Free American citizens are starting to rise up and reclaim their God-given rights. Groups of free-thinking non-compliant people are shopping without wearing the sign of global servitude: the face mask.
Masks are purely symbolic and have no efficacy against the spreading of the China virus. It’s all a lie. It’s all about control.
Watch this video of what happened in a Santa Cruz, California Trader Joe’s store. Watch how a sorry group of slithering male goons and female Karens reacted:
I guarantee you every single one of these limp-wristed Trader Joe employees would have no problem with ANTIFA or BLM “protestors” coming into their store and harassing everyone and they would probably join in on the protest.
I’ve heard report of brave citizens doing the same thing in the Seattle area.
I was harassed by an overzealous employee when my mask accidentally slipped below my nose in a local store. I was immediately threatened with expulsion from the store that I have been patronizing for many years.
Take back your rights. Stop wearing the symbol of slavery.
Unless things have change over the last decade or so; I’m fairly certain that retail employees in the state of California are forbidden to do anything but follow shoplifters and call the police. Considering the fact that these people paid for their products; what right does the staff of Trader Joe’s have to detain them?
These folks are braver than most.
I find it shocking how quickly the leftist/woke Trader Joe’s employees turned into raging monsters. They shouted abuse and curse words at the people who were not wearing masks. They harassed them, they got in their personal space, they prevented them from leaving.
Whatever happened to “love Trumps hate” or “love is love”?