Author: Wolfshead
A few weeks ago, my wife and I traveled to Stateline and South Lake Taho, a snow-kissed resort town straddling the California-Nevada border. We weren’t here for the slopes, though. …
There is no doubt in my mind that Blizzard Entertainment has been infiltrated by Satanists. Just last week, an in-game trailer of the Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred expansion was …
Sci-fi writer Devon Eriksen is one of the wisest people on the planet. He just published a devasting reply to NYU professor Yann LeCun. Devon demonstrates how Marxists use deceptive …
A month ago, Blizzard Entertainment released the worst cinematic in Warcraft history on YouTube. It’s an unfocused, unintelligible hot mess. It features a female troll gyrating in a quasi-Haitian Hollywood …
Have you ever heard or read an argument you instinctively knew was flawed but didn’t know how to refute it? One of the best classes I took in university was …
During the 2008 U.S. presidential election campaign, one particular name kept coming up when investigating former community organizer and then-presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama. That name was American community organizer …
I spent the biggest part of my life living in that mosquito-infested frigid land called Canada. From the time I was a child, I felt out of place living there. …
Daybreak Games recently emerged from their bunkers and rented out a presentation hall at Comic-Con 2024 in San Diego to highlight some of their top intellectual properties in the video …
The following is a commentary-free summary of John Hight’s The First 30 Years of ‘Warcraft’: The Making of a Game Universe presentation at GDC 2024. INVEN, a Korean gaming website, …
I’d like to start a new feature on this website. Every few weeks, as the news warrants, I’d like to start an open article where readers can discuss the latest …
In recent years, as social media, advertisers, and governments have become more censorial, the enemies of free speech on the left of the political spectrum have trotted out the slogan: …
One characteristic of the left has always been their blatant disrespect for history and tradition. From the French Revolution to the Black Lives Matter riots to the Paris 2024 Olympics, …