It seems that every woke company in America has hired a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) officer. Being a diversity and inclusion officer is the ultimate featherbed job that requires little in the way of skill or accomplishments.
DE&I or DIE officers are essentially commissars. Their job is to enforce social justice, wokeness, and neo-Marxist ideology throughout the corporation, and then to the consumers. Commissars existed in the Soviet Union and were Russian communist party officials assigned to a military unit to teach party principles and policies and to ensure party loyalty. DIE officers in America are much the same.
In companies like Blizzard Entertainment, this pernicious political ideology is being promoted within the studio and in the products they create. Every game division at Blizzard has LGBTQ and DIE advisory councils that make sure that this woke propaganda is being promoted overtly within their video games. The result for gamers is that they’ll be seeing more token non-white characters and more token LGBTQ characters in new video games. This is what’s called representation.
Representation ideology is a modern-day manifestation of social engineering. With more studios committed to representation, video game consumers will see more “progressive” plots and storylines that represent non-white and LGBTQ characters in a positive light and not a negative light. The fact that American blacks who represent 13% of the U.S. population, commit 36% of the crimes, is not the kind of truthful representation that you’ll ever see in video games. Most blacks in video games will end up being depicted as wise Magic Negroes, downtrodden Mary Sues, or harmless gentle giants.
Diversity and equity are at their heart anti-heterosexual, anti-male, and anti-white. Since there are only so many positions at a company, every time a non-heterosexual, female, non-binary, and non-white is hired for diversity reasons instead of merit, there is one less position open to qualified heterosexual, white males.
Equity — not to be confused with equality — is not about equality of opportunity, it’s about equality of outcome which is stone-cold Marxism and communism.
Imagine if you are an openly devout Christian, a Republican, a conservative, or a traditionally minded white male applying for a job at Blizzard or any other woke company. You have little to no chance whatsoever of getting a job if you have the wrong identity. The only way for white males to get jobs is to hide their sexuality, their religion, and their political affiliation and become what they want you to be. Or, you can simply become a transgender woman. If you do they will roll out the red carpet for you and you’ll be featured in Blizzard’s promotional videos.
In the past few years since the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter riots, woke studios like Blizzard have resolved to have as many non-white faces appear in their game and in their promotional materials. The trailer for Diablo 4 featured at the GameAwards gratuitously features a bald African-looking woman straight outta Wakanda. Corporate America loves to fetishize black people by replacing white people with black people. Blizzard is no different.
DIE commissars are one of the fastest-growing job opportunities in America. The reason for this is that corporations use wokeness and minority faces as a way of gaining immunity from lawsuits and the female-dominated Twitter outrage machine. It’s easier to defend your company against civil rights and employment discrimination lawsuits if you have a codified DIE agenda in your human resources department.

Since the typical DIE officer is a token black woman. Therefore it is no surprise that Blizzard’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Development Lead Makaiya Brown is also a black woman. Brown has been in the diversity and inclusion racket since 2012 working for a number of corporations.
While Makaiya Brown was working directly for Activision previous to Blizzard, anti-white, racist, race hustler and author Robin D’Angelo — fresh off the launch of her racist anti-white book “White Fragility” — was paid to give a speech at the Activision campus. It is reasonable to speculate that Brown might have had something to do with D’Angelo’s speech at Activision’s campus.
This happened in the aftermath of the George Floyd BLM and ANTIFA riots and Activision-Blizzard (most likely Brown) was only too happy to brag about D’Angelo’s speech:

Imagine the outrage that would ensue if Activision-Blizzard invited Professor John McWhorter to talk about black fragility at their campus.
Earlier this year, Blizzard asked Brown to make a public statement about her role in the studio. It was promoted on LinkedIn and Twitter and posted on the official Blizzard website for all to see.
Hello, Blizzard community! My name is Makaiya Brown, and I’ve been Blizzard’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I), and Development Lead since September 2021. With International Women’s Day coming up, I thought what better time to share some thoughts on this role and how our work at Blizzard is progressing so far.
First, the obvious question: why Blizzard? When I met with people here, what struck me the most were two things. First, the drive and commitment for meaningful change from the employees–all incredibly talented people who want to better our culture while continuing to pursue the work they love. And second, the genuine commitment from the Blizzard leadership team, who are spearheading change across the board to ensure their teams feel safe, heard, and able to be their best, creative selves. It is rare to see such an overwhelming, collective drive at all levels, and guiding that energy as our work progresses inspires me.
We are here because we want to make games that are welcoming to everyone, and to truly do that, we need multiple perspectives. With women, people of color, LGBT+, or people who are differently-abled feeling Blizzard is a place for them–a place where they can be their best selves–we gain those valuable perspectives. A more inclusive culture results in better games, period.
The most important pillar that drives lasting change is education; and I realize that for some people, education around DE&I topics is uncomfortable. Everyone has biases based on multiple influences—how we grew up, who we grew up around, what type of media we consume. In the workplace, these biases manifest in particular ways. For example, if you are used to working around the same people with the same behaviors, and someone enters your circle who is different, those behaviors might be unintentionally offensive, or cause someone to feel uncomfortable in sharing ideas. Recognizing these biases is okay, and vital for personal, professional, and organizational growth.
It all begins with listening. To chart the future of Blizzard, it’s imperative to understand the past. When we have a clear picture of where we are, we can make meaningful changes toward the future. Inspired by what I have learned, we have already begun building a robust learning platform, a system for actionable leadership accountability, reworking our recruitment practices, and more.
Progress is also taking place at multiple levels organically—you have seen many Blizzard development teams making great strides in representation, accessibility, and player behavior recently. And this year to date, 31.5% of our new hires self-identify as women–that’s just the beginning. We are grateful for the efforts of individuals and teams who have immediately embraced our goal of increasing diversity within Blizzard, and we are committed to a continuous focus on improvement in this area.
As a leader in DE&I, seeing this kind of action from individuals en masse in their areas of influence is incredibly moving. It is the kind of work that adds up to real change. Our work at Blizzard is not a matter of putting in a bunch of corporate training programs and calling it a day–this is a large-scale effort at the business, team, and individual levels, that will continue to be iterated upon and evolved to level up the core of who Blizzard is.
People of all backgrounds want to both create and play games to escape—there is enough discrimination in the outside world—and, of all places, everyone should be able to feel comfortable and welcomed here and in our universes. We have a lot of work to do. It is my hope that building a more inclusive workplace and, in turn, more inclusive games, will influence more understanding, care, and appreciation of people who we think are different from us. And if we, as an industry, continue to create better spaces in the gaming world, maybe over time, our real world will become better too.
We will be in touch regularly about our progress.
Thank you for reading,
Makaiya Brown
DE&I and Development Lead
To my knowledge, no news outlets, video game websites, or millionaire influencers like Asmongold have had the courage to cover this story or provide any form of critical commentary.
I have read her statement and I would like to refute many of the points she made, point by point:
Hello, Blizzard community! My name is Makaiya Brown, and I’ve been Blizzard’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I), and Development Lead since September 2021. With International Women’s Day coming up, I thought what better time to share some thoughts on this role and how our work at Blizzard is progressing so far.
Translate: I’m here earning my keep, justifying my job, and virtue signaling for Blizzard. Activision-Blizzard hired me to lessen the impact of legal action and other lawsuits that the government and others have lodged against the company.
The fact is that few gamers if any, would give a sweet damn about who she is and International Women’s Day. As an aside, I wonder if she celebrated International Men’s Day?
First, the obvious question: why Blizzard? When I met with people here, what struck me the most were two things.
It’s the money. That’s why you chose Blizzard. Blizzard offered you more money and you took it. The question isn’t “obvious,” it’s self-serving.
Why did Blizzard choose you? Because you’re a token black woman with the correct opinions well skilled in the dark arts of identity politics. You’re a “look we’re not racist” distraction that Activision-Blizzard can point to when an identity politics activist bares her teeth.
First, the drive and commitment for meaningful change from the employees–all incredibly talented people who want to better our culture while continuing to pursue the work they love.
What’s wrong with Blizzard’s culture that produced amazing mega-smash hit video games like Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft, and World of Warcraft? Who said they wanted change at Blizzard? A few disgruntled trans activists on Twitter who use multiple accounts to create false consensus?
What is the change you are talking about? Is it like that amorphous “Hope and Change” snake oil that your dear leader President Barack “Barry” Obama talked about, but never defined?
You have no mandate for change from anyone. You don’t know what employees really think because they would never tell you what they think unless they agree with you. What if employees don’t want to change and like the old Blizzard better? We know the answer.
Besides, what the employees think about how Blizzard is run is immaterial and irrelevant. They don’t own the company, they have no say. This is how businesses are operated. Clearly, you don’t understand the first thing about business.
And second, the genuine commitment from the Blizzard leadership team, who are spearheading change across the board to ensure their teams feel safe, heard, and able to be their best, creative selves.
The current Blizzard 2.0 leadership team of corporate hired guns that have only been working at Blizzard for the last 3 years, know absolutely nothing about the authentic Blizzard and how they made the best games in the world. This woeful deficit of institutional knowledge is one of the reasons they recently begged Chris Metzen to come back to Blizzard.
Again what is the nature of the “change” you are talking about?
Ensuring that teams feel safe? Blizzard Entertainment is not a daycare center. This silliness is called safetyism, a term coined by academics Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt. Thanks to the coddling of snowplow parents, many Gen Z’ers are weak and precious little snowflakes with undeveloped brains. Raised in bubble wrap, they need to feel safe not from actual violence, but from ideas and speech that challenge them. They are also susceptible to cognitive dissonance. This is why they can simultaneously believe that speech is violence and silence is violence.
Translation: Making people safe really means shielding them from scrutiny and criticism. The only way to accomplish this is to censor the ideas and voices of others and to encourage self-censorship.
The underlying assumption here is that previously at Blizzard employees were not heard, nor were they allowed to be themselves — whatever that means. This is false.
American corporations are under no obligation to validate and promote their employees’ sexual proclivities or their political views. This is not how business works in America. Employees do as their told, their opinions about politics and social issues have nothing to do with work.
In Makaiya Brown’s brave new world, only women, non-whites, Marxists, and alphabet people are entitled to be their best creative selves.

It is rare to see such an overwhelming, collective drive at all levels, and guiding that energy as our work progresses inspires me.
You have no experience making games. You’ve never made a game in your life. How dare you use the word “we”. You stand precariously and undeservedly on the shoulders of white male giants. Show some respect and humility.
It is impossible to make games welcoming to everyone. Making a game “welcoming” is a deceptive, euphemistic code word. What it really means is pandering to minorities and alphabet people, at the expense of the core demographic that actually buys and plays video games: white males.
It is folly to think a studio can make a video game that appeals to everyone. Trying to make a successful video game that appeals to all demographics is a recipe for disaster and a manifestation of hubris and delusional thinking. There are very few products that appeal to everyone. Water and toilet paper comes to mind. Video games? Not so much.
Taking Brown’s argument to its logical conclusions, the NBA where black players comprise 72% of the players, should fire enough to them look like America till they represent the black population of 13%. Black Entertainment TV (BET) should immediately cease all of its black-centric programs and appeal to all races. Then they’d turn into another generic mediocre cable TV network running Creflo Dollar and other infomercials at night.
The whole world is glad that you are inspired by your fellow wokesters at Blizzard. We can all sleep at night knowing this. Perhaps the change is so great that you didn’t really need to be hired in the first place, but I’m sure you’ll say later on in the letter that there is more work to do ™.
…and to truly do that, we need multiple perspectives.
Translate: we need to replace the existing straight white males and hire more women, minorities, and alphabet people.
Here’s How the Diversity Scam Works
You create a non-existent problem:
Video games are not diverse enough, video games are not focusing enough on XYZ people!!!
Next, you create a solution to remedy that problem:
We need to hire more XYZ people to make video games relatable to our new XYZ demographic!!! Anyone that disagrees with us is racist and needs to be re-educated.
The big lie here is that females, minorities, and alphabet people will not play your video games if they don’t see themselves exactly represented in your video games in the same proportion that they represent in the general population. There is no evidence to suggest this.
J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece the Lord of the Rings was enjoyed by millions of people of all races and cultures worldwide and translated into 47 different leagues despite the fact that there most of the characters were *gasp* white males. Their enjoyment was not impeded because Middle-earth was specifically created as a mythology for Northern Europeans.
Amazon Film’s Rings of Power TV series used the same flawed logic as Brown and produced disastrous results.
Many people play role-playing games so they can be someone they are not in real life. If you are ugly in real life, you might want to play an attractive person in a fantasy virtual world. If you are non-athletic in real life, you might want to play an athletic person, and so on.
Blizzard Welcomes Everyone Except Straight White Males

And true to form, Brown, lets the cat out of the bag in her next statement:
With women, people of color, LGBT+, or people who are differently-abled feeling Blizzard is a place for them – a place where they can be their best selves – we gain those valuable perspectives.
This statement deserves a full and thorough unpacking. The underlying assumption here is the DIE agenda was imposed at Blizzard because the studio was a place that discriminated against women, minorities, and alphabet people. Other than a few anonymous complainers published by sensationalist click-bait websites like Kotaku, there is no evidence to support this assumption and no credible evidence that the problems were company-wide.
Sexual harassment and racial and anti-homosexual discrimination happen in all occupations and walks of life. There is no evidence to suggest that Blizzard Entertainment had a higher-than-average incidence of these problems. All we’ve had are wild media-fueled allegations that have not been proven in any court of law.
Not one of the former Activision-Blizzard employees has been afforded the constitutional right of being presumed innocent until proven guilty. The entire corrupt entertainment media complex has convicted them without the accused having the chance to defend themselves.
Having the perspective of a woman, minority or LGBTQ person does not confer upon the person some kind of superpower, nor does it make you a better game developer.
In our current culture, victimhood is currency. The more of a “marginalized” and “disenfranchised” victim you are the more valuable you become as a trophy hire for woke companies. With suffocating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies creeping into corporate America, firms must now prove they have a diverse workforce. So women, minorities, and LGBTQ people are in high demand as woke trophy hires are used for virtue-signaling purposes.
How many heterosexuals, traditional Christians, and conservatives work at Blizzard? Is their perspective valuable? If not, why not?
The Mother of all Diversity and Inclusion Lies
Finally, we come to the mother of all lies perpetrated by the DIE cultists:

A more inclusive culture results in better games, period.
Where is the evidence that this claim is true?
There is none. If there was, she would have gleefully referenced it.
Blizzard made their very best games (loved by players and critics alike) when they had an unapologetic, male-dominated, balls-to-the-wall macho studio culture and their legions of loyal male fans loved them for it. Guys made games that other guys would play. Guys making games for Guys. If women played them, so much the better.
No studio could touch Blizzard’s stellar reputation back in the early days. Now that Blizzard has gone completely stark, raving mad, their reputation is in the shitter and getting worse by the day.
But you know better, don’t you? You show up out of nowhere, spewing your identity politics doublespeak and you think that anyone with half a brain is going to take you seriously?
You have no idea what Blizzard used to be or what it used to mean to gamers. You’re a Johnny Come Lately, an identity politics carpetbagger, a conjurer of cheap tricks, a box on a diversity checklist, a robotic NPC, and a woke talisman to ward off evil spirits.
If you want respect in the video game industry, you have to earn it. You have not earned it, so your words mean nothing. You have no experience actually making games, so you have no idea what you are talking about. You’re making unproven assertions and preposterous claims without a shred of evidence to back them up.
Newsflash: You’re not special. Being a black woman is not an accomplishment.
The most important pillar that drives lasting change is education; and I realize that for some people, education around DE&I topics is uncomfortable.
Ya think? This is sinister and Orwellian. Making demands that people change their ideology and then inferring that it’s only natural to feel uncomfortable is slick but nobody’s falling for it.
Translation: Education means indoctrination
Children are educated; adults are trained. Do you think Blizzard employees are children?
Blizzard Entertainment or any other company has NO BUSINESS telling people how to think and what to think. This is unethical and probably illegal. I can’t wait till white male employees get organized and lodge a class action lawsuit against Blizzard Entertainment for systemic discrimination.
Imposing Marxist Groupthink and Conformity on Blizzard Employees
Professor Brown’s lecture continues…
Everyone has biases based on multiple influences — how we grew up, who we grew up around, what type of media we consume. In the workplace, these biases manifest in particular ways. For example, if you are used to working around the same people with the same behaviors, and someone enters your circle who is different, those behaviors might be unintentionally offensive, or cause someone to feel uncomfortable in sharing ideas. Recognizing these biases is okay, and vital for personal, professional, and organizational growth.
Biases are a part of life. Biases, preferences, and predilections give us individuality, and personality, and make us unique.
The role of a company is not to shield new employees from the rigors of daily life and the realities of human existence. The role of a company is to make goods and services that fill consumers’ needs.
If I work for a company in Japan, I fully expect the culture in the company to be Japanese and biased toward the norms of Japanese corporate culture. I either adapt and continue to work, or I can leave the company and seek employment elsewhere. I have no right to impose my American cultural norms on the Japanese.
If I apply for work at a company with an all-male or all-female workforce, I know exactly what I’m getting myself into. I don’t cry like a baby because the company culture is not addressing my needs. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. You make an effort to fit in. That’s time-tested wisdom that is lost on woke imbeciles who utter politically correct screeds that have no bearing on reality.
This also goes for any company in America. It is common knowledge that different companies have different cultures. A company that manufactures sporting goods in Maine may have an entirely different culture than one that makes video games in Southern California.
You are implying that anyone can come into Blizzard and demand that the core culture adjusts to the new hires and not the other way around. A new employee has no right to impose their cultural norms onto an existing corporate culture. This is a recipe for corporate chaos and would quickly destroy company morale which is the reason why hundreds of employees have left Blizzard in recent years. This shows that you have no idea what you are talking about as you don’t even have the slightest idea of what corporate culture is and why it exists.
If you want a perfect world, throw a penny in a wishing well, and hope for the best. Stop imposing your Marxist Utopian propaganda on other people. My family survived Bolshevism, I know how communism ends and it isn’t pretty.
Turbo Charged Social Engineering at Blizzard
More boilerplate psycho-babble incoming…
It all begins with listening. To chart the future of Blizzard, it’s imperative to understand the past. When we have a clear picture of where we are, we can make meaningful changes toward the future. Inspired by what I have learned, we have already begun building a robust learning platform, a system for actionable leadership accountability, reworking our recruitment practices, and more.
Nice corporate word salad with extra virgin olive oil and a splash of balsamic vinegar. You clearly know nothing about Blizzard’s real past. You probably only know the recent overblown salacious past.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with listening. But should we listen to everyone? Should we listen to fools? Who decides who should talk and who should listen? Who decides what opinions matter and whose opinions don’t matter?
We don’t have to listen to anyone. People are not required to listen to you either. In the real world, people listen to people who they respect. Respect is earned. I don’t listen to people who haven’t earned my respect and that most certainly includes you.
Progress is also taking place at multiple levels organically—you have seen many Blizzard development teams making great strides in representation, accessibility, and player behavior recently.
Define progress. Is progress a Utopian rainbow-colored world with PRIDE parades, pink hair feminists, rainbow flags, nipple piercings, tongue studs, butt plugs, sex toys, gender fluidity, and polyamorous relationships? What about the furries? Does Blizzard offer BDSM dungeons for their staff to work off steam during breaks? Do you have Drag Queen Story Hours at Blizzard during lunch breaks yet to groom kids and destroy the innocence of your employee’s kids?
What does “progress” have to do with making the best video games?!?
Where’s the quantifiable return on investment on your twisted idea of progress?
So now you are responsible for monitoring and controlling player behavior improving? Holy overreach Batman. This is the kind of wild-eyed speech you read from interplanetary dictators in pulp sci-fi movies.
And this year to date, 31.5% of our new hires self-identify as women–that’s just the beginning.
Self-identify? You simply could not resist a shameless shout-out to the trans community who suffer from gender dysphoria.
Want a know a little secret? More men are becoming transgender women, simply because that’s the fastest way to secure employment at Blizzard and at most corporations and governments in America. It’s absolutely shameful that any self-respecting man would resort to this kind of shameful self-degradation to gain employment.
Sure, it’s only the beginning and when the last straight white male comes to his senses and finally leaves Blizzard for a better studio where identity politics and queer theory aren’t shoved down their throats, your mission will be accomplished and Blizzard will be in ruins. You will be working for another company peddling diversity, inclusion, and equity snake oil by then.
We are grateful for the efforts of individuals and teams who have immediately embraced our goal of increasing diversity within Blizzard, and we are committed to a continuous focus on improvement in this area.
Of course, you are grateful, the fastest growing scam in America — diversity and inclusion — is paying your salary. People like you have been exploiting white guilt for decades.
Blizzard is sounding more and more like a cult that cares more about progressive values than it does about making video games for its fans.
Take your Rightful Place Among the Great Civil Rights Leaders of History
Workers of the world unite…
As a leader in DE&I, seeing this kind of action from individuals en masse in their areas of influence is incredibly moving. It is the kind of work that adds up to real change. Our work at Blizzard is not a matter of putting in a bunch of corporate training programs and calling it a day–this is a large-scale effort at the business, team, and individual levels, that will continue to be iterated upon and evolved to level up the core of who Blizzard is.
My, what a great leader you are, if you don’t say so yourself. You are right up there with Gandhi, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Stephen Biko, and Rosa Parks. If you grift hard enough, they may even name a post office after you. Take a number: Trayvon Martin and George Floyd are at the front of the line.
After you and your merry band of Stalinists are done with Blizzard, it will be completely unrecognizable. No self-respecting red-blooded freedom-loving American man would ever want to work at Blizzard given its current woke trajectory. You’ll soon end up with a diverse bunch pink haired Karens, ANTIFA adjacent malcontents, angry trannies, beta-male simps, bespectacled wimps, and body-positive blimps all waving their PRIDE flags who can’t design their way out of a wet paper bag.
…that will continue to be iterated upon and evolved to level up the core of who Blizzard is.
So the core of “who Blizzard is” right now has not sufficiently leveled up to what you want it to be? Holy L. Ron Hubbard Batman! Do you actually bother to read the rubbish you are writing?!?
Translate: the people who currently work at Blizzard are imperfect and will only achieve perfection when they self-actualize to employees who fit your standards i.e. believe exactly what you tell them to believe.
This pronouncement from Brown is chilling and evil. It sounds like the kind of thing you would hear from a dictator in a dystopian sci-fi film or an American Ponzi scheme cult based on pseudo-science. Here’s some free advice: if you ever get unemployed, perhaps you could start a career as a pulp sci-fi writer and then you could create a cult and convince vapid Hollywood celebrities to join.
The Only Drop of Truth in Her Speech
After all the flowery lies and academic puffery, she has the temerity to utter a basic truth about video games…
People of all backgrounds want to both create and play games to escape
If you really cared about this, Blizzard would not be making their games more woke every day with gratuitous race swapping in venerable MMORPGs like World of Warcraft and including magic negroes and token lesbians in your games and in all of your promotional materials.
I do not believe that people of all backgrounds want to create games or are suited to creating games. Most of the people that want to create video games are white males. You can posture all you want but that’s a fact.
White and Asian males like to make and play games in far greater numbers than any demographic. This is why the video game industry has been historically dominated by them and not because of any systemic or structural racism or sexism. I’ve worked in the industry actually making games; you have not.
To all the diversity and inclusion people at Blizzard: white males invented the video game genre. By far, white males have traditionally dominated the developer cohort of the video game industry. This is our neighborhood, you’re just a fucking tourist. Buy a souvenir, have your picture taken at the orc statue, and then promptly crawl back to the dirty woke hole you came from.
All People are Welcome but Some are More Welcome Than Others
Makaiya Brown puts on her Rosa Parks face and lectures us about “discrimination” in the world. The hubris with this woman knows no bounds…
There is enough discrimination in the outside world—and, of all places, everyone should be able to feel comfortable and welcomed here and in our universes.
To insinuate that the world outside is teaming with discrimination is disingenuous. Americans are probably the most tolerant, caring, and generous people in the world. Diversity officers, HRC, GLAAD, ANTIFA, BLM, ADL, SPLC, and other subversive groups in America continually exaggerate the threat that white males pose to females, minorities, and LGBTQ people because it keeps them employed, gives them political power, and increases the donations they get via extortion, fundraising, and foundations.
Blizzard games were loved by millions of gamers before diversity, representation, inclusion, and LGBTQ propaganda took over most American corporations. We didn’t need cultural Marxism then, and we don’t need it now in our video games.
Studios that create entertainment and video games are not required to make products that validate a person’s lifestyle or immutable characteristics or help them to explore their sexuality.
Nobody is entitled to feel welcomed — whatever that means — when they play a video game. How people think and feel, is up to them and it’s nobody’s business but their own. We cannot control what others do and say, but we can control how we feel about them.
Video game worlds are not perfect and they are not supposed to be. Like real words, virtual game worlds have both good and bad. Every day in both real worlds and virtual worlds, players confront the dawn of a new day and the unpredictability and possibilities that a serendipitous game world can provide. These include but are not confined to love and hate, joy and sadness, and so much more. Video game worlds are full of magic, mystery, and danger. Video games are not supposed to be easy. If you were a gamer, you’d instinctively know that. People play games to experience challenges that are missing in their lives. Trying to regulate how players feel is impossible, not to mention repugnant, and Orwellian.
Blizzard makes role-playing games (RPGs). Clearly, you don’t understand the concept. In most of their games, gamers can play the race or sex they wish to play. They do not have to play the race or sex they have in real life. MMORPGs have been quietly and inherently gender fluid since before that term even existed.
Women, monitories, and alphabet people have never been prohibited from purchasing and playing Blizzard games. Your real-life identity is your own business. If you decide to violate the spirit of role-playing and share it with others in game worlds, you are entirely responsible for how people choose to react or not react to you. You don’t have the right to demand other people celebrate your narcissism, your lifestyle, your sexual fetishes, or your mental illnesses.
Many video games offer players the freedom and agency to free to create their own unique personas. They can play heroes or villains. They can be social or loners. They can choose their class/occupation. They can work hard or they can be lazy. As in real life, video games give players many choices. How they choose and why they choose is up to them, not you, not Blizzard. If you don’t understand any of these truths, you should not be anywhere near a video game studio, let alone a development lead.
The Issue is Always the Revolution
Please God, make it stop. It’s almost over…
We have a lot of work to do.
We have a lot of work to do is a tired catchphrase that has been used in the civil rights industry for decades. Those that claim they have a lot of work to do, are never the ones that actually do any meaningful work. They talk more than they work. Instead of creating, they destroy.
The inclusion of this deceitful phrase is pretty much mandatory in every boilerplate diversity speech I’ve ever heard. The con game never ends, because it’s just too damn lucrative for those that ply this wicked trade to stop. We have more work to do, is a quest that never ends; it is job security for race hustlers and identity politics grievance hucksters. Its genesis harkens back to the foundations of Marxism and communism: the struggle is never over, and the revolution is never over because it’s really all about the journey and not the destination.
Former communist radical David Horowitz once revealed the truth about Marxism:
“The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”
People like me know your tricks and your deceits. More people are being red-pilled every day about the demonic nature of identity politics and those who ply this wicked trade.
It is my hope that building a more inclusive workplace and, in turn, more inclusive games, will influence more understanding, care, and appreciation of people who we think are different from us.
I doubt that you care about what people who disagree with you think. You’ve already made up your mind.
It is my hope that you do some soul-searching, examine your conscience, come to your senses, and find an honest career path. One day you will have to stand before the throne of Almighty God and account for how you lived your life and what you said. The current path you are on will lead to destruction. Repent, while you still can.
The Smoking Gun
One last sentence of virtue-signaling….
And if we, as an industry, continue to create better spaces in the gaming world, maybe over time, our real world will become better too.
Finally, we have the smoking gun of what the DIE agenda really is all about. It’s all about using video games to make a better world with millions of brainwashed gamers lapping up your poison agenda, doing your bidding as they march shoulder to shoulder trying to bring about an “inclusive” neo-Marxist paradise.
The very same people that have failed to educate a generation of students on basic math and literacy, that have turned many American cities into crime-ridden, drug-infested, tent cities where people are defecating on the streets, now have the gall to tell us how to live our lives. Give me a break.
We will be in touch regularly about our progress.
I’m sure you will. And I’ll be here to counter each and every fallacious, specious, insane, preposterous word you may utter.
Some Thoughts from Accomplished People on Diversity
Diversity is a state. It is neither good nor bad. I have always believed the only diversity that is virtuous, is viewpoint diversity. The opposite of viewpoint diversity is conformity where everyone has the same opinions. Conformity leads to groupthink. The laziness of groupthink atrophies the mind, prevents new ideas from challenging the status quo and the powerful, and ultimately inhibits authentic progress.
Here are a few notable people who have thoughts about the pernicious ramifications of forced diversity:

Someday, you might end up in a hospital with a serious, life-threatening condition. At that time, you won’t be thinking about social justice or racial diversity. Instead, you’ll do all you can to stay alive for yourself and your loved ones. All you will care about is that the nurses and physicians attending to you will be of the very highest quality. With the DIE agenda that is taking over the medical establishment, you’ll never really know if the doctors working to help you are the most qualified and you’ll be playing Russian roulette with your life.
We all need to stop this madness now while we still can.
To Blizzard Employees, You Are Not Alone
Although many Blizzard employees who disagree with wokeness and DIE have already left the studio, there are still quite a few that remain. I believe there are many Blizzard employees that are afraid to speak out against the insanity of identity politics. They are being kept hostage by an evil corporation because they have families to support, mortgages, and bills to pay.
Blizzard 2.0 staff must attend mandatory indoctrination sessions. Those who refuse can lose their jobs and their careers. Anyone that dares speak out, will be fired immediately.
In the past few years, many good Blizzard developers were fired for no reason. All because of a witch hunt fueled by hostile and corrupt media outlets and unhinged trans activists on Twitter. Someday, you will be vindicated.
This article is for you. I wanted to let you know that there are people that understand your plight. You are not alone. Someday, this nightmare will be over and you can get back to making games again without having to worry about having the wrong political and social views.
Makaiya Brown is a high priestess of the diversity, inclusion, and equity cult. Her absurd dissertation on diversity, equity, and inclusion is a cornucopia of boilerplate doublespeak, woke sophistry, and shameless posturing. Brown’s benign-sounding sermon is subversive neo-Marxist indoctrination dressed up in the patina of kindness and other vacuous Gen Z platitudes. She also makes sure to promote the depravity of the LGBTQ movement that is central to the identity politics religion.
The real problem is not people like Brown, but the cynical, conniving, opportunists in upper management that hire them. These corporate ghouls use rainbow marketing and diversity platitudes as a shield to distract the public from seeing the dirty deeds they do behind closed doors.
Brown is a hired gun that will move on to the next job soon enough. She is being used like blacks were used for minstrel shows that were held in America in the early 19th century to entertain whites. She is a well-paid useful idiot with the correct skin color and sex. Every year, they will summon her out of her basement stapler room, dust her off, shine her up, and trot her out for an annual feel-good speech on Blizzard’s DIE policies or to grand marshall a Pride parade.
Brown is not the problem; Brown is the symptom. She was brought into the Activision-Blizzard family in 2018 to provide run interference for Bobby Kotick’s numerous sins and Blizzard’s bad press.
The problem with the DIE agenda is that it’s ultimately unsustainable and will destroy the financial solvency of every company that incorporates it. Hollywood has lost millions of dollars chasing the fade of wokeness. New Twitter owner Elon Musk just realized this just in time and laid off thousands of useless diversity “trophy” hires at Twitter and Twitter is working better than ever with less interference from legions of overpaid woke hall monitors.
With its emphasis on identity instead of merit, the DIE agenda will destroy Western civilization from within. Already, many people are seeing that society is starting to falter as airlines are canceling flights, trains aren’t moving, container ships are delayed, and higher rates of medical malpractice — all because of a lack of competent people. This is no joke as Gab’s Andrew Torba has revealed:

The diversity, inclusion, and equity agenda, is a wholesale assault upon the concept of merit which is the fundamental underpinning of the West. It is also an attack on the principle of liberty that is foundational to the success of America. The DIE agenda wants to completely eradicate and replace all the business and hiring norms of Western civilization with Marxist fevered dreams of equality and post-modern identity politics.
Since the dawn of mankind, despots, dictators, kings, clerics, and cult leaders have attempted to control what people say, what people think, how they behave, and where they can earn a living. Sinister corporations like Activision-Blizzard have joined their ranks.
In dabbling in the dark arts of identity politics, entertainment conglomerates like Activision-Blizzard has made a pact with the devil. They have summoned malevolent forces beyond their control, that will soon devour them.
The very same company that has done business with the brutal communist dictatorship of Red China — that persecutes native Chinese, Christians, Muslims, and other religious minorities, murders dissenters, puts dissenters in concentration camps, harvests organs from prisoners, violates the human rights of their people, HAS NO MORAL AUTHORITY to tell their employees and their players how to think and behave.
Marxists see the world as a struggle between the oppressed and the oppressors. This flawed and sinister worldview responsible for 100 million deaths in the last century, is the theoretical basis for the diversity, inclusion, and equity movement.
Every revolution requires a scapegoat and a malefactor. The intersectionalist cultists are no different and they have designated the heterosexual, Christian, conservative, white male as their malefactor. In practical terms, this means that white males will be hired at decreasing rates and qualified white males will be bypassed for promotions in favor of women, minorities, and alphabet people.
There can be no doubt that by publicly proclaiming their diversity, inclusion, and equity policies for the world to see, Blizzard Entertainment is either openly discriminating against heterosexual white males and/or planning on discriminating against those same males who seek career opportunities at their studio. These policies directly contravene the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 which clearly states:
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
Any attempt by Blizzard Entertainment to discriminate against white males is a violation of federal law. What Blizzard is doing is reprehensible, despicable, and un-American. Any person that continues to play their games is guilty of aiding and abetting the illegal, unethical, and immoral behavior of this studio.
TURBO CHARGED SOCIAL ENGINEERING… spot on. DIE commissar sounds about right.
They want to use video games as vehicle to re-educate the masses. The problem they face so far that woke-touched games and also TV shows are mostly total garbage or just mediocre, no matter how much effort and money got thrown at it.
The problem is a garbage in, garbage out problem… this ideology is just destructive, not creative, friendly or fun. It’s the evil and wrongness of socialism disguised.
Overwatch 2 is the next woke assault on the people, it seems already to falter despite all efforts, thankfully. Metzen won’t be able to change a thing.
Rockstar games is next. One of the greatest video game studios of all time is gonna turn into a woken shit hole. Some of the founders have already jumped ship and the leaked videos of GTA VI are foreboding.
I would encourage game designers to move into the indie small studio world until this Marxist ideology ends. There they can have full artistic control to just make the best games and hire whoever is best without the oversight of corporate culture that has sold itself to Marxist ideology politics. I’d rather play great games that can be developed by small teams of white males that maybe don’t have all the graphic bells and whistles then the crap that is coming out today. I was raised on 8bit graphics so you can’t tell me that you need the latest technology to make great games.
If you want to keep making great cutting edge AAA’s consider looking abroad in perhaps Japan. I may be wrong, but I don’t believe Japanese society has embraced this ideology. In other words, apply for jobs with Nintendo of Japan, not Nintendo of America.
Already we are seeing the efficiency in the game industry plummeting. The amount of AAA titles being released has slowed down to a crawl, and if the releases aren’t ruined by buggy unfinished software they are destroyed by the woke agenda shoved into the game. See Last of Us 2, Elder Scrolls, God of War, to name a few. To circle back to my point about Rockstar, you started to see it creep into Red Dead Redemption 2 with the Mary Sue that was Sadie and the virtuous Half Indian/half black Charles that is the only person that Arthur is constantly friendly around (even to the point of enthusiastically joining Charles slaughtering a pair of white hunters whose only crime was killing a few Buffalo).
To second your point, hang in there white male developers. If there is any hope for this country to shed this evil beast that has infiltrated almost all our institutions and businesses at this point you are gonna be vindicated and restored to greatness. God speed.
Thanks for this post!
You are correct. The indie video game world is the only way out of this mess for white male game devs. That’s one of the few places that allows creativity and innovation free from the yoke of the woke AAA industry. As you said, I do not see Japan getting woke either. Japanese are fiercely nationalistic and protective of their culture. Good for them! I see some hope in Easter European countries as an oasis from wokeness. I’m very disappointed in Poland as they are getting more woke by the day as Western degeneracy creeps into their zeitgeist.
It’s inevitable that the idealogy of wokeness will burn like a purging forest fire throughout the industry. After every forest fire, forests enjoy a miraculous rebirth as new trees start to grow in organically rich soil. Then all the displaced species return. The same thing will happen to the video game industry. Where will they get the white male devs? From the enclave and oasis of indie industry. The Benedict Option metaphor applies here as it does to Western civilisation. We’ll just have to wait till it’s all gone before we can rebuild the entire industry.
When all the profits are gone, the shares in these studios will become worthless, the executives will panic, and all thse big studios will become insolvent, only then will they start to fire thousands of woke imbeclic grifters who infiltrated the industry at their behest. No more LGBTQ characters shoehorned into video games. No more PRIDE parades, no more forced diversity training.
It’s already starting as Microsoft is laying off 10,000 people. Already these woke little bitches are complaining on LinkedIn. Excpect more carnage to come. I’m loving every minute of it. The shaudenfraude is going to be amazing.