The Mark of the Beast has been rolled out in the Baltic nation of Lithuania. Citizens must have a COVID Pass in order to buy, sell and even obtain basic human services and necessities. People who rightly refuse to take the experimental vaccination are being “othered” and treated like vermin. They are being told by prominent Lithuanian intellectuals that they deserve to die from the China virus AKA COVID-19.
What follows is the harrowing account from a Lithuanian man named Gluboco Lietuva who relates to the world what it’s like to be non-personed and cancelled in the former Soviet controlled state. This is similar to what has happened in “civilized” countries like Australia and Canada. Gluboco has also written a shocking expose of what life is like in Lithuania with greater details about the so-called Opportunity Pass.
Take back your freedom while you still can! Resist these tyrants!
Here’s the complete transcript of his thread on Twitter, just in case the tyrants at Twitter HQ in San Francisco decide to delete it for their globalist masters:
With no COVID Pass, my wife and I are banished from society. We have no income. Banned from most shopping. Can barely exist. But we will not accept authoritarianism.
Here’s how life looks after one month in Lithuania, under Europe’s first strict, society-wide COVID Pass regime:
My wife and I have been suspended without pay for 4 weeks. We can’t return to our jobs. Not sure our employers would let us back. Even if they did, our colleagues despise us, wish on social media for our death. Nothing we can do will ever erase that. We can’t work there.
We can’t find new jobs in our professions. My wife and I have very different jobs in very different fields. But all jobs in both our fields now require the COVID Pass. No Pass, no job.
We’re not allowed to buy food in the local supermarket. We may only shop in small stores with street-facing entrances which mainly sell food, pharma, glasses/contacts, or farming/pet supplies. In our area, that effectively limits us to one small, expensive convenience store.
The Pass has wreaked havoc with the free market. Supermarkets which require the Pass report shopper traffic is down 25% in the month since the Pass was imposed. But in the small stores where the Pass isn’t required, it’s up only 0.7%. So where have the shoppers gone?
We now buy food in old Soviet-style markets: outdoors, in parking lots, products sold on street, tiny tables, or from back of cars. Produce, eggs, cheese, meat, fish. Cash only. No Pass required. Not as convenient as a supermarket. But it works for now. Life finds a way.

I need to make some home repairs. But without a Pass, I can’t enter the hardware store to buy supplies. I can’t call for a repair worker because repairs are banned for non-Pass holders. And I have no income now to pay for outside help anyway. So our home stays unrepaired.
We went to the dentist we’ve attended for years for an appointment for one of my children, but had to leave because I don’t have a COVID Pass. No other dentist in our area will see us. We’ve heard of dentists who treat people with no Pass, but they’re far. So no dental care.
We tried to buy art supplies for our kids from a craft store. No purchase allowed without a Pass — we tried to buy educational toys in a toy store. We were barred from entering — can’t buy kitchen supplies. Banal, but frustrating.
We tried to print some papers in a copy shop. The staff refused us service without a Pass — we can’t enter the library to browse books with our kids. That used to be one of our family’s greatest pleasures. But we’re not allowed any more because we don’t have a COVID Pass.
Our two kids outgrew/destroyed last winter’s clothes. We tried to buy new ones. But with no Pass, many stores rejected us. Finally, my pregnant wife begging, tears in her eyes; a manager at a second-hand store relented: “Just this once, ok? Can’t let you people in here again.”
This pressure to submit is everywhere. And it’s overwhelming. Our ability to survive has been destroyed. But no matter the suffering imposed and the hardships we must endure, we will never accept the descent into the authoritarianism which the COVID Pass represents.
QR code to enter stores? COVID Pass needed to work? Government approval needed to buy food, toys, clothes? No. No. No. The COVID Pass regime of government segregation and control — punishing undesired behavior with banishment from society – is the path to authoritarianism.
When COVID vaccinations were released, the original policy was education, trust, and informed consent to vaccinate targeted groups. But policy changed in 2021: choice and trust was replaced by coercion and punishment. You’ve shredded trust in public health for generations.

Government approval to exist in society. Banishment based on arbitrary rules. Recording of all people’s movements. That’s not health; it’s control and power. This new authoritarian control will only grow to ban ever more behavior as bureaucrats push to expand their power.

Like many cases in history, our slide towards authoritarian control in 2021 — in Europe and throughout the world – has fueled, and been fueled by, hatred and othering which is encouraged by government and stoked by the media. And it’s ripping our society apart.
Segregation. Blame for disease. Accusation of wartime betrayal. Incitement. Persecution. This is not a history textbook. This is the reality of life for my family in 2021. Our humanity has been erased. This is wrong. So deeply, deeply wrong.

Our winter is long, cold, dark. My wife and I don’t have savings to last till spring. But despite hardship, we decided resistance is our moral path. We want our kids some day to feel pride towards us, not disgust. Freedom is fragile, and we must defend it. If not us, then who?
You have inflicted so much suffering on us already. You plan to hurt us even more this winter. But know this: We will never accept your COVID Pass regime. We will never accept the control, segregation, and hate. We will never accept this descent into authoritarianism.
We do not stop you earning a living, though you stop us. We do not ban you from buying food and clothing, though you ban us. We do not hate you, though you hate us. We do not banish you, though you banish us. We do not wish death upon you, though you wish death upon us.

And when the time comes, as it inevitably will, when you too are banished by the ever-increasing, arbitrary rules of the new authoritarianism, we will fight for your rights just as we fight now for ours. Because we are all equal. And we all have equal right to exist in society.
In addition, here’s another thread including a video that Gluboco made that shows how every aspect of life is regulated in Lithuania:
First things first, I am vaccinated and would recommend everyone to do so, too.
But… it always gets interesting after the but, right?
Governments all over the world plus the populations of their countries panicked. They got driven mad by virologists, epidemiologists, the mass media, and their own government. Weak populations relied on their weak governments with equally weak leaders to solve this problem for them.
Panic spread. To the point that I was afraid of one of my best un-vaccinated friends. His mere breath. Shaking hands with him.
A good, strong government would have given people hope and support. Look at Europe, America, the world in general… and be disappointed.
What got killed a lot more during this overblown pandemic than people was FREEDOM. Covid will also serve as textbook example how one can control a population by fear.
Profit was and still is being made by people seeing a crisis as a chance. FFP2 mask deals and similar things are chimp change compared to the money made by Pfizer and similar pharma companies. Also see how AstraZeneca, who sold their vaccine for little profit intentionally, got bad mouthed and the reputation of their vaccine destroyed. There were also vaccines developed that cost little, a German professor made an even cheaper and effective one, he tried it on himself and his family and some co-workers. Justice and police went after him, wish they would go so hard and fast after terrorists. Silenced and still under investigation. It’s always interesting if people don’t get brought to court immediately and publicly. First there has to be found evidence to get the wanted result. Cough, cough.
Bigger Pharma showing its power and lobbyism at its best. Not even big pharma like AstraZeneca can win against even bigger pharma like Pfizer.
Lithuania and its covid measures are not different, but just the same as in a lot of European nations, or Australia and New Zealand. I do not know exactly how it is in different US states. Even small school kids had to wear or still wear masks. People do not get fired from certain jobs that mandate a vaccination, but they no longer get to work or any money either. But they are not getting fired. That’s rich, isn’t it?!
I am a bit torn. I think people working in the health sector with lots of elderly people should get vaccinated. But a terrible can of worms is opened if it is made mandatory. Or if it is made de facto mandatory by making it extremely difficult not to be vaccinated.
Many European nations have lots of court decisions that declare this or that covid measure to be against the constitution. Most criticism was swept aside by declaring them “emergency measures”, others declaring the whole state of emergency to be no longer existing were simply ignored so far.
This pandemic is quite different to the medieval Black Death, I have personally known only one elderly person to die to it within hundreds of kilometers to Covid. There are numerous deaths reported, but bear with my heresy, I would expect a lot higher death count in a worldwide pandemic. Instead we get only the infection numbers across the whole nation every day in the news.
Fact checkers on Facebook, other social networks and Youtube effing censor people criticizing covid-measures or promoting conspiracy theories. This is bad…
The thing is, nobody, especially not a random dude following guidelines set by a company or government, should be given that power. Newsflash, everyone must check facts for themselves. Only socialist states are keen on making sure that everyone gets educated to the correct truth. People having in our opinion weird ideas or disagreeing are not the enemy. They are fellow citizens and friends.
Freedom isn’t for free. We must fight for their rights, even if we are not affected and even if we do not agree completely or at all.
Socialist welfare nanny state mentality is on the rise in Europe. Stone age immigrants from muslim countries rake in the social benefits of Europe and help accelerate its demise.
So far speaking up against this puts one at great personal risk and the mass of the population is not yet miserable enough to revolt. For decades, the “West” was on the rise. Apparently, we must know real hardship again to truly understand the meaning of “FREEDOM” again. Democracy is failing hard in the West. It is abolishing itself. History has many lessons, but they must be repeated over and over the hard way… to be forgotten and ignored again. Dark times are ahead.