After a complaint from a three young women who constitute a local activist group called Carmel Against Racial Injustice, the bishop of Lafayette Indiana diocese named Timothy Doherty decided to genuflect before these cancel culture bullies and promptly removed Father Theodore Rothrock as the pastor of the parish.
What was Father Ted’s heinous crime?
He called Black Lives Matter hooligans and ANTIFA terrorists who were burning down cities “maggots and parasites.” The activists and the corrupt Marxist media misrepresented his comments to make it seem like he was using this language against peaceful protesters these. They also implied that Father Ted was a “racist” without producing an ounce of proof. Playing the race card is like having a super power or waving a magic wand — suddenly everyone cowers in fear.
I wonder if Bishop Timothy Doherty would have have been appalled at Our Lord Jesus Christ when he used similar harsh language toward the Scribes and Pharisees:
“You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?”
“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.”
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.“
This tiny Facebook “activist” group is aligned with Black Lives Matter and and was just formed in June 16, 2020 with the purpose of destroying the lives of anyone that disagrees with the BLM agenda.
When Catholics who support Father Ted, got together to pray the Holy Rosary at the St. E.A. Seton campus, three members of the activist group tried to disrupt their prayers. Here is a video showing the police ejecting the troublemakers.

The F.B.I. has designated Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist group that has recently been involved in calling for the deaths of police offers, instigated insurrection, riots and arson, have advocated the tearing down of historical and Christian statues, and promote the destruction of the nuclear family and are avowed Marxists who hate America.
As a devout Roman Catholic I fully support Fr. Theodore, the entire contents of his magnificent missive, and his First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Father Ted has a sacred duty to call out evils of domestic terrorists like Black Lives Matters, and anarchists like ANTIFA.
Father Theodore is a rare man of courage and conviction in a world of cowardice and darkness. Most Catholic priests and bishops cower in fear when the going gets tough. Father Ted needs our prayers and support.
You can show your support by signing this petition:
Concerned Catholics can charitably contact Bishop Timothy Doherty at (765) 742-0275 to register their feelings on the matter.
The following is the verbatim text of a missive that Fr. Theodore Rothrock published in the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish bulletin Sunday June 28, 2020. (Note: I have broken it into paragraphs for better readability)
The Lady (Doth) Protest Too Much, Methinks
This dialogue is from Hamlet is taken from Act 3, scene 2 and is a response to Hamlet’s query: “how like you this play?” The line suggests a hidden agenda that is revealed in the objections, where the accuser is actually the perpetrator.
History is replete with examples of misdirection. In 2001 the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas of Bamyan, the 6th century monumental statues of Gautama Buddha in central Afghanistan, claiming them to be pagan idols. The world was horrified, but did nothing about it.
Despots and tyrants have always employed accusation and distortion to achieve all manner of mischief in an effort to shape and mold public opinion. Anyone currently doing business with Amazon could not help notice the prominent banner headline from the internet giant touting their proud support for “Black Lives Matter.” But do those black lives really matter to the community organizers promoting their agenda? Is “Antifa” concerned with the defeat of fascist right-wing nationalism or more interested in the establishment of left-wing global socialism?
The brutal murder of a black man in police custody has sparked a landslide reaction to the alleged systemic racism in America. We are being told that the scars of race relations in this country are really unhealed wounds that continue to fester and putrefy: amputation is required! Reforms must be sweeping and immediate to crush the rising wave of racism that pervade the nation and perverts the body politic.
On the heels of the Covid sequestration, the bottled-up tension of an isolated population has exploded into riots and demonstrations that we have not seen the like in fifty years.
What would the great visionary leaders of the past be contributing to this discussion at this time? Would men like Frederic Douglas and the Reverend King, both men of deep faith, be throwing bombs or even marching in the streets? Would they be pleased with the murder rates in our cities or the destruction of our families by the welfare system? Would they see a value in the obliteration of our history to re-write a future without the experience and struggles of the past? Would we tear down their monuments? Who are the real racists and the purveyors of hate?
You shall know them by their works.
The only lives that matter are their own and the only power they seek is their own. They are wolves in wolves clothing, masked thieves and bandits, seeking only to devour the life of the poor and profit from the fear of others. They are maggots and parasites at best, feeding off the isolation of addiction and broken families and offering to replace any current frustration and anxiety with more misery and greater resentment.
The message of peace that comes to us in Christ is the gospel we carry in common with the Orthodox Churches and other Christians. We must stand in solidarity with our brethren across the world to oppose this malevolent force.
Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the other nefarious acolytes of their persuasion are not the friends or allies we have been led to believe. They are serpents in the garden, seeking only to uproot and replant a new species of human make in the likeness of men and not in the image of God. Their poison is more toxic than any pandemic we have endured.
The father of lies has not just been seen in our streets, we have invited him into our home. Now he is prowling lie a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, strong in your faith.
― Father Theodore Rothrock
Additional References
Patrick Coffin Supports Father Ted
Glenn Beck supports Father Ted
Eternal Life Plan’s Christine Harrington supports Father Ted
Tony Katz’s Article
Lifesite News Article
Greetings Wolfshead!
I very much appreciate your willingness to call out the industry we (used to) be so fond of, document what has been going on, and share your conservative and Catholic perspective on these matters.
I have a concern I’d like to share though, as someone who has been a regular reader for a few years now: I’m worried that my willingness to click on headlines like “Daybreak Games Smashes the Fourth Wall with Pride Month Virtue Signalling in EverQuest” will end before your need to write posts like that will.
As things in the areas you write about have gone from bad to worse lately, and as you are so diligent about documenting this decline and calling out those responsible, it is perhaps unavoidable that your posts, and particularly their headlines, have become more negative.
Here lately I’ve been cutting back on the amount of bad news I subject myself to, particularly national and international news outlets that endlessly report the latest terrible things to have happened, all well outside my actual sphere of influence. I figure I’ll get enough bad news through conversation with my family, friends, and coworkers that I don’t need it greeting me in my inbox every morning too.
I don’t want your site to become another one of those sources of “bad news” that I have to become measured in my consumption of, or unsubscribe from and only occasionally visit.
I am *not* saying anything as simple as “post more happy stuff” or “stop telling me all this bad news”. Maybe there’s nothing to be changed because you’re doing the work you need to be doing right now. I certainly don’t want you to stop telling the truth or to “fake it” and write something you don’t really feel like writing.
Anyways, much love and respect brother. Keep fighting the good fight!
P.S. Your RSS feed link ( seems to be down?
Hello Seth,
Thanks for a thoughtful, considerate and well-crafted post!
I share your observations about the state of the world and the effect that bad news can have on our levels of stress. All of us are living with increased anxiety these days. Suicides and depression are at all time highs, combined with the COVID virus, this is a perfect storm of negativity.
I get it. The very issue you have brought up has been on my mind lately. I too realize that the subject matter I have been covering is very negative in the past few years — especially the past few months. In a way I believe my site is mirroring the madness of the world at large but trying to shine a critical light on it.
I started this blog many years ago because I was genuinely passionate about MMORPGs and I wanted to share that passion with others. I thought I could pitch in and make fantasy virtual worlds better by giving long form analysis of things like design, art and more that isn’t normally available on message forums.
I didn’t set out to become a bad news site or a clickbait site with negative stories like Buzzfeed, Breitbart, Gawker, HuffPo and the rest. A few months ago I decided to remove all ads from this site as a matter of principle. I lose money running this site and that’s okay. I also spend a lot of time writing articles and I have no regrets doing so.
To be honest, I don’t relish the thought of writing yet another Daybreak Games article about LGBTQ inclusion and how identity politics propaganda has no place in virtual worlds. I do it because I feel I have a duty to chronicle what is going on and for the Internet to have one single, solitary outpost of dissent available to people who share my views and are appalled at studios like Blizzard and Daybreak Games for violating the sacred trust of their customers.
Interestingly enough, the gaming studios have no answers, nor can they refute my objections. They just keep mindlessly chanting their PRIDE and diversity bumper sticker slogans concocted by their HR and diversity and inclusion departments and hope that rank and file gamers won’t care. I’d love to debate Jeff Kaplan or J. Allen Brack or anyone. But they will never leave the safety of their gilded ivory towers.
If big gaming sites like Kotaku, Polygon, Massively Overpowered and others were actually doing their job and being objective then I would not have to be creating articles like this. But they are complicit in spreading woke propaganda that is killing the entertainment industry.
To my knowledge I am the only site that has even created articles protesting the LGBTQ content that Daybreak Games is gratuitously including in EverQuest. Since nobody else is doing so, I feel I have a duty to call out evil when I see it. EverQuest is sacred to me. I’ve invested many years of my life into it both as a guide and a player. I just couldn’t live with myself if I saw injustice and evil and refused to say anything about it.
Not many people are left who are standing up for the concept of ideological neutrality in the video game business. Other than myself, I can think of only a few such as OneAngryGamer and The Quartering. If I don’t speak up and say something when I see something wrong, I have no right to complain when things get worse because I was silent.
Every now and then I get hate mail and vicious ad hominem attacks. It’s not pleasant but it’s what happens as Winston Churchill noted: when you stand up for something, you make enemies.
I would rather be right than popular. I want to tell the truth to the best of my ability. If my readership goes down to zero, then at least I went down fighting the good fight. Many people share my views, but in this world dominated by the identity politics cult and cancel culture, they are too afraid to agree with me in public. Ignore the enemy at your own peril, no matter how obedient you are, the mob will come for you in the end too.
In recent years my goal for this site has changed. I want to have one place where people can speak the truth about the insanity that has overtaken our world with regard to wokeness and entertainment. I want people to be able to come here and comment without fear of being fired, doxxed, and insulted. I guess I see this site as one of the last outposts of sanity in a mad world. As corporate America becomes more hegemonic with woke group think, the last bastion of freedom will be privately owned websites.
Many websites no longer even allow comments. The crowd-sourced ethos of Internet that we knew and loved for all these years is quickly coming to an end. The writing is on the wall; free speech is all but dead. Disagree with those who rule this world and you’ll be branded a racist, a bigot, etc.
I got red pilled during the Gamergate incident. When I saw all the evidence, I determined that the video game press had been taken over by social justice warriors armed with journalism degrees. Now those very same people have infiltrated the top echelons of the video game industry and the workforce.
For the record, I put my heart and soul into my articles. I have scores of unfinished articles too that I hope to release someday.
Honestly, I would love to get back to writing more positive articles that deal with game design. A few weeks ago, I posted an article about EverQuest Next concept art to break things up. I intend on doing more of that in the future. For the record, I posted a link to that article on Reddit EverQuest subreddit and one person laughed. The article got no traction at all. Maybe, I’ve scared all the normies away. Maybe nobody cares or even believes that the EverQuest franchise has a future after years of mismanagement by SOE and others.
Fifteen years ago, the MMORPG was relatively new and full of possibilities. Now, it’s old and stale. Nobody seems to care anymore about the genre. More and more MMO blogs are closing, there are practically none left. The genre is stagnant and decrepit. Most people have given up trying to change the MMO studios. Most studios are full of egotistical and vain people that think their way is the best. The MMO industry has become an aristocracy where they dictate everything. So be it.
I don’t want to write articles about “how to max your DPS as a frost mage in WoW”, that’s boring and silly. I’m about this pushing the genre forward and holding those who have power accountable.
I’m not even sure most MMO players even read text articles anymore. Reading takes effort! Chances are they are watching Twitch streamers like Asmongold or other YouTube celebrities.
I feel like a reluctant warrior for truth and the kind of world we used to live in a few years ago — before this woke madness took over. The only consolation I have is that in the end the good guys will win. My Christian faith is what keeps me going.
Your advice is well taken and very much appreciated. I’m going to try to write more positive non-political articles to keep this site a bit more balanced. I even tried my hand at satire with the WoW statues article a few weeks ago, again barely any response. I’m working on pre-production for an indie game right now so I may have to scale back some of my articles.
Finally, let me make an analogy. If you see your neighbor’s house on fire, are you going to immediately call the fire department or are you going to talk to your neighbor about the new car they just bought? You are going to call the fire department. As long as the video game industry continues to engage in the cult-like behavior of promoting cultural Marxism and indoctrinating players, how can I in good conscience as a MMORPG commentator ignore that?
I absolute hate writing about identity politics in video games, but one does not get to choose the times one lives in. If we do nothing, remain quiet, cower in fear, and let the shrill insane minority control the narrative, then we most certainly will get the video game industry we deserve.
Thanks for your wonderful post. It gave me lots to think about. Thanks for being a loyal reader Seth!
P.S. I think I fixed the RSS thing. Thanks for letting me know 🙂
(various edits — lots of things on my mind)
A response bordering on a blog post in thoroughness! What a privilege to be its instigator! My post was far from wonderful but thank you for saying so, haha.
And yes my RSS reader got your new post about the Bias Response Team Cartoon.
Thanks again Wolfshead!
Glad you liked it and thanks for stopping by. Fair warning: I may have a few more negative articles in the can before I can start working on some positive far. Bear with me 🙂