Category: Other Writings
Realism is really just consistent, believable sets of laws and conditions that govern the particular virtual world that you are inhabiting. Let’s say you are playing a game that is …
I think Sigil is making a huge mistake if they are going to pattern their fantasy world after real world cultures. At least in Norrath in the original EQ the …
Splendid post Darthmidget. I think you made an excellent summary of what makes a good MMORPG. Eventually most current WoW players will come to the same conclusion that you have …
The role of religion in fantasy MMORPGs is one of the great untapped goldmines that can be used to augment character advancement and give context to the culture/lore of the …
Greetings all! Since I started lurking and finally posting to these boards I have come to realize that this board has some of most perceptive, intelligent posters I’ve ever seen …
I think it’s time to leave the EverQuest mentality behind. In the real world freedom is tempered by responsibility. No such paradigm exists in EQ as players are actually encouraged …