Category: Faith
Eucharistic Adoration is a devotional practice within the Catholic Church where the faithful come to worship and meditate in the presence of the Eucharist, which is believed to be the …
It’s a hobby horse of mine, to occasionally speak truth to power and call out pompous people on X. Professional Canadian Catholic Kennedy Hall recently decided to fat-shame Americans after …
Hello, guest author GoodNewsJim/CrazyJim here. I’m famous for #1 world in games more intellectually demanding than chess: Starcraft, Warcraft3 etc. I have more video game achievements than Faker, Slayers_Boxer, and …
There is no doubt in my mind that Blizzard Entertainment has been infiltrated by Satanists. Just last week, an in-game trailer of the Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred expansion was …
During the 2008 U.S. presidential election campaign, one particular name kept coming up when investigating former community organizer and then-presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama. That name was American community organizer …
I’d like to start a new feature on this website. Every few weeks, as the news warrants, I’d like to start an open article where readers can discuss the latest …
This is the story of Dungeon Run. It was made in 2009, but suppressed by anti-Christian globalists until 2024. It debuted on MTV/Shockwave/Defy. We had a contract they’d pay us …
A war on men, is a war on civilization. No civilization that continually attacks, belittles, marginalizes, alienates, disparages, disenfranchises, and demonizes their men will survive nor should it. –Wolfshead
The irrepressible Vivek Ramaswamy is a rising star in the GOP. He electrified the base with his fearless oratory. Vivek outworked and outclassed every candidate during the Republican Primary, even …
In the wake of the AIDS tragedy in the 1980s, gays turned into a political force to be reckoned with. On one hand, you had militant groups like Act UP …
Do you ever stop to think why most institutions in 2023 are in lockstep with each other and have the exact same politics, beliefs, morals, and values? Why do CEOs, …
In the past 30 years, the insidious pandemic of wokeness has infected Western civilization at an exponential pace. There is not one walk of life that this cancerous ideology has …