Wokeness is the most dangerous ideology the world has ever seen. No religion has ever spread this fast in human history. It is simply neo-Marxism covered with the euphemistic mantle of “social justice”. The demonic cult of wokeness is spreading like a plague through every single American institution.
Mandatory diversity and inclusion training and anti-white, anti-male hiring initiatives in corporate America are endemic. Critical race theory is being taught in schools. Wokeness has completely taken over most departments in higher education. Diversity and inclusion officer positions are one of the fastest growing careers in America. White faces are being replaced with black faces in most advertising campaigns. The LGBTQ movement is grooming our children. The entertainment industry has also been taken over by wokeness. Free speech is under relentless attack because the wokeness cult can not tolerate criticism.
If wokeness in all it’s manifestations is not stopped dead in its tracks, America will be utterly destroyed from within and with it Western civilization and the final prize: Christendom.
One brave intellectual named James Lindsay famous for his part in the grievance studios hoax and who recently published Race Marxism, has thoroughly researched the origins of neo-Marxism and all of its slimy tentacles.
Sun Tzu in The Art of War gave this sage advice: know thy enemy. The only way good people can defeat the purposely complex, linguistic puzzle of wokeness is to truly know the enemy and understand what he believes. James knows everything about the cunning wiles of Marxism and the evil men that inspired it and the manipulative activists that have used it to spread their poisonous snake oil.

The following videos are a crash course in understanding and refuting Critical Race Theory. If you are serious about defending yourself and your loved ones against the seductive sophistry of neo-Marxism and all of it’s incarnations, you need to watch all of these videos by James Lindsay.
Decoding + Refuting Social Justice Terminology Cheat Sheet

I am starting the videos from the end, as I am not entirely new to the subject of critical race theory and wokeness. His work isn’t unknown to me either, this study stating that “dog parks are petri dishes for canine ‘rape culture’” made me laugh years ago.
Let me ask you some questions, does he sometimes or at all speculate about a possible “end game” for this wokeness/critical race theory thing? Or just portray it as it is? I would find his thoughts interesting.
Because I am pretty sure at this point most involved don’t even realize what they are doing anymore. It turned people into rabid activists and turned universities into absurdities.
I have seen myself what these silly studies do to universities. And unfortunately and particularly in the USA they have spread so much that I am just shocked.
Even the least gifted student who perhaps should not have studied at all can be a very good parrot/student of these absurdities. The pressure and influence built up by this movement is a grave danger to the freedom of speech and thought that universities prided themselves of, what is already in their name. A free spirit is critical for progress and forming great thinkers that bring society ahead.
Under the disguise of academical freedom a lot of arguably not so useful studies exist. They are usually niche, but all knowledge is worth having. Under this disguise this particularly despicable field of activism and pseudo-science infiltrated universities and is threatening them now at their very core.
Too long have professors and leadership of universities, but also students as well ignored this loud and rabid group of malcontents. Now they are serving their needs or try to avoid their ire. It is terrible.
It is also interesting how often this seamlessly blends with Marxism and supposed anti-fascism. Though the anti-fascism is so much fascist at its core that I find these people often just hilarious.
They are still by far not the mass of the people, but it only takes few people to change a social system. Their prominence in the media and their influence is already staggering.
Most people recognize this as the bull it is. Most people unfortunately still don’t speak up and fight against this.
Maybe it is important to hammer home short and bluntly why wokeness is not just weird, but actually dangerous to society. People aren’t dumb, but few will listen to all videos of Lindsay. He is too much an academic to sum it up shortly.
This is also why wokeness succeeds: It’s at the core hateful and easy to get sucked in. Also easy to play along, even if one doesn’t believe in it. It is the easy lie that allows people to hate on others, to do their worst, to feel good themselves. It allows people to put blame on “society”, for everything, for their failures. To feel good themselves in a kumbaya circle of haters reinforcing their own nonsense. It is devilishly good at disguising itself as just and right, while it is actually wrong, destructive and hateful.