet of crappy games. And it seems to work!
I did play Dragon Age 2, it definitely is more boring and in the end I didn’t even understand what happened. The whole story revolves around and inside a city and that’s it. I think it was to prevent some insurrection or something, but I don’t remember at all now. Dragon Age 1 was much more memorable and the fact that you traveled the whole continent was much more interesting.
I bought ESO one year after it launch and managed to catch it before they dumbed the game down and made it imbecile-friendly. Still in 2015, it had somewhat challenging combat, pulling 2-3 mobs could mean you die. It brought some thrill with it. I was excited to experience it. Now I can’t play it anymore. I can just walk up to 10 enemy mobs and punch them to death at my own leisure… What’s the excitement in that? The game collects dust and I know I will never be able to play it again and even remotely enjoy it.
Yet I still play Vanilla WoW for the 892734823578237th time, have been playing only Vanilla since 2013 and it does get repetitive, but it also feels fresh somehow. I found this LOTRO private server that is running on a 2008 classic client and is currently running a hardcore beta test, I’m having more fun playing and dying there than in any modern MMORPG.
Modern MMORPGs have become such brain-dead garbage and some idiots love them for some reason I don’t understand. They feel shallow, boring, the graphics look over the top with bright neon colors, story sucks, gameplay sucks and is also too easy, the whole games feel like single player games that for some reason require constant internet connection to a server. It’s a paradox and it’s stupid, yet people don’t question it, they waste their money on these garbage dead games and praise them how good they are, the irony is all of those – SWTOR, ESO, GW2, WoW, LOTRO, FF14 are the mutated and twisted end result of games that at one point were much different, more fun, showed some potential, but have now been made easier and more boring so they can be played by some idiots who can’t understand simple concepts and need everything to be so easy so they don’t get reminded of their own incompetence. They are the same woke cultists of the woke propaganda who love to have woke trash in their games and it makes them feel how “progressive” they are… yeah, progressive on their highway to hell. Too bad they don’t realize their fault.
Don’t feel bad that new games are trash. I also went through a similar phase a few years ago when I realized 99.99% of everything new that releases I can’t play or enjoy it. I’ve been discovering old games I never played and having more fun with those.
There is no nostalgia either when you find a game from 20 years ago, yeah 2003, that you never played or heard of before, you play it and you instantly love it and enjoy playing it. Then the questions start filling your head:
– How come this old game I never heard of is so much fun and new games aren’t?
– What does this old game have that new ones are missing?
The answer is new games are built on a pattern or a templates. Check enough boxes – forced diversity, the most generic and mediocre plot, have some action, have some kindergarten level of humor, female characters making fun of male characters’ incompetence, gameplay mechanics that are not difficult at all, puzzles that can be solved by a flower pot.
The end result is a game that you feel like you have played hundreds of times before – and you have – every game (at least in my opinion) released after 2012 follows this formula, playing one game of them feels like having played them all, regardless if its a 4X grand strategy or a dumb FPS, they somehow are made to feel like the same thing. Nowadays strategy games are dead too, because they were the only ones that required genius to be made, but such people no longer make games and you’re left with bad copies of old strategy games.
For that reason I advise you to do what I did – don’t feel bad about new games or movies being trash and full of propaganda, just know that they are, avoid feeding your mind with that poison and just try to find and discover old games from 20 years ago you never played.
I am a big MMORPG fan, there are so many Asian MMOs from the yearly 2000s that now run on private servers and are kind of fun to discover and experience, some are very simplistic and dull, but even so they are not woke and it’s interesting to play them for a few weeks/months and see what they were trying to offer.
I’m also thinking of investing into a good controller and then trying to get into emulation so I can experience the console games of the 2000s (PS1,2,3 and others) that I have totally missed.
Gaming is definitely not dead depending on how you look at it. I will be playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Age of Empires 2, Vanilla WoW and (hopefully) this Vanilla LOTRO server for as long as I can. I will never be out of games if that is something to be afraid of. xD
Every now and then I get nasty comments from trolls who violate the terms of service of this website. Here’s one that I just deleted:
Epic rant = Childish, ignorant, selfish tantrum from a grown man, and the only reason this place even referred to it in a positive light is because it’s run by similar bigots.
There’s no argument whatsoever in this reply. You see, the neo-Marxist left only has insults and schoolboy ad hominem attacks. They are intellectually lazy because for years they screamed “bigot” or “racist” and it worked to silence people. But that doesn’t work anymore. However, they are the first to have a mental breakdown when the public doesn’t validate their mental illness but then complain like little bitches when someone objects to their hysteria and delusions.
Heel had every right to say what he did. And, it’s more than just being angry about forced pronouns. It’s the entire woke agenda that has been injected into entertainment. Heel speaks for millions of disaffected gamers who have been alienated and marginalized by the video game industry. We’re tired of degenerates imposing their demonic agenda into the video games we play. I bet this person can’t even define “man” or “woman” for that matter.
P.S. I can’t wait for an all-transgender video game studio or an all-female video game studio to make video games for their own people. Let’s see what you got. Either show us something or keep your mouth shut about your “values” and your sexual proclivities and identity. You’re not special because your trans. So get over yourself. Nobody gives a shit.
Instead, these worthless parasites infiltrate the video game industry and let straight white men do all the work in the shadows while they sit back and post about the horrors of sexism and joy of PRIDE month on Twitter and talk about how their kids are trans now. Your time will come, trust me.
I find it so funny when they use the word “bigot”. Combined with words like “whatever-phobe” or “whatever-ist”, it makes them sound like indoctrinated drones who just can’t help but reproduce the only few things they’ve been brainwashed to repeat.
There are a few common scenarios the follow:
1. Whoever they are attacking in response to their opinion is sad and miserable.
2. Whoever they are attacking in response to their opinion is in “need of touching grass” the new and hip way self-proclaimed internet geniuses like to say “go outside and do something else”.
3. Whoever they are attacking in response to their opinion is frightened/threatened by this thing, in this case woke cult propaganda, and because it doesn’t affect them in any way, they should have just ignored it. (Notice how short-sighted and blind they are to see the danger of this, but since they are brainwashed by the same thing, they see it as something good or positive)
This is at least the common scenarios that take place in such a situation. They usually can’t really discuss, they repeat the same things, use insults and in the end resort to doing the following:
a) use report/block if applicable
b) call in other woketards to defend them
c) try to expose/cancel the person or website
d) do all of the above
You should know that EndymionTV, one of the YouTubers whose video you’ve posted talking about this topic, has confirmed in his latest video today that while he says he hates wokeness in video games, he’s also fine with they/them pronouns being in gaming like Starfield. He apparently only draws the line at “the crazy stuff like xe/xim” and is fine with making a small fraction of players feel validated at the cost of making tons of players like Az pissed off over it. Myself and other commenters pointed out his hypocrisy, but he essentially doesn’t care.
Thanks for the heads up on this. I believe Endymion is from Canada and that explain his lack of principle on this. What other concessions and comprimises is he ready to make on other issues? Video games do not exist to validate the ideologies of their players. He’s got cognitive dissonance.
The left has a long term view of the world. They bring about “change” incrementally. We are like frogs slowly boiling in a pot of water. One small change, leads to another small change and so on.
Streamers are always looking out for themselves, so he’s probably taking this stance so he can join a company like OTK.
It went viral because of how unbelievably worked up he got. His sensationalist rant was destined for greatness, with him as the butt of the joke.
Well, yeah. He did get worked up, that’s the nature of YouTube. Now if he did that every video, it would get predictable and boring. However, there’s a lot of pent up rage in many of us who are sick of the wokeness that’s in video games. Dig deeper and read what he said and what he’s saying is legit.