Category: Culture
I just read a timely thread on X that explains the pain and alienation that many young Western white men are experiencing under the brutal yoke of modernism. It was …
Just a few hours before BlizzCon 2023 goes live, an autumn chill is in the air in the wee hours of the morning here in the Pacific Northwest. It’s time …
Many of you are probably familiar with Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of Akkad. He’s an English classical liberal who rose to popularity during the Gamergate affair. Carl defended the principles …
The theory of intersectionality states that every non-white, non-Christian, and non-heterosexual person must find a common cause and align against a malefactor. Who is this malefactor? Why it’s the white …
If San Francisco is the Sodom of California, then San Diego is their Gomorrah. The pleasant city of San Diego is home to many video game studios. Many if not …
OpenAI has been in the news in the past year, all thanks to its revolutionary ChatGPT AI service. However, all is not well in this brave new world as ChatGPT …
Do you ever stop to think why most institutions in 2023 are in lockstep with each other and have the exact same politics, beliefs, morals, and values? Why do CEOs, …
If you haven’t heard by now, Heel vs Babyface is a fearless mega-chad in the video game world. Unlike other cowardly streamers like Asmongold who have capitulated to wokeness, he …
My wife used to love leafing through the pages of Real Simple magazine. Back then, it was all about the innocent joys of domestic life that could be found in …
In February of 2023, the formation of Avalon Corp was announced to the world. Avalon proposes to create a platform that gives creatively-minded people tools to revolutionize how games and …
If you’ve ever wondered why millionaire World of Warcraft streamer Asmongold is missing in action on many culture war issues, I may have a partial answer. His company ATK revealed …
Protest music is almost as old as America itself. Before the advent of social media, the only way people could voice speak truth to power was by writing letters to …