In almost every video game that allows players to choose the sex of their playable character, the attributes and statistics of both male and females are identical. The differences exhibited by both sexes in video games are purely cosmetic.
Try creating any character class in MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, or EverQuest and you will see that there are no statistics differences between male and female. Amazon’s New World MMO has gotten rid of sex completely as there is no way to create a specific male or female playable character.
Males and females of all species of life are biologically different and unique. In the realm of the physical, human males are stronger and taller; human females are shorter and weaker. There are also differences in temperament that enhance the biological roles of each sex. The differences between male and female exist solely to propagate the species in the most efficient way possible. This is an indisputable and undeniable scientific fact.
Nowhere is this more evident than when males compete against females as a recent news story revealed that a so-called transgender — sex appropriationist — woman swim athlete competing against biological women soundly defeated all of “her” opponents.
Why has the video game industry been propagating a lie for over 50 years?
The answer is that most game designers are beholden to feminist ideology or are afraid to offend feminists. For well over a century, feminists have been peddling a diabolical lie that men and women are equal. This falsehood has permeated every walk of life, every institution and seeped into the psyche of the average game designer.
Former President of Blizzard Entertainment J. Allen Brack is probably the best example of this. He routinely claimed that uber feminist pioneer Gloria Steinem was the patron saint of his family.

Another reason designers are so gullible and amenable to feminist ideology is that most creative people are predisposed to being on the left side of cultural issues. Many of them see video games as a vehicle to change the world and advance their beliefs. So, they naturally identify with feminists who see themselves as oppressed by the phantom patriarchy. The rise of feminism and identity politics originates from a Marxist view that all of humanity is embroiled in a class struggle. This insane theory which caused the deaths of one hundred million people, is opposed to natural law and the order of the universe created by Almighty God.
The constant societal demand for female empowerment is another reason many game designers want to ensure that males and females are given the same exact abilities in their games. It is an act of misguided generosity on their part that makes them (males in particular) feel like righteous benefactors and biological truth be damned as a casualty.
The Cult of Equality
True equality does not exist and will never exist outside the realm of pure mathematics as no two apples look the same, taste the same, and weigh the same.
Men and women are not equal, they are different. Feminism looks at men and women via the prism of power dynamics in a zero-sum game. For women to become equally or more powerful than men, they insist that men must decrease in power. The practitioners of the dark arts of identity politics use similar sophistry. For example, if blacks are not as equal, then the problem is one of anti-black racism and so-called white privilege.
Anyone who dares to question the absolute equality of the sexes will find himself pilloried and fired from their job as Google’s James Damore and Harvard University President Larry Summers found out.
If a major AAA video game studio or even an indie video game studio were to make player created characters with different stats for male and female, you can rest assured that Kotaku, Polygon, Jason Schreier, and every woke Twitter activist would be up in arms and looking for blood. This would be so cataclysmic that identity politics grifter Anita Sarkeesian would come out of hiding and throw a tantrum.
Questioning the preposterous lie that men and women are equal is forbidden. The following quote epitomizes the stranglehold that feminist ideology has over Western civilization:
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
If we are honest, we will admit that we are being ruled by feminist ideologues and their enablers. The feminization of Western culture is further evidence of this.
The diabolical lie of male and female equality has wormed its way into all forms of entertainment.
The lie of equality is as old as humanity. It was first peddled by the prideful fallen angel Lucifer in the Garden of Eden to Adam and Eve. The acceptance of that lie brought death and destruction to the world and it still continues to this very day in its current incarnation of feminism and identity politics.
I find it extremely hypocritical that a video game industry currently obsessed with racial and gender representation is not interested in accurate and meaningful sex difference representation. In almost every fantasy MMORPG, each of the playable races have unique abilities and penalties. Why then should sex differences be ignored?
Male and female fantasy characters in video games should accurately reflect the differences that their biological counterparts possess in the real world. I believe that different abilities and attributes for each sex would make for more interesting, challenging, and diverse gameplay. I also think that this would make male and female characters more complimentary and provide the opportunity for synergistic gameplay where the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.
However, I do not believe that male and female character ability differences will ever be permitted in the neo-Marxist and ideological driven climate of the current video game industry.
It is not misogyny to point out the reality that both sexes are different. It an act of truth telling that liberates us from a prison of lies. The lie of equality has been promulgated for so long that it has metastasized into a counterfeit truth. To challenge conventional accepted lies attracts the anger of the powerful elites and ideologues who control our world.
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell
Our only hope is that a culture that is fueled by lies is ultimately unstainable and will eventually die.
Just as St. Benedict of Nursia created a monastic order that saved Western civilization during the decline of the Roman Empire, a new parallel culture is in the works and waiting in the wings for the current depraved culture to collapse. A rebirthed Western civilization based on truth and the foundation of traditional Christian values will result in a nations populated by people of good moral character. This new civilization will bear good fruit and will manifest itself into all forums of leisure and entertainment.
Good article. If men and women are portrayed at all, the women are totally superior. In the new Star Wars movies, for example, it’s just ridiculous. Or the trailer for World of Warcraft Shadowlands: Sylvanas defeats the Lichking with such ease that it just makes the whole story implausible. In general, the whole story of Shadowlands is totally pointless.
Exactly! These days, every woman hero is a Mary Sue — a flawless, perfect woman. That preposterous Shadowlands trailer really angered me when I saw it. I thought of all the woketards at Blizzard led by Steve Danuser and the rest of his alphabet toadies that were responsible.
Hello, it’s a bit too early for merry Christmas wishes. Maybe you will post another article in between. But I just have to say, I love your current biblical website wallpaper.
It is not as if we would not have discussed all the things you mentioned before. You just saw through the lies straight to the core before I even realized there is a problem. I thought of feminism for the most time not as dangerous, thought of it to be just weird, silly.
The attacks on male identity by feminism, on Christianity and Western culture, they have been going on for decades. Smarter people noticed the tendencies much earlier than I did. Their warnings were ignored, but they couldn’t be fully suppressed.
What often gets ignored is the indoctrination going on in schools by indoctrinated leftist teachers. Lambs create lambs. Boys are systematically being treated equal to girls, against their nature. They get berated for it. They don’t and can’t understand it. Merit no longer gets praised; excellence no longer recognized. Be equally mediocre. Be a good lamb and follow the herd.
All aggression gets channeled into fighting for the cause. That’s why feminists are loud and aggressive, merciless, and eager to go after their target groups, which is basically everyone who isn’t like them. J.K. Rowling still gets attacked for her statement that biological gender is real. They are very likely to eat their own, one wrong word and you are done.
Let’s see how far Amazon dares to go with the Lord of the Rings. They are already testing gently the waters with Wheel of Time. There it is easier to recruit a mix of female and male actors from all nationalities and races, as it is quite fitting to the book. They won’t stop at black hobbits, just wait for gay elves and transgender orcs… nope, not that. Orcs are more likely to be depicted as white males.
I don’t have much faith in the Tolkien Estate to step in. But, they don’t have the rights, these are with Middle-earth Enterprises. But wait… they have the rights for the Hobbit and LotR, but not for the whole Tolkien universe and the time before… aaah. My bad.
This said, Simon Tolkien and the other Tolkiens (Baillie, Priscilla, George Michael) are not likely to interfere much. Christopher Tolkien approved of the Hobbit after criticizing the Jackson movies in 2009, in an undisclosed settlement. They started filming not long after he died and in quite a hurry. We know how much they “improved” Tolkien with the ideas/writing of Walsh and Boyens and who knows how much Del Toro.
I am afraid this LotR series might not be what people would like to have.
We live in a time where the European Union, where Christianity is still the dominant religion, develops guidelines how to avoid naming Mary and Joseph or calling Christmas actually Christmas.
Our culture and religion is under attack. Resistance is becoming more difficult and dangerous, but it isn’t futile. It probably must get even worse till people open their eyes. This nonsense developed over decades; it will unfortunately take probably even longer to get rid of it.
Excellent post!
Feminism is a cancerous ideology. No civilization that tolerates it will survive its ravages. Thanks to contraception and the sexual revolution, women are no longer interested in having babies and Western civilization has negative birth rates. We won’t even be able to replace ourselves. This is not just my opinion; these are cold hard facts.
What I am doing is peeling back layers of the onion. Feminism is a by-product of Marxism and the ancient spirit of rebellion. Peel back another layer and you’ll find the suffrage movement and so-called women’s emancipation that gave women the right to vote. Peel back more layers and we get to Freemasonry and the Enlightenment. Peel back a few more layers and you are face to face with pure supernatural evil.
Thanks to the progressives (neo-Marxists) our culture is changing so fast that we don’t have the time to contemplate the potential unintended consequences. Most people are willfully blind and ignorant because of their pridefulness. Lives of habitual sin have darkened their souls. Just as our civilization is heading toward oblivion, they are heading toward eternal damnation.
The remaining few years we have left are going to be full of tribulations and trials. If you are not a devout Christian now, become one before it’s too late. Everyone needs to get their house in order. The average person will not have the strength to suffer what lies ahead without Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, the Saints, and angels and the armor of God. The “world” doesn’t get it, just as most MMO bloggers and YouTube streamers don’t get it.
What I know about what is really going on, I barely even talk about on this website. I just hint at it in the hope that I have lit a spark in someone so they will be red pilled to the truth.
Prayer is more powerful than most people know. At its core, we are in the middle of a supernatural battle.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12
On Dec 6h Twitter and other social media platforms banned thousands of white male Christian accounts:
These are coordinated attacks on white male Christians. This persecution is real.
I discovered this website a month or two ago and I’m enjoying reading your articles. I don’t agree with everything you say but I do appreciate your courage and intellectual honesty regarding the various topics you cover here.
In respect to the current article you say on the last paragraph: “… a new parallel culture is in the works and waiting in the wings for the current depraved culture to collapse.” What do you mean by this ?
Hello, thanks for the kind and honest comments.
There are certain thought leaders in the conservative/traditional circles that know what the problem is with this culture, and some are taking concrete steps to create a parallel culture where conservatives, people with traditional values such as Christians can buy/sell and create freely without the fear of censorship by the woke/tech oligarchy.
We can no longer work with a culture that is diametrically opposed to everything we stand for, so we must create our own culture. On a smaller scale Jews, Mormons, Amish, and Menonites have been doing this for hundreds of years to survive and keep their communities intact.
On average I read a few articles each week with essays and news stories where the idea of a parallel culture is being discussed.
Males, conservatives, traditionalists, and Christians have been truly marginalized in our current culture in favor of a woke feminist, neo-Marxist mindset. This situation is unsustainable as you can’t continue to alienate 50% of the population and have a functioning society.
We’re going to have to create our own broadcast networks, our own stores, our own insurance companies and more. It’s already happening if you know where to look. There are lots of historical precedents for this. Even the foundation of the USA is evidence of this where religious minorities formed colonies in America because they were persecuted by the English government.
One of the books that really resonated with me is Don’t Give Money to People that Hate You by Brian Niemmeier. This book really opened my eyes to the forces of evil that are behind our current sick culture. It’s available on Amazon:
Here’s an interview with the author:
I have been a reader here for a while but this is the first time I have been compelled to respond. I do agree that it could be an interesting concept to explore and I also agree we will never see it explored in a AAA game. While not the same thing i rember the early days of WoW when every priest has 2 race based stills and it lead to balance nightmare with Undead priests having an overwhelmingly overpowered DoT and dwarves having an OP fear ward. As competitive as many games are now most people would take whatever character gender would give the best ability (why many people complain about current racials in WoW) Perhaps im just a thirsty gamer but despite being male many games i play i play as a female character because i would rather look at something good looking rather than some juiced up scarred beefey dude. Also were dealing often in setti g where magic or advanced technology exists so you can just imagine magic did it or their armor makes them stronger. Dont get me wrong though i do agree there are many tines this is taken way to far for instance to use wow again as an example Jaina being this obscenely overpowered mage doing things with magic in the one raid last expansion despite being a relatively young human (which if i recall has a horrible affinity with the arcane per their own lore) is weird or Sylvanas being able to defeat Saurfang and Bolvar in melee combat because her plot armor is so thick is not great