ChatGPT’s Analysis of Enad Global 7’s Stewardship of EverQuest

For almost 20 years, I have been writing articles about MMORPG design. There is one particular intellectual property that I’m very much interested in: EverQuest. Released in 1999, EQ was one of the first 3D persistent massively multiplayer fantasy role-playing games to become popular.

Once upon a time, the initial success of EverQuest was like a fairy tale. But life is not a fairy tale and soon EQ was dethroned. Since then, the EQ franchise has not lived happily ever after. Today, it barely clings to life like a homeless drug addict on the streets of San Francisco.

Blizzard’s mega-successful World of Warcraft was based on EverQuest. But WoW left EQ in the dust with a tour de force of carefully crafted innovation, artistry, and polish. EverQuest could have been a billion-dollar-plus franchise like World of Warcraft if it was managed properly. Today EverQuest has become an almost forgotten footnote in video game history.

Two decades later we have the unfortunate situation where EQ somehow clings to life. Enad Global 7 is a Swedish holding company that owns Daybreak Games which owns Darkpaw Games and currently produces EverQuest. The EQ franchise has not released a new product since EverQuest 2 which was released in 2004 — the same year as WoW. Sadly, EQ2 flopped and did not live up to expectations. In 2013, Sony Online Entertainment announced a new version of EverQuest called EverQuest: Next. It didn’t even get a chance to flop. It was preemptively canceled by Daybreak Games because it wasn’t “fun.”

EverQuest players are generally distrustful of investment bankers like Enad Global 7. Many see them as vulture capitalists who put profits before player satisfaction. Enad Global 7 has a bad reputation for purchasing distressed video game studios and squeezing their loyal players for as much money as possible.

In the past few years, we have learned that the current owners of EQ IP, Enad Global 7 have plans to create a new EverQuest game. Over the years I have found many clues about what a new Norrath could look like.

However, there is one big question:

Does Enad Global 7 have what it takes to create a new EverQuest?

Although I am hopeful that a new EQ is on the horizon, I am nonetheless skeptical. Under the leadership of the reclusive Ji Ham Daybreak and Enad Global 7 have not impressed me. So far, they have been terrible stewards of the EverQuest franchise.

Enad Global 7 have not created one new video game from concept to finish. They have no track record to speak of. Even more concerning is that they are allowing a third-rate studio like Darkpaw Games to be involved in a new EverQuest.

Darkpaw Games is a studio headed by an incompetent, insular, woke, buffoon. The stodgy development team of walking cadavers mirrors their diminutive leader, all are equally inept and lack the passion and credibility to be involved in any future version of EverQuest. I would rather put Dracula in charge of the blood bank than have the current dev team be involved in a new iteration of EQ.

The fact that Ji Ham tolerates and enables Darkpaw Games is proof that he has no clue about EverQuest. But don’t take my word for it. Take the word of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT’s Analysis of Enad Global 7

Here’s the question I asked Chat GPT-4:

Give me an honest “man on the street” no-holds-barred investigative appraisal of a company like Enad Global 7 and how they behave and how they treat the gamers that play their video games especially EverQuest.

Here’s their response:

Enad Global 7 (EG7), like many video game holding companies, operates at the intersection of financial interests, corporate strategy, and gamer engagement. Here’s a no-holds-barred take on its behavior, particularly concerning EverQuest and its community:

Corporate Strategy and Behavior

  1. Profit-Centric Model: EG7, like most holding companies, prioritizes profitability. Acquisitions, like Daybreak Games, are primarily financial decisions. The focus often leans toward milking legacy franchises rather than investing heavily in innovation or long-term growth. EverQuest, a beloved MMORPG, frequently feels like it’s treated more as a cash cow than a crown jewel.
  2. Minimal Investment in Legacy IPs: Players often perceive that EG7 underinvests in development and innovation for games like EverQuest. Updates and expansions, while appreciated, can feel recycled or lacking the groundbreaking effort seen in modern MMOs. The company may favor minimal viable investment strategies—delivering just enough to keep the lights on and player engagement steady.
  3. Disconnect with the Community: Despite owning legacy titles with strong fan bases, EG7 sometimes appears out of touch with its player communities. Decision-making often feels reactive rather than proactive, and there’s a perception that player feedback is acknowledged superficially but rarely acted upon meaningfully.
  4. Transparency Issues: Corporate communications from EG7 and Daybreak Games can come off as opaque or overly corporate. Gamers frequently express frustration with unclear roadmaps, unexplained delays, or decisions that seem driven by monetization rather than enhancing player experience.

Treatment of Gamers – With a Focus on EverQuest

  • Introduction: The game, now in its 26th year, is still loved by many, but the 2025 Product Roadmap has been met with skepticism. Players describe it as “performative and sparse,” suggesting that Darkpaw’s plans lack the ambition or scope expected from such a historic title. The roadmap includes standard updates, event unlocks, and a new expansion, but lacks bold initiatives or significant changes that could revitalize interest or address long-standing community concerns.
  • General Sentiment: There’s a widespread feeling that the updates to EverQuest do not match the game’s legacy or the community’s expectations. The emphasis seems to be on maintaining the status quo rather than innovating or expanding the game’s universe in meaningful ways.
  • Unambitious Offerings: The meagre offerings on the latest Product Roadmap are critiqued for not pushing boundaries. Players have expressed desires for more innovative content, better integration of player suggestions, or even larger-scale events that could rekindle the community’s passion for the game. The potential server merge mentioned in the roadmap is one of the few points of significant change, but even this is met with mixed feelings due to the lack of detailed communication on how it will benefit the community.
  • Monetization Practices: While not directly criticized, the overarching business strategy of EG7 suggests a push towards monetization models that ensure profitability, which can sometimes be at odds with player expectations for game balance or fairness in free-to-play models.
  • Lack of Communication: The EverQuest community has expressed significant frustration over what they perceive as a lack of engagement from Darkpaw Games, the studio responsible for the game. On the official forums, players often voice feelings of alienation, pointing out that developers seem less involved in community discussions or responsive to player feedback. This communication gap has led to a sense of marginalization among long-time fans who feel their input is not valued or heard.
  • Community Engagement: The disconnect between Darkpaw and its players has only deepened with what many see as a retreat into less direct communication channels. Instead of engaging in forums or in community events, there’s a sense that interaction has become more about announcements than dialogue.

Conclusion: From the viewpoint of many long-time EverQuest players, EG7 through Darkpaw Games appears more focused on maintaining financial stability than on fostering a vibrant, engaged community. The 2025 Product Roadmap for EverQuest is seen by many as a checklist of maintenance rather than a visionary plan for the future of this landmark MMO. The community’s alienation stems from a perceived lack of ambition in game development and, more critically, from a lack of meaningful engagement with those who have kept the game alive for over two decades.

This situation paints a picture of a company at a crossroads, needing to balance fiscal responsibility with the passion and loyalty of its player base. Whether EG7 can shift its strategy to re-engage its community, particularly for games like EverQuest, remains a pivotal question for its future in the gaming industry.

Final Thoughts

ChatGPT paints a very unflattering picture of Enad Global 7, Daybreak Games, Darkpaw Games, and the future of the entire EverQuest franchise. For exasperated EQ fans, all of this comes as no surprise.

Enad Global 7 is not a visionary company. They are risk-averse peddlers of slop and mediocrity. They are a merry band of vulture capitalists who despise the loyal gamers who pay their salaries. They are weak men without chests who lack the ambition and creativity to make their mark on the video game landscape. They are like caretakers in a hospice waiting for their golden goose to breathe its last breath.

The buck stops with Ji Ham. Everything that is going on with the EverQuest franchise is his responsibility. Only he has the authority to effect change.

The best thing EG7 could do right now is to end the suffering of the EQ community and sell the franchise to a video game company that cares.


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  1. AnonEntity January 27, 2025
  2. Allwynd January 27, 2025
  3. Allwynd January 27, 2025