This page is a repository for news stories that chronicle the ongoing political and ideological bias and acts of blatant censorship and memory holing being perpetrated by Wikipedia management and their editors. Wikipedia is nothing more than Marxist and post-Modern propaganda disguised as crowdsourced knowledge.
Lauren Southern Sends Defamation Complaint to Wikipedia over Long-Running Smear Campaign
Published by T.D. Adler on Breitbart.com December 21, 2020
Documentary filmmaker Lauren Southern has submitted a defamation complaint to Wikipedia in response to a long-running smear campaign against her on the online encyclopedia by the site’s left-wing editors. Southern’s past activities have been misrepresented or taken out of context, such as details regarding her ban from entering the U.K. over prior political speech and her speaking events in Australia and New Zealand, which were subject to repeated cancellations following activist pressure campaigns. As Southern explains, “I don’t even recognize the individual they call ‘Lauren Southern’ on Wikipedia.”
5 Times Studies Proved Wikipedia’s Left-Wing Bias
Published by T.D. Adler on Breitbart.com November 28, 2020
Multiple academic studies and critical analyses of Wikipedia have pointed towards the site’s left-wing bias. The findings include its content being more left-leaning than Encyclopedia Britannica and left-leaning editors being more active and partisan than right-leaning editors. Left-wing outlets have been found to be the top-cited sources and represent most citations on articles about American politicians, and right-leaning editors have at the same time been found to be six times more likely to face sanctions.
The Main Author of Wikipedia’s Steele Dossier Page Is a Russiagate Truther
Published by Breitbart September 5, 2020
Wikipedia’s page on the infamous dossier crafted by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele is heavily slanted in favor of treating the dossier as a credible document, despite it being debunked by multiple federal investigations. One reason for this bias is the page’s primary author, “Valjean” a.k.a. Paul Lee, who is also an active member of the anti-Trump “Resistance” on Twitter as “TheDudeSeesAll” and relentlessly pushes baseless claims on Wikipedia and social media that Trump is a Russian asset.
Analysis: Wikipedia Articles on American Politicians Mostly Cite Leftist Media
Published by Breitbart August 17, 2020
On Wikipedia criticism site Wikipediocracy, a user posted a sourcing analysis for articles about recent American politicians and found the news outlets cited in the articles were often left-wing. In gauging bias, the analysis relied on two separate sites measuring media bias. One showed a clear majority of sources were left-wing, while another showed a plurality. Both showed conservative outlets were a very small minority of sources.
Wikipedia Editors Censor Evidence Exonerating Michael Flynn
Published by Breitbart August 10, 2020
On Wikipedia articles about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, editors have worked to exclude or downplay evidence cited by the Justice Department in support of dismissing charges that claim Flynn knowingly made materially false statements to the FBI regarding conversations with a Russian Ambassador. Such evidence includes FBI agents believing he was not lying and Flynn only pleading guilty after prosecutors threatened to go after his son.
Wikipedia Blacklists Zero Hedge, Smears Federalist Following NBC Hit Piece
Published by Breitbart July 20, 2020
Editors on Wikipedia had financial blog Zero Hedge banned as a Wikipedia source following a NBC News hit piece about its criticism of Black Lives Matter, which got the blog temporarily demonetized by Google and labeled “far-right” on its Wikipedia page. The Federalist, also targeted by the piece and threatened with demonetization, was smeared when editors repeated false claims in the initial piece followed by further negative edits to the outlet and founder Ben Domenech’s pages. Both were previously smeared on Wikipedia.
Five Cases of Wikipedia Editors Smearing Tucker Carlson
Published by Breitbart July 18, 2020
Editors on Wikipedia have repeatedly added smears about Fox News pundit and journalist Tucker Carlson to the site since his show became a major voice supporting President Donald Trump. This has included attacks over his criticism of the Russiagate collusion narrative, his comments about immigration, his use of “Chinese coronavirus” to refer to the current pandemic, and even trying to minimize a violently threatening Antifa “protest” outside his house where his wife was alone at night.
Wikipedia Editors Sanitize the Page of Potential Biden VP Kamala Harris
An article in the Intercept last week reported that a Wikipedia editor was scrubbing the page of former Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), considered a prominent member of the shortlist to be Joe Biden’s Vice Presidental pick. The piece mentioned changes such as removing a past campaign finance scandal and Harris’ record as a hard-line prosecutor. Changes not mentioned include removals of the alleged role nepotism played in her early political career and significant favorable additions about Harris.
Wikipedia Editors Censor Antifa Involvement in Riots, Past Violence
Published by Breitbart June 18, 2020
After riots over the death of George Floyd in police custody prompted renewed attention to the violent far-left group Antifa, editors on Wikipedia sought to keep out or minimize any mention of Antifa’s involvement in rioting as part of the group’s page on the site. Material about past Antifa violence was also removed and an effort has been made to soften or remove the description of Antifa as a far-left militant group.
Facebook Embraces Wikipedia as ‘Arbiter of Truth’
Published by Breitbart June 13, 2020
Facebook is testing a new feature that integrates Wikipedia pages in Facebook search results. Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger admitted in May that the popular open collaboration encyclopedia is riddled with leftist bias.
According to a report by TechCrunch, Facebook is testing a new feature that integrates Wikipedia information in Facebook search results. The function will provide users with information from Wikipedia when searching for things like politicians, movies, and celebrities with the Facebook search bar.
Wikipedia: A Disinformation Operation?
Published by Zerohedge March 10, 2020
Wikipedia is generally thought of as an open, transparent, and mostly reliable online encyclopedia. Yet upon closer inspection, this turns out not to be the case.
In fact, the English Wikipedia with its 9 billion worldwide page views per month is governed by just 500 active administrators, whose real identity in many cases remains unknown.
Moreover, studies have shown that 80% of all Wikipedia content is written by just 1% of all Wikipedia editors, which again amounts to just a few hundred mostly unknown people.