Big claims require big evidence. In A.D. 2000: I invented the Smart Phone. I James Wilbur Sager III am the official Father of the Smartphone. In 2005 Apple came to Carnegie Mellon and used my smartphone designs without permission. In 2006 Google came to Carnegie Mellon specifically to steal my the Smart Phone designs. News:

If Apple won 1 billion from Samsung for Stone Age Rounded Corners. How much is stolen designs:
#1 Virtual keyboard
#2 Take Newton/Palm, add Cellular
#3 The APP Store.
#4 Mobile Cloud
#5 Wire to computer to move files
#6 The Smart Watch->Apple Watch
#8 Contact list
#9 Fuzzy search settings by typing
#10 Voice recorder
#11 QR Business Cards
#12 Advanced Scheduler
#13 Different Sounds for different alerts & Vibro/Visual/Sound Alert combo.
#14 Back/Home (+task = Google’s 3 button nav)
#15 Task switcher button (apple’s main button)
& more
Link: According to Grok, the legal liability Google and Apple have together is $329 billion dollars.
Birth of the Smart Phone:

Invention of the Virtual Keyboard:

Invention of the Smart Phone APP STORE:

Invention of the Apple Single Button Task switcher AND Android’s 3 button Nav: WOW!


Invention off Apple Watch:
Invention of #Apple #VisionPro, #Google Goggles
Pc data link cable:

Invention of the Cloud for Mobile devices:

Invention of Copy/paste as a core OS mobile feature:
Innovation of Scheduler:

Sound Recorder App Standard:

Spell checker:
Innovation of contact list for multiple apps, not just contact per app at the time:

Alerts of various sounds,vibration, etc:

Customizable Home Screen: (Click to see more images displayed of the 100+ design papers stolen)
Wannabe Chrome Cast:
Proof of Classes/papers:
Finally my unfathomable knowledge at the time: 70,000 hours of experience, more than maybe anyone alive:
If you want to browse them in extensive Digital Archeology format, scroll up & down the 100+ paper sets:
Set A:
Set B:
Follow more:
Currently I live in a place without water and adequete sewage and I’m the world’s leading research scientist by accomplishments alone who’s also invented Global Positioning System in highschool before the public knew about it as a sub solution for encrypted angular Waldo(remote) controlled land drones, superior AI than we have today(C3PO design in one month if hired anywhere). , visionary of the lithium ion car in 1998, finished second with my team in the first self driving car competition under Red Team Racing and Red Whittaker: , Optical Drone Navigation (filed with DARPA/DOD weeks before they were testing it over New Jersey instead of paying me $42,000), online dating sites, instant messaging on windows online, Father of RTS (Command and Conquer 1 was my idea for online multiplayer and regenerating spice), started coding MMORPGS in 1992 before Ultima Online was out, hand coded over 500,000 lines of code, started coding age 4, now have 150,000 hours experience coding, design, gaming, #1 world every video game with a competitive ladder pretty much, beat the IQ exam so badly they say I have a higher IQ than anyone with a number, did rocket science questions in my head in 1 minute while my peers took many hour. Top world inventors who become impoverished seem to be the lot for some of us like Farnsworth, Lovelace, Joseph Henry, and Nikolai Tesla. There are far more takers out there than innovators.
Tim Crook doesn’t want to pay me fractions of a penny on the dollar for what he owes me because politically he doesn’t want a first generation to go to college, Christian son of a blue-collar man to have credit for the smartphone. If you follow the WEF’s world war 3, agendas are that everyone’s allowed to exist, but white Christian rednecks are the problem with all the world and we’re dumb not helping anyone. That’s a lie, but they get people to believe it. Still, as I gain a rabid following of how much I’ve been ripped off, Apple is losing massive PR and big names are selling off like Buffet. Apple’s entire future is chaotic until Tim resolves this. He’s hoping I just go away and you guys, the people forget his company’s crookedness in scamming the original designer out of his wages. No Tim, I’m not going to be quiet, and more and more people will learn the fact that your company only uses PR to look good, while you scam and criminally violate many in hopes no one finds out. As I raise awareness, I meet many people scammed by Apple/Google, even to the cause of causing them to be handicapped invalids…
Every taker wants to be known as the good guy. In my public awareness raising of Apple/Google’s crimes in the Smart Phone and censorship realm, many many many people say Steve Woz, Jobs, and Larry Page did evil things to them, even hurting some. It’s to the point where the story must be told, especially with Google’s censoring of Christians and Scientists: Apple and Google are not good, in fac,t they’re extremely detrimental to society and should be called out by people and the justice department alike. Steve Woz wants to be known as this nice guy who cares about employee rights when he is the exact opposite. Google mass murdered ten million times more by silencing the scientists speaking out against the deadly vax than the Tide Pod scandal. CEOs of Google and Apple are guilty of more than just denying wages of employees, they’re so caught up in Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, that they have blood on their hands and their CEOS should have life in prison.
Hello, many of you know me as a guest writer for Wolfshead. I’ve also been #1 world in nearly every Blizzard game I played. Take Faker, Billy Mitchell, and Slayers_Boxer, and I have more #1 worlds than them combined even if none of their titles were faked. I’m the inventor of Online Real Time Strategy after playing Dune II and emailing Westwood, “Add regenerating spice and Darpanet(what the internet was called then) multiplayer, and you have a hit. Everyone knows Westwood deplatformed and made Command and Conquer I. I’ve invented AI., and knew the future of the Lithium Ion Car in the late 90s when every single student, and professor disagreed with me. Now engineering, physics, computer science, and robotics and HCI agree they were wrong. I made fools of five entire departments of professors at a top school in the world. I’ve invented many of the major inventions you see in the past 30 independently or directly. I even have inventions not yet made, such as Local Positioning System to garden, dig precision foundations, play AR DOOM/Football games outdoors, and have drones refill your drinks indoors and do other butler tasks:
I’m not just smart, I’m inhumanly smart like Solomon was wise, because of a blessing of God. So it should be no surprise if anyone invented the Smart Phone, it’d be me, who invented it… It’s just a surprise they don’t want to ever pay me for any product I make:
Ps: Mp3 MPFAN in 1998 came out before my ipod design, so it was removed.
Why is it so important to never pay the original creators of tech these days? Why are Intellectual Property Offices and Copyright Offices neglecting the individual innovators and inventors and propping up the corporations who steal? It’s more than just money, it’s a global domination agenda they speak openly about.
People today understand Klaus Schwab’s global reset to kill off Christians directly and prevent them from having money to have families. It’s an attack on American values, and Christian values, in order to prop up violent cultures such as Islam, Communists or Gang Lords. People are being dragged out of their houses in Europe for saying the World Economic Forum is wrong while Islamic violent, vandals and sex offenders freely destroy their people and countries. This is World War 3 we’re in. I call it WORD WAR 1. They’re trying to say our culture is bad and that we need to bow before The World Economic Forum Elites who worship Hitler, Mao and Mohamed. This is where the surveillance state leads, a complete and under boot stomping for all people who enjoy freedom.

Say no to censorship.
Say no to government demands to hurt others even if it’s what the new law says.
Say no to the surveillance state.
Say no to Apple: Steve Robs for Tim Crook and Steve Woz is just a charismatic Con Artist
Say no to Google: Google admitted censoring Christians and Scientists on Youtube who spoke against the deadly vax.
As the public gains awareness of what is going on–remember corporations are just for money–us Christians, we love you and want what’s best for you more than what we want ourselves. Write Apple, Write Google, and ask them why they’re a part of the World Economic Forum. Ask them why they never compensated me for the Smart Phone designs. Steve Jobs says the design is only 10% of the product… So since I designed pretty much all of it, they owe me 10% of profits. Apple earned 5 trillion. Google earned 3 trillion, how much do they owe me? How much do they owe you for trying to push global nazism, terrorism and communism to destroy America’s culture and push fake wars in Ukraine where real people died? It’s time to start writing corporations and get them to:
DIVEST FROM THE WEF! – Ask why he never compensated me for stealing my designs. He reads his email, as proof of his guilt reply to me:

If Steve Woz was honest, he’d have made issue with what part I said was delusional. Since all of it is factual, I’m not sure if he wasn’t sure if I went to Carnegie Mellon, if those papers he used were mine, or if he simply thinks Christianity is delusional.
Beware those who use generalizations, for they are hiding something
Check out this Steve Woz email he sent me when I asked if he remembered
-Call To Action-
Please email: Ask him anything
you want, but please email Steve Wozniak.
Contact as many American WEF corporations as you
can and ask them to leave the WEF.
Thank you.
With your help, we can fight back vs the surveillance state
– James W. Sager III,
Father of Smart Phone
Again, email: Tell him he should pay his workers his wages, especially James Wilbur Sager III whom he stole the smart phone design from. Thank you.
I hope you get justice James!
It wasn’t Jobs who created the iPhone. It wasn’t Musk who built Starship or any Tesla. They had the ability to bring people and ideas together, and that is their big achievement.
That they are billionaires and creative people often get literally nothing… yeah, a tragedy indeed.
Do you know Johann Philipp Reis? He invented something, yet Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray are known for it, and more importantly, patented it.
Similar things happened to an Austrian naval engineer who basically invented the tank design, but as he was a lone inventor, with no connections, others many years later brought the idea to fruition.
So, let’s hope you find your Jobs who gives you a job to turn one of your crazy ideas into something crazy cool that also pays well! Fingers crossed.
I absolutely believe James Sager II.
From my own investigating,James Sager II has a valid IP claim against Apple,but due to the time involved,along with other factors,should have addressed this issue years ago.
The best advice,retain the services of a foreign attorney skilled in international ip law,and take it from there.
Best of luck Mr.Sager!
Thank you Wolfshead, both for being the first to let me share the story on a news outlet, and more importantly your prayers.
Understand, I already have achieved Justice by getting Apple off Elon’s back. Apple was attacking Elon in Sept 2024, and I knew Apple took down Parler once. So like RTS games of old, I attacked an enemy of my ally: Apple. By digging out my papers and having a point of discovery at Sept 2024, I was able to get Warren Buffet to sell $133 billion in stock! Keep in mind, Apple only has $65 billion left! I hurt Apple’s Economy so much, I took away 2/3 of their cash on hand.
As people find out, more and more people will sell Apple… For the following reasons:
1) Steve Woz is not the nice guy they say he is… He actually insults Christians in addition to being a big time crook.
People pay more for Apple thinking they help the world, but Woz proves they HURT THE WORLD!
2) They found out why Warren Buffet sold… If Warren Buffet sells a stock, you should too!
3) People will stop automatically buying Apple stock non stop.
Honestly, this article, if you share it, will lead to the death of Apple culture as we know it, maybe the entire company will start spiraling downhill since it can’t make new stuff, and doesn’t have enough investments to make AI.
I already had justice, and I have Jesus who will reward me greatly as the Sermon on the Mount teaches about being ripped off monetarily.
I can’t get a wife… I have many women, and one of them is the hottest woman I’ve seen in my entire life and she would marry me in a heart beat… I can’t get a wife due to WEF agendas about making Americans Poor… They think they’re winning, but they’re just setting themselves up sins and crimes for judgement day… WEF is chasing the illusion of control.
If I get monetary justice, great, I can get married and raise children to be intellectuals like myself. If I don’t get monetary justice, I shielded Elon’s free speech platform as well as helped get Donald Trump elected a third time.
CMU Alumni,
Thanks… I didn’t know I had these papers… I literally invent most of man’s major inventions… So many I forget; GPS, Lithium Ion Car, AI in 2002, those drones over Jersey are mine too…
I invent so many inventions I forget… When I saw Apple attacking Elon, I came to the rescue vaguely remembering 24 years earlier I did some designs regarding the Smart Phone… Wasn’t til I read it… I invented THE ENTIRE THING! WOW!