From the start of the Gamergate 2.0: Sweet Baby Inc. scandal, former Blizzard World of Warcraft developer Mark Kern’s takes have been nothing short of brilliant. Kern is one of the few video game developers who is not afraid to go public and fight the anti-white, anti-male, DEI hustlers, and propagandists who are responsible for purposely making terrible video games.
Unlike woke journalists who have no experience making games, Kern has the smarts and the resume to handily obliterate anyone in his path when it comes to how the video game really industry works.
Kern isn’t all talk, he’s a man of action. Without Kern there would be no WoW Classic and the franchise might have been dead by now. Kern is the J.K. Rowling of the industry. He’s a time-tested warrior in the battle for truth that is hated simply because he tells it like it is and stands up to the leftist bullies who relentlessly attack him.
Mark Kern’s X Timeline Since the Sweet Baby Inc. Scandal Erupted
Here are all of Kern’s best tweets from March 41 to March 9. There’s a lot of valuable insight into how the video game industry has been hijacked and corrupted by the forces of evil.
(Note: this is a long post, and may take a while to load).
I had to switch to my desktop to read all the tweets, on my phone I saw no end. Well worth it, though!
As I already said so often, many thanks for reporting this. Few dare that. Mark Kern got some support and gamers seem to have “won” this time indeed. But the culture war is still on, and wokeness has shown it can go very, very low.
When I was young, games journalists were slightly older dudes who also happened to play games. Times changed, at first things got even better with blogging. Bloggers, Forums, Youtubers, Discord… while games journalists are no longer part of the gaming community but hired mouthpieces or activists, mostly of the dire kind. Many Youtubers are questionable as well, but that’s another topic.
This time the manipulation and vile intent and the appalling methods used by these wokesters could not be sugarcoated or whitewashed. They got caught red-handed but… the damage has been done and Sweet Baby already spawned many little hydras, though. Characters are uglified for the foreseeable future and companions/characters in games are often nothing short of psychotic and in need of a therapist.
Hmm, do you know someone with young or teenage kids and what they think of that? Do they notice or did they soak up all that filth, or do they somehow deep inside feel the outrageous wrongness of this all?
I know from my student times that most people I knew thought little of all this gender etc. nonsense, but some went all in and some more learnt to play along.
Thank you for your kind comments! They are what keep me going.
I believe this is the tip of the iceberg. The entire industry is rife with corruption. These are truly evil people promoting a Satanic agenda. We are going to expose each and every one of these ghouls.
They expose themselves, but this isn’t a war of what’s true and false
It’s a war more like a sports team, they don’t care who’s actually better or cooler or who has more scandals and such
They care who wins
So the more they go “it’s a conspiracy theory”, the more likely they will go “the Great Reset of 2030 is real….and that’s a good thing” over and over again
ESG DEI only really got more attention, relatively recently, which is why I am pretty sure you’ll eventually be seeing Lefties voting to make it officially a government requirement to have it onboard
Not just in the West, but all over the world, trust me, I’m from what’s called a “third world country” and yet we have all this ESG DEI stuff in our companies and our local Jesuits are very into “stakeholder capitalism”…..yeah Christian country? It’s more like fashion rather than genuine religiousity after awhile