What goes around, comes around. As I predicted a few days ago, after 3 years of gross incompetence and nauseating virtue signaling, Blizzard President J. Allen Brack has resigned his position. Even after appeals to his family’s patron saint — Jewish feminist icon Gloria Steinem — were left unanswered, he simply ran out of LGBTQ virtue signaling cards to play. No amount of PRIDE logo t-shirts, outreach to sodomites and sexual perverts would be able to save him from the vengeful Twitter mob who were raging with anger as more details about the Blizzard lawsuit were revealed.
Resigning and saying that you’re exploring new opportunities is code that you were fired.

Brack was a living example of the PETER Principle. He was in over his head. The True nature of his character was revealed during a BlizzCon World of Warcraft Q & A panel where all the smug devs including Afrasiabi behaved like rock stars. Everyone should watch the entire video of that panel to see what a pompous jerk Brack really was:
Over 11 years ago, I pointed out his contemptuous behaviour during that BlizzCon panel. I have covered Brack’s wokeness in previous articles and am relieved I’ll never have to write another article about him as he fades into obscurity with the help of a golden parachute.
Then there is the slippery mild-mannered “all around good guy” that was hand selected by him to replace him: Mike Morhaime.

What did Mike Morhaime know and when did he know it?
Wonder how woke he truly is. I am sure Brack has a lot in common with Danuser. The sudden wokeness of both is just adaption to the work environment and a threat seen on the horizon. The way of least resistance. Particularly easy and the natural choice if one doesn’t have much of a spine.
Yeah, the PETER principle in action indeed. I always wondered who is this, why did he get the job. But Mike Morhaime has to take blame as well. He was indeed a good guy, if doing nothing wrong is enough. It’s not enough for a leader/president at all.
I am afraid the creative guys at Blizzard were excellent at creating games, but had no “adult” to supervise them, unfortunately. Once the company grew they could no longer do as they did before in a smaller company. Today we see how it ended.
I think you are right about wokeness. When a powerful tyrannical movement takes control you either join the movement or you resist. The Bolsheviks, the Nazis, Red China, North Korea, Iranian revolution are good examples.
These people are all useless cowards without a shred of integrity. In their heart of hearts, they know what they are supporting is wrong but they are towing the party line. It’s all about their power which enables them to continue to earn a living.
It’s one thing resisting evil. It’s another thing capitulating to evil and joining forces with it.
Eternity will not be kind to these quislings.
If this Covid tyranny has shown me one thing it is the abject cowardice and spineless of your average human being. Not just how quickly everyone rolled over for “a little safety” (h/t Ben Franklin) but also how they all become Junior Stasi League enforcers.
Willing accomplices to tyranny drunk on some petty power imparted to them by having a hotline to call the force of the state against people. This is not new and was widespread in the Soviet Union with literal family members on each other and children on parents. I simply never thought I’d be alive at a time when the US was also modeling this behavior and instead of getting armed rebellion instead got tail wagging compliance.
I agree 100%. Most people are spineless cowards. I still see people jogging with masks on and wearing masks alone in cars. Masks are now all about virtue signaling and nothing more. They don’t even work.