It’s a hobby horse of mine, to occasionally speak truth to power and call out pompous people on X. Professional Canadian Catholic Kennedy Hall recently decided to fat-shame Americans after Trump made some funny comments about annexing part of Canada after Canadian PM Justine Castro visited him at Mar-a-lago.
Here’s Kennedy’s lame quip directed at Americans:
What Kennedy did was uncalled for and uncharitable. As a Roman Catholic, he should be ashamed of himself for demeaning his neighbors to the south in such a callous way. Even though Americans are used to being the brunt of fat jokes from non-Americans, it still is insulting.
What was the upside to Kennedy’s quip?
He got to bask in the fleeting glory of his wit.
There is no evidence to suggest that 50% of Americans are overweight and have diabetes. He didn’t quote any studies or provide any evidence. I wonder if Kennedy has traveled to all 50 states in the USA?
I asked ChatGPT about obesity levels in Americans and Canadians and the numbers were pretty much the same. Thanks to the Food Industrial Complex that peddles poisonous addictive food, obesity is a big problem that is affecting Western civilization.
Being prideful about the fact that Canadians are allegedly less obese and have less diabetes is not a good look for Hall. It’s not an particuallry effecitve way to win souls for Christ.
If you are going to criticize others, then be open to scrutiny yourself as Matthew 7:3-5 counsels us:
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brotherās eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, āLet me take the speck out of your eye,ā when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brotherās eye.”

I follow Kennedy because I enjoy his traditional Catholic observations. But this time I was miffed. I called him out and made a joke about Tim Horton’s donut shop being only available in Canada. I also asked the portly Kennedy to look in the mirror and told him the following:
I dared him to block me and he did just that. Fair enough. I poked the bear.
Despite interacting with him for many months, liking his Tweets, and replying, he finally interacted with me. This is a familiar pattern with many X blue check marks who never bother to reciprocate the loyalty of their followers.
Meanwhile Back in Canada…
The Canadian people are struggling with high taxes and the high cost of living. But Kennedy Hall is silent on their plight. However he’s got plenty of time to lampoon Americans and the USA.
Here’s one Tweet that explains it well:
Also no tweet on the fact that Canada has been overrun with millions of Indian immigrants:
People in glass houses should not throw stones.
As Christians, this is a good opportunity to remember we must be mindful of the things we say.
Matthew 12:36 in the New Testament states:
“But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.”
I’ve fallen short in this regard on occasion. Emotions can sometimes get the better of me. I try not to use empty words and make everything I say as direct and purposeful as possible. If I’ve failed in this regard, I apologize.
The next time Kennedy travels south to the United States of America for a speech or a Catholic conference, I hope his audience sees this article to gain a deeper insight into his character. Perhaps this interaction will give Hall pause to reflect and repent.
I’ll give the last word to Kennedy:

This is really funny – a fatso is making fun of other fatsos. He’s defeating his own argument with him being a fatso.
At least if he was skinny or jacked, it would have been different.
I also think it’s childish the way that he responds at all, it’s immature, unprofessional and if he just ignored it, it would have been better. By responding at all, it means what Trump said hits him hard where it hurts the most.
You challenged him with the truth, which hurts the most, more than any insult ever could. So seriously, he was very unlikely to react any other way.
I would not make so much out of this joke he made or his reaction to ban you, around 30k followrs few want/can deal fairly with the mass of people following them.
My Twitter/X is a read-only account. Even after Musk turned X around and ended censorship, I still feel uncomfortable with the whole world basically communicating, or rather everyone being able to hear the loudest voices. It isn’t a good platform for a somewhat sophisticated debate, but rather for making statements and post funny things.
I think you lost nothing by getting blocked. Even if he apparently wrote a lot of smart things your enjoyed reading. I somehow feel that he is not a good person at all. Sorry, but that’s the impression I got and I believe I have good instincts. I also know quite some authors who wrote brilliant books I enjoyed, but as persons they were honestly fubar.