Many of you are probably familiar with Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of Akkad. He’s an English classical liberal who rose to popularity during the Gamergate affair. Carl defended the principles that the Gamergate movement espoused — honest video game journalism, and consumer rights. He’s always been a fierce pro-West cultural warrior who has fought valiantly against the Marxist social justice warriors.
The more truth you tell, the more the left hates you. Disgraced feminist charlatan Anita Sarkeesian once called him a “garbage human being” during a YouTube panel she attended. Thankfully, Sarkeesian’s grifting days are over, while Benjamin is rising to well-deserved international prominence.
The world seems like it’s spinning out of control. The average voter has no power it seems. No matter what we do, the elites, the globalists, the corporations, and the Deep State ignore the people and do as they please. Combine this with a Weimar-like decline and you have a recipe for disaster. This cannot continue indefinitely.
Nothing short of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ or a strongman can fix this.
I’d like to mirror his Twitter essay here for posterity.
Why I Think We Are Fucked
— Carl Benjamin (@Sargon_of_Akkad) October 15, 2023
The West is experiencing an on-going collapse of moral legitimacy. It has been for many years. Many of our elites use support for Israel as a proxy for an unambiguous moral good: preventing another Holocaust. This is why our elites are generally leaping…
Why I Think We Are Fucked by Carl Benjamin
The West is experiencing an ongoing collapse of moral legitimacy. It has been for many years. Many of our elites use support for Israel as a proxy for an unambiguous moral good: preventing another Holocaust. This is why our elites are generally leaping to near-genocidal support of Israel over Palestine.
However, support for Israel is actually not that unambiguous due to the power it exerts over Palestine, and this greatly complicates the moral equation. This would normally preclude full-throated support for any cause, but in the special case of Israel, our elites are completely captured and, in a sense, view themselves (at least project the attitude) of fighting the new Nazis and preventing another genocide.
This full-throated support in favour of an ambiguous cause naturally creates a (large) constituency who recognise the inherent unfairness in only one side being properly represented in political discussion, especially when it appears that the people this constituency views itself as defending is facing an impending bloodbath.
I would guess that this is radicalizing the Islamic world, and shows us to be, in their view, morally backwards and worthy of fighting; more worthy, in fact, of fighting one another. The main problem this presents to the current Western (American) world order is that it is predicated on consent. The West claims to desire a peaceful and stable world in which “human rights” are protected and nations may prosper as long as they respect certain rules. The implication that underpins the legitimacy of said rules is that they are fair and any party should be able to find adequate redress given any wrongs done to them.
When it is demonstrated that the rule of human rights is actually a fiction that is used to keep the rest of the world quiet, then this system comes to an end.
The erosion of this system has, of course, been happening for many years now. Various pretexts have been used many times to justify a breach of the doctrine of human rights, and this has been grudgingly accepted because the benefits of the Western world order have outweighed the damage done by these exercises of power disguised as moral crusades.
However, we have arrived at a position where, in fact, the United States has been economically attacking other states, after deliberately and systematically attempting to erode their standing in the world, based on our own perceived moral superiority. This has created a massive upset in the global economic order and forced the disparate opponents of the West into an economic coalition with one another, whilst massively weakening America’s allies.
The short-sightedness of this can surely not be overstated, as the plan to judo-flip the various economies of the opposition to bring them to their knees simply hasn’t worked; it has been decades for some of these regimes and they still persist, and have been laying the groundwork for a parallel world economy.
Needless to say, as the world’s economic hegemon, the United States can’t allow this to happen. However, it seems that it is happening and it probably cannot be stopped at this point. I think this is really why the political class is gripped with war fervour over a tiny terrorist-run strip of land. It isn’t that there is an existential threat to Israel from Gaza, it is that we are looking at the potential to set off a chain of events that shows the West to not have the moral legitimacy it claims to have, which will unravel its own political alliances and put all its enemies into a righteous coalition against us, whilst destroying the global economic system and throw everything into chaos. The West will need to fight or the Western elites will lose everything.
At this point, I think a world war is inevitable.
The West’s lack of moral legitimacy is seen in its own countries; a very large percentage of the population of almost all of them has severe doubts about the legitimacy of the governments and institutions of those countries because the fifth columns that have been allowed to proliferate within our societies have done their work of making said governments and institutions unreliable, immoral, and degraded. The point of the left has been to weaken us from within by sowing moral discord, and they have done a very good job. They have, in fact, undermined our very claims to nationhood, family, and imperium. We do not view ourselves as the legitimate rulers of anything, and the major institutions of every country spend a large amount of their time attacking the majority population groups of that country.
It is well-known that Western militaries have serious trouble recruiting, and that we are struggling economically. To say we are being poorly governed is an understatement and a half and everyone knows it. There is simply no passion to fight for a civilisation that appears to be in collapse, appears to hate itself, and appears to be vindictive to other states on the world stage. Say what you like about Trump, but he actually seemed to be able to respect the nations ranged against the US. This goes a long way. Now, that time appears to have passed. It seems that, in their desperate bid for moral legitimacy, the dominant faction of Western elites are at once going to drive us into a war, whilst the subversive faction of elites are going to stoke the fires of civil war in our own countries while we do it.
Personally, I think we’re in a position of profound weakness. It isn’t that our enemies are strong, it is that we are vulnerable and we don’t really know what we stand for or why we should do what we do. So we will use Israel as a proxy for the expansion of our power and this will become an intolerable nightmare for our opponents, and they will probably decide that the best opportunity they will get to escape Western dominance has arrived. It is going to be painful, bloody, and ruinous, but if ever it could be done, now seems like the time.
I do hope I am wrong.

I very much have the same fears. Some suspect it is a joint Iranian-Russian effort to create distraction, a second front, to stretch western resources. That is not unlikely and sounds like an effective though dangerous plan, but I have NO IDEA!
But: It doesn’t matter for the end result if they lit the fuse or not, the terrible result will be the same.
The Arab uprising Hamas might be speculating on is real. Europe is ripe for the taking, even more so than the USA. The police could very often not end or contain the protests, be it in major cities of Britain, France or Germany.
What is sickening me: EU and all nations proclaim standing with Israel, offer only political support, but triple “humanitarian aid” for the Palestinians. Which means for the Hamas, it is theirs to decide how much is given to the non-active potential future fighters. Most will go into weapons.
I know you would prefer everyone and particularly the USA to abstain from being part of the conflict between Arabs and Israelis, but too many important decision makers in the USA are Jewish and one could say Britain and USA picked that spot of land. Germany started the holocaust and thus also has quite some responsibility and guilt and now has a chance to make up for it by standing with Israel, but apparently won’t.
I am not in favor of many Israeli decisions; I still think it is important that the West stands with them. The constant resolutions by the UN against Israel, it is terrible. They are part of Western Civilization, even if they were often reviled. Their enemies think lowly of us as well, they even hate their own Muslim brethren, but against Israel they are nevertheless united. And the latest attack lowered the bar on ISIS level or below. This evil cannot be left unchecked.
For the notoriously quarreling Arabic nations hate of Israel is a unique uniting factor while the West is united in impossible hyper-moral values and indecisiveness.
I think Sargon/Benjamin is right that we are at a tipping point, a very dangerous moment in time. A Jihad and terror all over the Western world is possible again, even likely. It might even escalate further into wars and World War III, I share his fears.
He is right, even rogue nations like North Korea TALKED with Trump, and be it only for the reason they thought him weak, corrupt, or thought little of him. I think they actually rated him higher than many anti-Trump people though, not as an easy to fool lunatic, but more as the first chance in a while to escape the ongoing Obama/Biden/(Hillary would have been the same) democratic foreign politics that have poisoned the well in Arabic countries and Africa for America and the West. Why did I leave out Asia, the whole rest of the world, actually…
Bad weather is apparently or at least supposedly holding back a ground offensive in Gaza. The neighboring muslim countries don’t love their brethren enough to take thousands of refugees in, why should they, Europe is already preparing to absorb them and they like using their brethren as expendable soldiers. But taking these refugees in, that’s like trying to assimilate the Borg, it’s the other way round…
I told some endangered friends working with lots of muslim workforce to watch out. Just like everywhere in the West most people I know have little contact with the lowly foreign-origin factory workers, but they might be knocking on the office door soon.
I think it is time to make peace in Ukraine, that might also be a calculation of the people behind it. Because the conflict in the Middle East can spiral out of control and lead to riots in the Western countries that were so far safe from terror and war and cheering other nations fighting their wars from the sidelines, safe and secure…
I am writing this with a heavy heart.
Most wish not to get involved in the ongoing and dirty Israel vs Palestine/Arabs conflict.
But it is already there, among us, particularly in Europe. The USA can watch and learn how it turns into a caliphate.
Demonstrations, not only against Israel or for Palestine but shows of force and pure numbers of Islam, in major European cities show what will happen.
Look at Nagorno-Karabakh. Mostly forgotten by the media. This is a forced migration if there ever was one. Churches are just getting blown up. The EU stays silent. And everyone else, too. And it is a triumph of Islam over orthodox Christianity.
Unlike Christianity, Islam is united. Turkish people are not Arabs, Arabs among themselves and Africans, they all usually don’t get along with themselves and others at all (just think of Irak/Iran and Sunnites/Schiites). Often quite the opposite.
But against Israel or in matters of Islam they are united, despite all major differences and even dislike or hate they have against each other.
Europe and particularly Germany is turning into a breeding ground of Islam and terrorism that will make the Third Reich, Communism and Wokeness together look like a children’s program.
Hell on Earth in the making.
Many nations in Europe are already beyond the tipping point, even if migration stops.
I already made exit plans and am moving some assets. I am not sure one can survive till pension age here anymore.
Resistance is weak. Most Europeans still don’t see, are passive, or even further this evil. Try speaking up, you get silenced. There is little hope.
Most Europeans, at least the young ones in the age group 18-35, the majority of which are indoctrinated into the politically correct, SJW, woke agenda about diversity, acceptance, pacifism and several other detestable ideologies. They are the same group who deal with eco activism – those are people without jobs or education, if they can block roads early in the morning on work days, they obviously don’t work or study.
I don’t know how this happened, but these people are really fervent about these ideologies – about diversity, acceptance and so forth, but to me they view things from the prism of a childlike view, or rose tinted glasses where everything is like a cartoon – it concludes with a happy end.
These people can’t or refuse to understand that this is a conspiracy against all of us – to be destroyed, indoctrinated, absorbed and assimilated. It’s really disheartening and depressing to be living in Europe and see the leaders are all forcing this upon people and teaching those woke activists to demonize people who oppose this. Which also coincides with a lot of games adding this woke degeneracy, like SWTOR or LOTRO adding beards for women or female hairstyles for men or games like WoW that remove genders or ones like New World or Palia that launch without genders altogether.
This only started a few years ago, before that my biggest “gamer gripes” were that every shooter game wanted to be a Battle Royale trash and there weren’t any classic shooters (with rounds, bomb defusal, team death match) releasing. Now this seems like a silly thing to be unhappy about in the face of what gaming is devolving into.
There is also a huge bunch of university educated and totally unproductive activists among them. The woke agenda also infected intelligentsia thoroughly!
And yeah, it spread to video games and even SciFi literature. The tide seems to be turning, but too many people are comfortable in a rose tinted view of the world. They still have enough money and privileges to bother with dirty politics and rather spew forth nonsensical idealistic ideals that cannot prevail in reality. That elevates them morally over anyone else and makes them untouchable. It’s stupid and vain, but that’s the situation right now. Politicians bow to this nonsense and make it worse.
We are living Michel Houllebecq’s “Submission” novel. Islam is taking over as the native population lost its ways.