Tag: Blizzard
This Friday October the 10th hails the beginning of Blizzcon 2008. Typically that includes announcements about future WoW expansions. It got me to speculating about what Blizzard plans on doing …
A few nights ago while playing my paladin in the Wrath of the Lich King beta I overheard a conversation in General Chat in the Borean Tundra. There were two …
Lately there have been some good discussions in the blogosphere lamenting the erosion of one of the key facets of MMO's: grouping. I made a few comments on some of …
Today I read a very interesting thread on the official Blizzard forums about details about the quests for WoW's first hero class: the Deathknight. Orophino points out that in order …
Lately I've started wondering about the validity of the selection process for the beta test of Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King. In the Burning Crusade Blizzard admitted that players …
Once you progress to 25 person raids -- WoW becomes a virtual job. Many guilds start off as "casual, family style" guilds but soon end up becoming hardcore raiding guilds. …
It was in that moment that I made a value judgement about EverQuest2 as a whole. Instead of using the quality of the game play, the graphics, the quests as …
For a time WoW had both elements of right brain tribalism as it’s main underlying premise for being. Community driven game play was the cohesive element that made WoW really …
It's one thing to talk about this problem and hear anecdotal stories from players. It's another thing entirely when you see hard evidence that proves conclusively that Blizzard is literally …
The bizzare way that Blizzard seems to be giving everything away lately is a real cause for concern. It's like they are dismantling WoW one feature at a time in …
Given that we have no server GM’s in WoW, I like to take time out of my busy play schedule to do unpaid volunteer customer service work for Blizzard. As paying …
About a week ago, I started pondering the question: is Blizzard working on WoW 2 yet? Sure enough, Tobold the resident Nostradamus of the MMO world just posted a thought provoking article on that very subject. …