Almost everyone likes new. In our culture, newness gets an undeserved sense of respect and cachet. There’s a sense of anticipation and mystique about an upcoming film, a new restaurant, …
Most MMO enthusiasts have noticed a sharp decline in the quality of the WoW community of late. Cursing, nastiness, bullying and other forms of rudeness have now become endemic in …
There's an aging corpulent MMO dinosaur that is lumbering under the weight of its own arrogance and sloth. This MMO has grown too big for its environment and is due …
Ever since watching the Silence of the Lambs movie I've been somewhat fascinated by a particular scene in the film where the character of Hannibal Lecter quotes Roman Emporer Marcus …
Now that Trion Worlds has lifted the NDA and I have a few hours of spare time during the Christmas holidays, I'd like to share some of my impressions of …
Via MMO Symposium, for those of us looking for a polished AAA+ MMO that poses a credible alternative to the Blizzard's dominance of the market, there is at last some …
There's a revolution going on in the video game industry. Each day hundreds of millions of players log on and experience the phenomenon called social gaming in games like Farmville, …
There’s more Red Shirt Guy news today. As well as the fact that the video of him asking that now famous question of the lore devs at BlizzCon has seen …
There is nothing better in this world than seeing poetic justice come true. At BlizzCon this past weekend during the WoW Quest Question and Answer Panel an avid WoW and …
As an observer of Blizzard for many years, I've noticed that they rarely engage or debate the public in open and independent forums. The Blizzard public relations machine runs a …
Earlier this week, Blizzard released the Cataclysm cinematic to the public. I find this anti-climatic given the fact that BlizzCon is only a few days away. Perhaps this might …
A couple of years ago something happened while I was designing the levels on a LEGO video game that I'll never forget. After the programming team added the "lives" to …