Tag: Brad McQuaid
The year 2024 A.D. was an important milestone in MMORPG History. EverQuest, the brainchild of Brad McQuaid and John Smedley had somehow survived for a quarter of a century. Over …
The unfortunate reality that the EverQuest franchise — the most profitable enterprise in Sony history according to veteran MMORPG dev Jeff Butler — never fully developed and actualized its massive …
Not only did Brad McQuaid help to create the genre defining EverQuest MMORPG, he had an extensive interest in comic books and amassed a vast collection. He loved comic books …
Rumors started abounding on various forums that a permanent memorial to Aradune Mithara was placed in a small secluded hamlet in Norrath’s the Plains of Eastern Karana. Today I logged …
The recent passing of EverQuest co-founder and MMORPG visionary Brad McQuaid has caused me to pause and take stock of the fantasy virtual world genre that was born 20 years …
I have just learned the terrible news that Brad McQuaid EverQuest founder has passed away at age 51. He is survived by his wife and daughters. It’s possible that Brad …
When they write the history of virtual worlds and interactive entertainment, the introduction of the Star Trek's holodeck that captured the imagination of millions of sci-fi fans will surely be included.
The MMORPG community has just experienced a week like no other. First, we learned the bad news that EverQuest Next was cancelled. Second, a fledgling company called Visionary Realms silenced …
Long before MMORPGs became a homogenized cultural phenomenon thanks to World of Warcraft, pioneering virtual world players felt they were embarking on a journey in a genre that had no …
I have always been enthralled by the original EverQuest. Being immersed in the world of Norrath was an experience that changed my life. In the past 16 years that have …
In the classic film Groundhog Day, Bill Murray is forced to relive February 2nd over and over. Eventually he learns from his mistakes, perfects his strategy and wins the heart …
Brad McQuaid is back. Almost 15 years after the release of EverQuest and 7 years after the release of his Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, the prodigal son of the MMO …