If San Francisco is the Sodom of California, then San Diego is their Gomorrah. The pleasant city of San Diego is home to many video game studios. Many if not most, have been captured by the deviant LGBTQ cult. There is no better example of this than Daybreak Games. They are the epitome of a studio that is infested by the plague of identity politics.
The immoral ghouls at Daybreak Games never miss an opportunity to engage in moral exhibitionism. True to form, these fabulous folks announced they recently attended the San Diego AIDS Walk & Run.

While I sympathize with people who are afflicted by AIDs, it’s completely preventable. AIDS is transmitted through gay sex and intravenous drug use. But you never see the LGBTQ “community” or their allies mention this reality. If they truly cared about their beloved alphabet people they would tell them the hard truth. They want to find a cure so they can keep engaging in disgusting immoral sexual practices like sodomy.
Here are a series of photos that Daybreak Games and Darpaw Games posted on their LinkedIn accounts:

Look at all these smug people. What are they proud about? Did they just complete the Boston Marathon?
Newsflash: Being an LGBTQ degenerate is not an achievement. Being an ally (accomplice) and enabling debauchery and decadence is nothing to be proud of.
Look at the children they have invited to this event; they are being indoctrinated into the LGBTQ religious cult. Those parents should be ashamed of themselves for normalizing sexual deviancy.

Why Does Darkpaw Games Studio Head Jen Chan Love the LGBTQ Community So Much?
One person in particular stands out who attended this AIDS march: it’s Jennifer Chan. She is the unlikely Studio Head at Darkpaw Games who is allegedly in charge of the EverQuest franchise.
With the exception of the terse Product Roadmap Producer’s Letter that is released annually both EverQuest and EverQuest 2, Chan makes no substantive effort to communicate with the EQ players. The producer’s letters are generally devoid of anything meaningful but they are always full of performative virtue signaling like the announcement of new free LGBTQ PRIDE pets that nobody ever asked for.
The sad thing is that these official communications by EQ’s dev team are rarer than the Ancient Cyclops. Allegedly authored by Chan, they are not even posted by her on her official EQ forum account and are instead posted by their forum moderators. In recent years, many MMOs including another Daybreak franchise such as the Lord of the Rings Online are rife with despotic woke moderators who engage in routine censorship of player’s opinions.
While Chan has lots of time to attend LGBTQ events and donate money to woke causes on Darkpaw’s behalf, she doesn’t have any time to engage with players on the forums. She never engages with players. None of her devs do as well. While there is always time for more LGBTQ PRIDE parades and events, there hasn’t been an EverQuest Fanfaire official event in many years.
Maybe super-duper EQ fanboy Fading can ask Chan what she does all day and why she’s obsessed with LGBTQ issues when he plans his next EQ video.
It’s a complete and utter disgrace that the woketards at Gaybreak Games are indirectly using players’ money to donate to LGBTQ causes while failing to provide loyal EverQuest players with an optimal play experience. Since Daybreak Games exist in the rarefied air of their protective woke bubble of San Diego, California they are out of touch with the real world that their players live in. Given that, they do not even bother to adopt a pretense of ideological neutrality.
The fact that Daybreak and Darkpaw consider their pithy participation in the San Diego AIDS walk as newsworthy shows a complete lack of self-awareness on their part. Instead of virtue signaling and displaying an overinflated air of self-importance, they should have done it quietly and on their own time and dime. Nobody cares who you sleep with. Keep your perversions to yourself and leave the rest of us alone. And, leave the kids alone too!
For some strange reason, Daybreak and Jen Chan are fixated on LGBTQ causes. One might reasonably ask why this tiny percentage of the population gets so much special treatment. Why should an esoteric group of people who indulge in perverse and debased sexual practices be so deserving of all this attention?
It’s safe to say that Darkpaw Games is probably the worst MMORPG studio out there. After years of neglect and layoffs by SOE and Daybreak, they are a husk of what they once were. They have taken mediocrity to a new level and squandered the ground-breaking legacy of EQ over the years with a litany of boring, unimaginative, cookie-cutter expansions. Like vampires, they feed on the freely given blood of their loyal clients. All of this is permitted because they work for a company that is notorious for corruption and dysfunction. It’s the blind leading the blind.
While it’s generally in poor taste to kick someone when they are down, I have made an exception for Darkpaw Games. They are so utterly reprehensible and despicable that they deserve to be condemned and excoriated with extreme prejudice for the years of neglect and abuse they have heaped upon their long-suffering players.
In true video game fashion, Darkpaw is the ultimate min-maxer. They put in the least amount of effort for the most profit. Not only do the developers at Darkpaw ignore their own players, they don’t even bother to play their own MMO. They are a team of useless, arrogant hacks who haven’t come up with an original idea in 20 years.
How do I know this? You can tell by playing EverQuest. Just like you know bad food when you taste it, you can also ascertain the quality of video games by playing them. I feel no love, no passion, and no sense of responsible stewardship emanating from Norrath when I play EQ. You see the mediocrity in the lack of details and polish. EverQuest is a rundown, sputtering, archaic, doddering MMORPG barely alive on its last legs all because they have developers that don’t care. It seems their passion died a long time ago along with their integrity.
What’s worse is that cronyism and nepotism are alive and well at Daybreak as friends and family get jobs before anyone else does. People who actually care about EverQuest and show up with original ideas are seen as a threat to the geriatric dev team and consequently are not welcome at Daybreak. If one manages to survive the interview process, they are quickly shown the door when they are found out.
The so-called leadership at Darkpaw doesn’t have the intellect, courage, and intestinal fortitude to face their own players on the forums or any other non-official places. They refuse to be held accountable and hide in their dusty cubicles like timid sniveling children. Instead, devs let their merry band of sycophantic forum white knights run interference for them.
Imagine waking up every day and looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing that you are a worthless sack of dried-up dogshit that is only capable of working at a 3rd rate studio like Darkpaw Games. But to them, they can justify this attitude because it’s just a job™. I’ve seen McDonald’s employees and Doordash drivers with more passion than these stiffs. Working at Darkpaw is like the film Office Space but worse.
Darkpaw can’t even attract good talent and they sure as hell can’t even keep good talent. Most EQ developers with the exception of a few old smelly barnacles have left Darkpaw games for greener pastures such as Blizzard and Amazon. These relics wouldn’t last a week at a modern video game studio because they’d be exposed for the frauds that they are. I suspect this is why they remain at Darkpaw, availing themselves of the antiquated seniority system set up by the Japanese-owned Sony Online Entertainment 25 years ago.
For Daybreak Games to continue to waste precious money on woke causes while ignoring the health of their flagship EverQuest franchise, is a slap in the face to the thousands of players that have paid and played over the last 24 years. If they need to feel good about themselves, they should focus on EverQuest instead of their incessant need to virtue signal.
Love is
UPDATE: Found this story on Revolver News today. Love is love? Gay population is creating and spreading drug-resistant diseases…

Wokebroke games management is top, but not at their job. Rather at relentlessly driving customers away and living in their bubble.
We live in dark times, kids are endangered and indoctrinated at schools already, both in the USA and Europe. Kids getting taught about how to do proper and safe anal sex at school? Safe rooms where small kindergarten kids can touch each other (yes, they do that in Babylon… erm Berlin)? It’s insane.
Wokebroke is about as bad as Amazon by now. Now they are totally devoid of talent but kept all the vices that lead to their downfall. This will not end well.
I have a very bad feeling, Germany is (some might disagree, feel free to do so) in a very Weimar-style situation, with right- and left-wing crazies having replaced voices of reason completely. I already told you some more details, Germany is lost, Western Europe as well. You can guess, I still have some hope for Eastern Europe, fingers crossed…
There are, despite a noticeable decline in quality and vision of current video games, still palatable games out there. Daybreak and its fully owned supposedly independent successor studios focusing on this or that game of their original portfolio are very unlikely to contribute positively to a better future.
But I guess when the West keeps on poking the bear, it might end bad for the entire world. I was certain I would only hear about war in faraway countries when I way younger, read about it in history books and see it on TV. War and nuclear doom are looming. And the crazies care only about their perverted insanity they spread freely to everyone, wanted or not.
The sad thing is that the Marxist clowns in California have zero self awareness. They have no idea of the monsters that they have become.
Wars and rumors of wars. There are dark forces at work that are behind all of this.
Democracy is dying. The world is so evil and corrupt now that is like the time of Noah.
Maybe their cause is good, but they indeed look smug, plastic and fake in these pictures. I am really annoyed and turned off by people like this, because by doing this, they are devaluing the event/cause for their own sake and their pictures are literally yelling “Look at us, we took part of this, you should look up to us and think highly of us now!!!”, but to me this is like a psychological crutch for people who are doing this solely to seek validation and it’s a downward spiral especially if they don’t comprehend it.
I have a friend like that who’s not a bad person at all, but is sometimes so fake, he starts smelling like plastic. Always trying to be super social, constantly making small talk with random people for the most pointless things, posts pictures of himself with other people on events. He used to have an Instagram account but I think he closed it, now I feel like he’s missing it and posting in social groups in the Viber messenger instead so as many people as possible can see what pointless things is he up to.
I don’t understand the part where they are involving children and having them wear rainbow headbands. Sounds like manipulating minors into doing things they don’t fully understand and I find this to be criminal even if there is no law against it. That’s the same a tricking a kid who doesn’t know any better into bullying others because “someone’s cool big brother said it was a cool to do” or the characters X, Y, Z from Minecraft/Fortnite said so.
Right now my country is facing pressure from the European Union to accept more laws about the LGHDTV+ freaks who mutilate their bodies and pretend they are a different gender. So far I don’t know how this will go on, but 70% of the population is still level-headed and against all these things, but at the same time we have a government that feels like it was put in place and nobody voted for it that is composed of people who graduated in Western European or American colleges/universities and are now taking decisions as if they are pawns of the European Union and USA which go against the majority of what the population stands for, such as sending military help for Ukraine when nobody agrees with that, cutting ties with Russia and so forth… so in this regard with the LGHDTV+, it’s unknown what will take place, but it’s both interesting, comical and frightening (in case it gets accepted).
It’s the fake overexaggerated smiles that really irks me. You notice this in PRIDE parades too. They have become caricatures of themselves.
I believe this is the law of compensation. They have to smile outwardly to drown out their internal shame because deep down they know what they are doing is wrong. Everyone is born with a God-given conscience to know the difference between good and evil. So there is no excuse.
The more a person sins, the more they deaden their conscience until sin becomes normalized and habitual. They end up being slaves to that particular sin.
The New Testament explains it perfectly:
Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice.
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
I liked the beginnings of the European Union more when it was about shared economic advantage to possibly prevent future wars between European nations. Not what it has become.
By now the EU has turned into a freak show with ever more terrible ideas about censorship and now also promoting perversion. But they cannot come to a timely solution in the daylight savings debate that has been postponed.
Now think about the support for Ukraine, NATO’s undeclared proxy war against Russia.
In the meantime, other nations size the opportunities that arise.
Nagorno-Karabakh got soundly ignored, we get our gas from Azerbaijan, so muslims driving away and murdering christians out of hate was not touched at all. All focus is on Ukraine, Russia couldn’t provide the means to stop this when drones of everyone’s ally Turkey helped their muslims brethren to drive away the damn christians. At the same time Europe officially recognized deportation and genocide from 1915 to 1923 by Turkey. Three countries – Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Pakistan – deny that there was an Armenian genocide.
They are one step closer, next step Armenia.
The main reason why the globalist-controlled West is supporting Ukraine is because he is against Putin and Russia. It’s important to make Putin a villain to bolster their (Hillary Clinton’s) false narrative that Trump was Putin’s puppet. They are painting themselves into corners and compounding their lies. This will lead us to WW3.
We have closet homosexuals like GOP Senator Lindsay Graham supporting Ukraine because he is compensating for his effeminacy.
Putin is also opposed to LGBTQ depravity and supports traditional Christianity. Russia is majority white and China is majority Han. The globalists want every white country in the world overrun with non-whites.
I’m old enough to remember when the American and European left LOVED Russia and HATED war. My how things have changed.