In the space of a few years, we’ve gone from the adage that the customer is always right to the company is always right as an increasing number of American corporations have decided to wade into the swamp of politics by aligning themselves with the radical left. In the no so distant past, company owners had the decency to keep their social and political views to themselves because taking sides would easily alienate half of your customers.
Given this reality, sensible corporations would stay out of politics or at the very least display an ideologically neutral public face. But all of this changed as narcisisstic millenials and fragile Generation Z cohorts descended upon corporate America and spread the contagion of the woke mind virus that they contracted at college.
The Marxist Death Cult
The long march of the Marxist death cult through the institutions is almost complete as American corporations have finally joined the left’s Borg Collective ecosystem. Big tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, and big entertainment conglomerates like Disney and Comcast, routinely express public views that promote the woke pseudo morality of the far left. Instead of calling it morality, they cloak it in the deceptive euphemism: values.
The left’s morality is false and untested. Show me one great civilization that has ever been created by the so-called values of wokeness or Marxism? There are none. The only thing that wokeness will lead to is millions of dead people. We only have to look at the 100 million dead from various strains of communism in the past century for evidence of this.
The latest atrocities of the death cult is the millions of innocent babies murdered in the womb via the grisly practice of abortion.
Most of these woke companies are based in the socialist state of California. California is like a cultural petri dish where every bad idea is created and released into the world without any thought to the potential unintended consequence. It is no surprise then that video game studios who are also mostly based in California are also parroting the progressive and post-modern catechism.
After the recent momentous U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning the ill-conceived and infamous Roe vs. Wade decision which made abortion legal by inventing a false constitutional right of privacy, the radical left was apoplectic. Instead of actually reading and comprehending the brilliant decision by Justice Alito that returns the right to determine abortion laws back to the individual states, the unhinged left started making specious claims that abortion had been completely banned in the U.S.A. (which is false) and woman would risk death resorting to backroom abortions. In their demonic rage, they even trotted out the debunked urban myth of coat hangers.
The usual suspects of scum and villainy — the masked cowards and demented perverts of the domestics terror group ANTIFA — rose from their odious basement coffins to harass and intimidate pregnancy centers and terrorize U.S. Supreme Court Justices at their homes.
Not to be outdone by ANTIFA, Daybreak Games, owned by a Swedish based company of investors called Enad Global 7, released the following statement on this landmark decision:
This moral posturing by Daybreak Game Company is thinly veiled opposition to the U.S. Supreme Court recent ruling on abortion. It is also a typical example of leftist virtue signaling.
Now that this precedent has been set, will Daybreak Games now comment on every piece of local, state, and federal legislation? If not why not?
Or will they only comment only on issues that support their personal and political beliefs?
The employee benefit policies of a company are nobody’s business but their own. They should have only communicated this to their employees but instead they decided share this with the public in order to make a political statement. Daybreak is using the tragedy of abortion to score points with whomever agrees with them.
It is wrong for Daybreak to assume that all of their employees would agree with this. It is also wrong to expect their customers to agree with this as well. By taking a side in a contentious political and social issue, Daybreak is foolishly alienating those who disagree with them both employees and customers.
Predictably, EQ players are already reacting both favorably and negatively as seen here on Instagram:

Daybreak has needlessly insulted both employees and customers who might agree with the jurisprudence of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling to allow individual states to create their own laws regarding abortion. What the court did was to bolster democracy and state’s rights. The people should decide, not the U.S. Supreme Court as was the case in the misguided Roe vs. Wade decision.
Abortion is a gruesome procedure. The termination of a baby in the mother’s womb is not healthcare.
By publicly supporting the infanticide of the unborn, Enad Global 7 and Daybreak Games has sided with evil and the ancient demon of child sacrifice known as Moloch.
Daybreak Games also recognizes “Pride Month” in the month of June where fornication, degeneracy, deviancy, masturbation, sodomy, lesbianism, child grooming, child molestation, and other sexual perversions are gleefully celebrated and promoted by parades of disgusting naked men. Each year, the LGBTQ activists at Daybreak celebrate Pride Month in EverQuest by giving player free pets in their cash shop. Real world activism has no place in fantasy virtual worlds like EverQuest as most players seek refuge in fantasy virtual worlds to escape politics and social activism. As a Christian, what Daybreak Games is doing by forcing the demonic LGBTQ agenda onto players is highly offensive to my sincerely held religious beliefs but there is no inclusion in EverQuest for Christians or conservatives. There is no special month for traditional marriage and heterosexual (normal) people.
If Daybreak truly cared about families they would not support the murdering of unborn babies and they would pay their male employees enough money so that their wives could stay at home and raise their children while the men go out to work.
Companies like Enad Global 7 and Daybreak worship profits above all else. They do not really care about women, if they did they would financially support women who want to get pregnant and take maternity leave but they would rather pay for an out of state abortion, than pay for maternity leave. They want women to be slaves to their company and they dress up it in GIRL POWER and female empowerment bumper sticker slogans.
Safetyism: The Infantilization of Adulthood
The boilerplate phrase “safe and inclusive” is specious, ridiculous, and alarmist. Both are pleasant sounding buzzwords that Daybreak has not even defined.
Daybreak’s employees are not children and are not in danger from anyone and anything at their respective studios on San Diego and Austin. It is not the job of Daybreak to babysit their employees, shield them from legislation or shield them from “offensive” viewpoints that challenge them.
In the past few years, most Big Tech corporations and woke companies have established Trust and Safety departments run by zealous diversity and inclusion officers.
The usage of “safe” and “safety” by leftist American corporations is language vandalism. What this really is is the virus of safetyism, a term coined by Jonathan Height and Greg Lukianoff in their book The Coddling of the American Mind.
Here’s a good definition of safetyism:
a culture or belief system in which safety has become a sacred value which means that people become unwilling to make trade-offs demanded by other practical and moral concerns
The rise of safetyism courtesy of privileged, over-protective parents is responsible for much of the insanity that the Generation Z demographic has created in our culture. Woke corporations like Daybreak Games are now the biggest proponents of this insanity.
Daybreak Games claims to care about the “safety” of their employees, but could care less about the safety of the babies who are inconveniently alive in the wombs of their female employees. Who needs more protection? A grown adult or an innocent unborn baby who is just seconds away from being born?
The Trojan Horse of Inclusion
The usage of the term “inclusion” by Daybreak Games is another neo-Marixst buzzword. You see the word coming up all the time in corporate America. You will notice, that the left rarely if ever specifically defines this term or other specious terms like equality, equity, diversity and safety. Beware!
According to James Lindsay inclusion is code for restricted speech and it’s used as a justification for purges (cancellation and termination) in all walks of life. Here’s a graphic that explains what “inclusion” really means:
Here’s James deconstructing the Trojan Horse of inclusion:
Hall of Shame: Meet the Executives at Daybreak Games
This bizarre public statement on abortion must have been approved by their legal department and/or someone on the executive team at Daybreak Games and possibly by their Swedish overlords at Enad Global 7.
Take a look at the official Daybreak website and you’ll find no mention of the executive team other than CEO Ji Ham. Apparently they are either too cowardly to list the names of the executive team there, too embarrassed, or perhaps too lazy. Since Daybreak games is one of the most hated MMO studios in the business, any one of these reasons is plausible.

Here are some the names of the current Daybreak Games executive team that I managed to find on the web:

Ji Ham
Chief Executive Officer Daybreak Games

David Yousseffi
Senior Vice President and General Counsel Daybreak Games

Andrew Zaffron
Executive Vice President Daybreak Games

Laura Rockwell
Vice President, Finance Daybreak Games

Brett Close
Executive Vice President Technology Daybreak Games
What is the Endgame Here? What is the ROI?
Everything a corporation does, it does for a reason. At least that how it used to work 5 minutes ago. There is never a good reason to potentially alienate half of your world-wide audience that is opposed to abortion on demand.
How is offending half or more of your customers good for your bottom line?
What is the return on investment here?
It is very possible that the people that are responsible for this decision are so completely delusional that they believe everything thinks like them? If they think like this, its stone cold hubris.
Daybreak has been engaged in similar activism by promoting the LGBTQ agenda for years in at least 3 of their franchises: EverQuest, EverQuest 2, and DC Universe Online despite the fact that nobody ever asked for this. Most players just want to be left alone and escape the noise and nonsense of the real world, but the perverts at Daybreak know better and force feeds Marxist propaganda to them whether they like it or not.
Is it too much to ask that video game studios stop ramming politics and social activism down the throats of the gamers that play their games? Apparently it is for the sanctimonious ghouls at Daybreak Games who never waste an opportunity to engage in moral grandstanding.
Child sacrifice is one of the worst crimes in human history. Abortion is just another form of child sacrifice. The shedding of the blood of innocents cries out to Heaven for justice. Abortion is demonic in nature. Anyone that supports it and engages in without repenting will be damned for all eternity by Almighty God.
Before the U.S. Supreme Court recent ruling, nobody knew what Daybreak Games’ position was on abortion. To their great shame, now everyone knows.
I needed a bit longer to reply to your posting, as a lot was mixed into it.
To break it down: Corporate culture and virtue signalling/posturing vs reality, what people believe they must do to be cool in the current world and what happens to them, and finally the topics of the supreme court and abortion.
Many car companies regularly color their logo in the pride flag colors, except for the Middle East and China and so on. Most soccer clubs, companies of all kinds, regularly spout a constant stream about female rights, embracing diversity, values… and once the world championship is in Qatar, they all fall dead silent on the topic.
Just like J. Allen Brack, when he was still in charge of Blizzard and rode the pink pony pretty hard, felt like the job of a CEO was basically to showcase the weirdest values first and foremost (and do little or fail in any other competence, sorry to say), remember how they banned a Hearthstone pro for saying “Liberate Hong Kong” on a livestream, also the ensuing apology.
I won’t quote or disseminate the apology in detail, about high standards and so on. They even fired the two presenters of the stream. They didn’t lift bans or change anything. They basically said they are sorry that there was a controversy that showed their hypocrisy and that it caused a problem…^^
Well, staying just neutral HAS benefits, doesn’t it… makes things easier and better for everyone. Brack didn’t get saved by riding the pink pony hard. Danuser probably won’t either in future. Blizzard will survive, but their days of glory are gone and unlikely to ever return.
My observation:
Human Resources, Community Relations, and PR first and foremost, are infested nowadays with leftist groupthink, causing lots of trouble for companies. Sometimes they grow so powerful that they are hard even for the owners and bosses to remove.
A close to 80 yo friend of mine who only got pensioned during the pandemic, was dealing with leather goods for all his life, had lots of connections. In his final years a young female manager put him to a trial (sic!) before the other managers of two companies she and another young female HR person in the other company represented.
Guess what, they wanted to get rid of the “monster” as they called him, in front of others in that trial. It ended with one and then another manager getting furiously angry and putting them into place. But notice, they stayed in their positions. The manager praised Mr. X for his long-standing service, excellent results and popularity among customers and team.
What was he accused of? He doesn’t even know himself exactly what he did wrong.
I asked him repeatedly, if he touched a woman, made lewd remarks. No, he didn’t. He was accused of… being himself.
A convivial and friendly, otherwise stereotypical old white guy.
He would be bad for the image, values and … whatsoever of these companies. He would drive customers away. He would be too old and awful.
I asked him why he didn’t tell me earlier. He didn’t take it seriously. He found these two ladies are not right in their head. Now that he is pensioned for the first time he learned about this LGBTwhatisthat and other leftist/marxist/wokist stuff. He was probably standing on their toes left and right all the time and didn’t even notice.
Corporate unculture at its best. I think Daybreak/Enad didn’t think when they announced this support for abortion tourism… not beyond “what is the woke thing and value we want to portray?”
I think it is the personal and bad decision of a woman to have an abortion. I am against it. The number of medical abortions where the life of mother and child both is endangered is almost zero. Rape victims also don’t make up a significant number. And even then, I would beg the mother to carry the child and leave it to adoption if she really can’t bear it.
The majority is people who had sex, failed or didn’t think about contraception, and rather murder the kid than give birth. I live in a country where abortion is legal up to a certain month. With ever lower preconditions to have an abortion. I thought the number of abortions is low… I was wrong.
Companies don’t have a legal reason to fire a woman aborting her child. If companies have nothing to do with the private life of their employees, they should also leave something as private as getting children or murdering them to their employees, too… offering abortion bus tourism and support as “health care benefit”, that’s diabolical and messed up on so many levels.
I see a destructive pattern of the whole wokeness-related complex there. They infiltrate arts, culture, make it hard for people to do their thing and drag everything down into the dirt.
The video game industry went particularly nuts and woke, the result? With ever more people working on a higher professional and educational level in the games industry, one would expect even better and stellar games. But including all that wokeness seems to come at a price: weak, disturbed and seriously limited by company values and demands people just can’t be overly creative and create. Some of the latest smash hits to materialize in a flood of really awful games were done by studios that were accused of all the usual things, non-inclusive, tyrannic, male dominated etc. etc..
Copypasta games are the future therefore, but without power to create, these eternally copied games will fall apart. And companies will analyze painstakingly why that is so… I wonder if they will or can find the reason, with so many ideological blinders around.
Thank you for your reply! As usual it’s eye opening and thoughtful.
In a previous article I shared a similar story about a young female who tried to take down the CEO of an East German company. Germany will be lost soon to Islam. I read a story recently that so far this year in Germany 45 woman have been raped by Muslim refugees. The chickens are coming home to roost for those silly German women who so foolishly voted for that twat Merkel.
A lot of bad things seems to come from Germany. I’m starting to wonder if the German people are cursed? With the exception of yourself, I find German people generally arrogant and unpleasant. Also, the Catholic church in Germany is on the point of schism because they want women priests and of course they love the LGBTQ people.
The mind virus of wokeness (neo-Marxism) could not exist without Twitter and Big Tech. Twitter is probably the worst invention in the history of mankind. It and other social media platforms have done incalculable damage to humanity and we have yet to see the full panoply of unintended consequence.
The marketing idea that originated with social media that “all voices matter” and that we all need a voice has polluted and cheapened our civilization. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Not all opinions deserve to be heard. Go to Twitter and Tik Tok for evidence of that. Silence is a time-tested virtue that has been forgotten in our modern age. Silence leads to sanctity.
The black death of Transgendermania where teenagers are permanently mutilating their bodies could not have spread without social media.
All of these social ills could not have spread into a culture that has fully embraced Christianity. They can only metastasize in the barbarism of paganism. When people do not have the light of Christ in them, they are open to all kinds of evil – demonic and human. Not all evil originates from the demonic. Even the demons by their nature are angelic and find sexual sins like sodomy absolutely horrific. These are observations are not my own and were made by Our Lord to privileged souls.
The world before Christendom was pagan and barbaric. Life was cheap. You had no rights. All the things we enjoy in the west are the fruits of Christendom. The average person has no idea what awaits them in a post-Christian world full of pagans and athiests. The pagan bloodlust for child sacrifice is clue to what these evil people are capable. These people can’t be reasoned with, they are so far gone that they are unreachable. All we can do is pray for them.
The video game industry is now full of LGBTQ types and pagans. Any reasonable person has already left. One of my friends left the video game industry 10 years ago and became a police officer. He’s a Godly man and saw the writing on the wall. California once conservative and Christian is now fully pagan and Marxist. It is no wonder that the video game industry that is based in California is rife with people who pro-abortion and pro-sodomy.
The video game industry can not be saved nor should it be saved. It is irreparably damaged. Almost every developer I worked with in the past has become woke. If you are not woke, you will be fired.
Alphabet people and LGBTQ people are incapable of making great video games. Already Blizzard has resorted to purchasing existing studios because it can no longer create good talent internally. This is all Mike “Nice Guy” Morhaime’s fault. Behind every woke thirsty beta male is a hardcore Marxist manipulative woman. That I can guarantee you.
A new Christian culture is the only answer and that is happening now on sites like Gab under the leadership of Andrew Torba. Buy and sell only to and from fellow Christians. Support and patronize fellow Christians. The Jews have been operating this way for 2,000 years. It works.
Athiest and libertarianism is a dead end. If you are not Christian — preferably Roman Catholic — become one now. This is a supernatural war going on. Don’t be stupid, don’t be lazy. I say this to everyone: were going to need God’s help if we plan on surviving the chastisement to come. The devil is growing in power. He’s working his wickedness in every country and institution. Even a blind man can see it.
Turn off the legacy media, turn off YouTube, turn off Netflix, turn off HBO and all the race swapping woke filth. Stop watching porn. Start reading old books (pre-WW2) as Tucker Carlson recently recommended.
Was wondering when you were going to do an article on the Supreme Court Ruling. Though I don’t advocate the religious side for restriction , the way the left is behaving only justifies the decision to take away the privilege. In some cases, one cannot fault the woman for not thinking before doing it when the man impregnates her only to then desert like a coward when faced with the responsibility (something sorely lacking in today’s generation) of raising a child, practically consigning the other half to a precarious existence economically. A problem like this though, speaks more about the decline in society’s moral compass than any so called ‘systemic’ problem. If I ever got in that type of a situation, at the very least I would marry that person instead of just shuffling off.
Individual situations aside though, I am firmly behind the pro-life camp if decisions like these fatally wound the MeToo and other left-wing movements. Unfortunately every conflict is going to have its collateral damage. I really can’t explain how I support your side now when if you had asked me 25 years ago, I would be on the other side. Its like you pointed out in one of your articles, some of these lefties look like extras in a Mad Max film! I am not a religious person, but I am one of what some call the Stoic types, so there are many areas of overlap with religions. The only thing about religion that doesn’t gel with me is belief, which I feel is the death of reason. That being said, I would usually back the religious sides now in cases like these as the so called ‘rational’ thinkers are just anathema to that very word, to the extent most reason using appeal to authority now and where any ‘logic’ is shown, it is of the circular variety.
As for your other point about Europe, I was in Italy about 2 months ago in Turin and was constantly asking myself this question: where are all the Italians? Cause seriously, you have to look to find them. And in that, I have actually made a non-religious point in restricting abortion for those that are able to read between the lines.
I can’t help but noticing the irony in Blizzard’s (and by extension California’s) decline and what happened to Lordaeron in the Warcraft universe, going from a beacon of light to one of darkness.
I really hope Clarence Thomas has Obergefell next in his sights.
Hello, I can see myself in your statements. I wasn’t very Christian for decades. I was one on paper though. I noticed the rise of these weird values and false liberalism and how damaging they have become. I don’t think “becoming Christian” is the solution, but it is part of it. A lot of bad things are being said about Christianity, mostly pedophile priests, silly rituals, being old-fashioned… all the negative things that happen indeed.
People must not forget that the core of Christian belief and related moral values are positive.
A lot of things condemned by Christianity still seem damn intolerant to me. If people want to be gay, not my problem, let them be. But the bible condemns it, not giving a reason why Sodom got basically nuked from orbit. Today I see it rather this way: As a warning. It starts with moral corruption. With the acceptance of corruption. And now we are there, getting “cancelled” for having the wrong opinion and stance on something. Not very liberal anymore. I used to think of liberalism as positive value. Not being close-minded. I still think people should be open-minded. But what is called liberalism these days isn’t what I have/had in mind when thinking about it.
About abortions: There might be occasions why an abortion is a life-saving procedure… but they are rare. The current state is “I want an abortion, my body, my choice!” and that’s all that is needed. I find it horrifying how easily women can get rid or literally kill their unborn kids. And how many decide to do so.
I think even if one doesn’t want to “join” a religion or belief, there are rational arguments to be made for moral values and against current unculture. But the persons daring to say them better be in a strong position to survive the wrath of the not so righteous they will be facing.
P.S. welcome on this blog!
Germany and France are overrun with migrants, all of them muslims. They are opportunistic, greedy and full of hate. Hate against Christianity. Western Lifestyle. Everyone else. All over Europe and Britain, Eastern Europe being the exception, these invaders are welcomed. Unrest is rising in the Netherlands among farmers, Germany will also soon suffer economic problems. But the Germans of 2022 are not the revolutionaries of the Napoleonic era.
I am afraid an era of prosperity after WW2 created generations of entitled and weak citizens in Europe, that lost not only their religious belief and moral values, I am afraid common sense got lost as well. I am trying to save myself and my family.
Trying to change things is extremely difficult. It is not as if Germany and other countries would not have smart people giving their best fighting this nonsense. But they are being singled out and destroyed. Report squads on social media, organized socialism/ANTIFA sending mobs after people they deem enemies, the media propagating propaganda and lies.
As for being a Christian: I am and consider myself a Christian.
Now for the bad side of being Christian in Germany: You can be member of either of the two Christian churches in Germany, the evangelische/Lutheran or the Roman Catholic church, both are not very Christian anymore. The current pope doesn’t stop them either. Or can’t stop them. He was never my favorite, but it seems not even the pope can control the church anymore.
The local priests are not very Christian either. I am afraid a time of Crypto-Christianity is the sad future.