Business “excellence” awards are one of the biggest scams in the magazine industry. There are hundreds of business magazines that create vanity awards and then charge corporations exorbitant fees to be nominated. The “winner” gets their picture on the cover of the magazine and a feature article all for a hefty fee that can cost anywhere from $5,000 – $50,000.
Vanity awards are nothing more than disingenuous and deceptive paid advertising masquerading as legitimate magazine articles. They are used by various startups and companies to create buzz to attract investors and keep investors happy. These awards are also used as propaganda to rehabilitate companies and CEOs with bad reputations.
Activision-Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotic was recently recognized by the L.A. Times at their CFO Leadership Awards.

I find it interesting that the award notes the following:
In 2022 the company achieved pay equity, increased representation of women and non-binary individuals, and made progress on sustainability goals.
It’s very obvious that Activision-Blizzard wants everyone to know that they have changed their evil ways and are fully on board with ESG goals as set forth by their dark master Larry Fink from Blackrock. I’m quite positive that all of the green-haired, queer, tongue-pierced, body-positive, non-binary humanoids around the world are celebrating this grand achievement. Bobby, all is forgiven!
Looks like he won another “award” from the L.A. Times in 2020. You can’t keep Bobby down!
LinkedIn: A Bastion of Virtue Signaling for the Woke and the Unemployed
But it gets better. The social media intern at Activision-Blizzard was only too happy to broadcast this to the world via LinkedIn. But he/she/her/ze/him/they/them wisely decided to prohibit any discussion of the post, which is rather unusual for the loquacious denizens of LinkedIn:

Since the Bubonic plague is more popular than Bobby Kotick, it’s no wonder that Activision-Blizzard is not allowing comments on this post.
Et Tu Wikipedia?
Not to be outdone by the L.A. Times, according to Wikipedia, Bobby Kotick’s sanitized Wikipedia page looks like an advertisement.

I have to hand it to Bobby, this is a man who knows how to walk between the raindrops.

“non-binary individuals”.. that’s a strange way to call mentally instane people, but then again, a more important question is why a self-respecting company employing people that should be into mental asylums?
Very true. Activision-Blizzard is going down the same rabbit hole as Disney. They have been completely captured by woke ideology.
I’ve been reading many of their DEI and ESG proclamations on their website and it’s all unintelligible nonsense. It’s pretty much a cult at this point.
It looks like Microsoft is cleared to purchase Activision-Blizzard, so they’ll get absorbed into the Redmond Borg Collective soon enough. Microsoft has been woke for the past 25 years.