Category: MMORPGs
Don’t have time to play WoW? Not enough time to raid? Blizzard has never made it easier to feel connected to Azeroth without actually playing. Case in point: in …
Anyone who’s analyzed the success of Blizzard’s insanely popular World of Warcraft can not help but have heard the mantra: “Easy to learn, hard to master”. Their designers have lovingly …
Today Blizzard announced that previously restricted classes such as paladins and shamen would finally be allowed to be played by the opposite faction for the upcoming expansion The Burning Crusade. …
Sometimes the best observations about life are made when one is away from the familiar -- be it people, jobs, hobbies or past-times. A recent autumn drive through the scenic …
After playing traditional fantasy MMORPG's for over 6 years, I have come to believe that a class system is an important foundation for how we classify and organize the players …
What would happen if suddenly all the loot stopped dropping in your favorite MMORPG? Would there be widespread panic in the streets? Would your online world come to a grinding …
The seductive siren song of technological progress constantly beckons. Medicine, industry, commerce, and entertainment are all driven by the promises that scientific advancement brings. Many think that technology is advancing …
Over the weekend, I finally watched a film that had been on my “to watch” list for the last few years: Pay It Forward. I had always shied away from …
As a frequent participant over at the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes discussion forums it’s no secret that I have been questioning Sigil’s decision to use the culture and geography of …
Although the news of SOE's decision to faciliate the sale and exchange of items, money and characters is a few weeks old I and <a href="">others</a> who comment on the …
Recently Blizzard introduced the long-awaited Honor System into the <a href="">World of Warcraft</a> MMORPG. The Honor System seems to be an attempt to motivate players into participating into an unending …
What is it about the concept of belief that captivates the imagination of the human race? I can recall many instances even in cinematic history that demonstrate belief. Alastair Sim’s …