Tag: Blizzard
Many years ago when I first started to be seduced by the charms of EverQuest — the first fully realized 3D virtual world — I was overcome with a feeling …
Almost everyone likes new. In our culture, newness gets an undeserved sense of respect and cachet. There’s a sense of anticipation and mystique about an upcoming film, a new restaurant, …
Most MMO enthusiasts have noticed a sharp decline in the quality of the WoW community of late. Cursing, nastiness, bullying and other forms of rudeness have now become endemic in …
There's an aging corpulent MMO dinosaur that is lumbering under the weight of its own arrogance and sloth. This MMO has grown too big for its environment and is due …
There's a revolution going on in the video game industry. Each day hundreds of millions of players log on and experience the phenomenon called social gaming in games like Farmville, …
There’s more Red Shirt Guy news today. As well as the fact that the video of him asking that now famous question of the lore devs at BlizzCon has seen …
As an observer of Blizzard for many years, I've noticed that they rarely engage or debate the public in open and independent forums. The Blizzard public relations machine runs a …
Earlier this week, Blizzard released the Cataclysm cinematic to the public. I find this anti-climatic given the fact that BlizzCon is only a few days away. Perhaps this might …
At least for me, the big appeal of participating in a MMORPG was the fact that you could interact with other people online. Not only could you band together to …
Think for just a moment, what would happen if we took the most classic sports and games of all time and asked two of today's most successful gaming companies Blizzard …
Every two years as a WoW expansion draws nearer, it seems I have to write the same article questioning the validity of Blizzard's beta selection process. Despite pointing out …
Over the years, I've spent spent too much time obsessing about my obsession for one particular MMO: EverQuest . What is it about this enigmatic game/experience/world that keeps haunting me? …